Prominent American Allens Of The 1920’s

Prominent American Allens Of The 1920’s

ABEL LEIGHTON ALLEN: Author, lawyer.

ALFRED: Playwright; b., Alfred, N. Y., 1866; s. Rev. Jonathan A., pres. Alfred Univ. Author several books, including “The Master Power.” Add.: Los Angeles.

ALFRED GAITHER: Ex-Congressman.

ANDREW ANIEL: Railway official.

ANDREWS: Engineer; b., Madison, Wis., 1870; s. Prof. Wm. Francis; mem. numerous societies, including Am. Ry. Engineering Assn. Add.: Glencoe, Ill.

ARCH TURNER: State supt. schools; b., Hiddenite, N. C., 1875; s. Geo. James; mem. numerous learned societies; pres. N. C. Teachers’ Assembly. Add.: Raleigh, N. C.

ARTHUR FRANCIS: Editor; b., Warren, Ill., 1867; s. Herbert W.; mem. many learned societies, including Sioux City Acad. Science and Letters. Add.: Sioux City, Iowa.

ARTHUR WATTS: Chem. and metal engineer; b., Devon, Eng., 1879; s. Joseph Reeves; developed nitrate process in Chile, 1919-20; mem. Union Society, etc. Add.: Berkeley, Calif.

BENJAMIN: Wholesale jeweler; b. 1848.


BENJAMIN LEACH: Banker; b., Manchester, Mass., 1874; s. Capt. John Foster; mem. numerous societies, including Union League. Add.: New York, N. Y.

BENNETT MILLS: Prof. Zoology; b., Greencastle, Ind., 1877; mem. A. A. A. S. Add.: Los Angeles, Calif.

CALVIN FRANCIS: Engineer; b., Boston, Mass., 1851; s. Calvin A., City atty., Socorro, N. M., 1886. Add.: West Roxbury, Mass.

CHARLES CLAFLIN: Lawyer; b., St. Louis, 1855; s. John Arthur. Author of several patriotic verses, including “The New America.” Add.: St. Louis.

CHARLES DEXTER: Writer; b., Windsor Lock, Conn., 1865; editor of several papers, including “In Lantern Land.” Add.: Montclair, N. J.

CHARLES EDWARD: Consul; b., Foster, Ky., 1891; consul of Constantinople, 1923. Add.: Constantinople, Turkey.

CHARLES ELMER: Botanist; b., Horicon, Wis., 1899; s. Charles A. Author of several books, including “A Textbook of General Botany.” Add.: Madison, Wis.

CHARLES HERBERT: Banker; b., Lowell, Mass., 1848; s. Otis A.; Rep. nominee for gov. of Mass., 1891; asst. sec. of Navy, 1898-1900, succeeding Theodore Roosevelt. Add.: Lowell, Mass.


CHARLES RICKETSON: Vocational edn.; b., New Bedford, Mass., 1862; s. John A., Author of many books, including “The Man and the Job.” Add.: Washington, D. C.

CLAY: Lawyer.

DUFF: Surgeon; b., Lebanon, Mo., 1895; s. William Thomas; devised first method for performing operations inside a living heart under direct vision. Add.: St. Louis, Mo.

EDWARD ARCHIBALD: University prof.

EDWARD ELLIS: Educator; b., West Newton, Mass., 1861; s. James Theodore; rebuilt Pa. Instn. and Perkins Instn. Add.: Watertown, Mass.

EDWARD FRANK: Editor, author; b., Newark, N. J., 1885; s. Frank R. Author of many books, including “Keeping Our Fighters Fit.” Add.: East Orange, N. J.

EDWARD PATRICK: Bishop; b., Lowell, Mass., s. John A.; consecrated 5th bishop of Mobile, 1897. Add.: Mobile, Ala.

EDWIN WEST: Chemist; b., Amherst, Mass.; s. Lysander. Author of various papers on agrl. chemistry and on history and work of agrl. Add.: Washington, D. C.

ERIC WILLIAMS: Univ. prof.; b., Appleton, Wis., 1879; s. William Judge; mem. of numerous learned societies, including Assn. Teachers of Journalism. Add.: Eugene, Ore.

ERNEST BOURNER: Clergyman; b., Kalamazoo, Mich.; s. George Ladd; contrb. on religious topics. Add.: Oak Park, Ill.

EUGENE THOMAS: Chemist; b., Athol, Mass.; s. Frederick; chem. geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey. Add.: Washington, D. C.

FLORENCE ELLINWOOD: Judge; b., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1884; asst. sec. Nat. Coll. Equal Suffrage League. Add.: Columbus, O.

FRANCIS RICHMOND: Architect; b., Boston, 1843; s. Frederick Deane; mem. of many organizations, including Brookline Country Club. Add.: Boston, Mass.

FRANK G.: Leather mfr.; b., Lynn, Mass., 1874; Gov. of Mass., 1925-26; mem. of Boston Chamber of Commerce; Republican. Add.: Boston, Mass.

FRANK S.: (now dec.); engineer; chief inspector for the Hartford Steam Boiler and Insurance Company. Born in Lyme, N. H. His great-great-grandfather was Ebenezer Allen, one of the leaders of the Minute Men of the Revolution. Recognized as one of the most brilliant engineers in the U. S. Some of the largest power plants in the country were designed and installed under his supervision.

FRANK WALLER: Author; b., Milton Trimble Co., Ky., 1878; s. Frank Gibbs. Author of numerous books, including “Back to Arcady.” Add.: Los Angeles, Calif.

FRED HOVEY: Author; b., Lyme, N. H., 1845; s. Philander. Author of numerous books, including “Popular History of the Reformation,” 1887. Add.: New York, N. Y.

FREDERICK WITHROP: Banker; b., Walpole, Mass., 1877; s. Melzar W.; dir. of Ajax Motor Co. and Otis Elevator Co. Add.: New York City.

FREDERICK BAYLIES: Clergyman; b., 1840; now deceased.

FREDERICK HOBBES: Lawyer; b., Honolulu, T. H.; s. Elisha H.; now Lt-Commander U. S. N. R. F.; res. Decorated Legion of Honor (French). Add.: New York City.


FREDERICK JAMES: Author; b., Limerick, Me., 1864; s. Francis Henry. Author of many books, including “A Topical Outline of English History.” Add.: Boston, Mass.

FREDERICK MADISON: M.D.; b., Des Moines, Ia., 1879; s. Madison Calvin; editor Jour. Metabolic Research. Add.: Morristown, N. J.

FREEMAN HARLOW: College prof.; b., Copenhagen, N. Y., 1862; s. Ebenezer A. Author of many books, including “Studies in American History.” Add.: Hamilton, N. Y.

GEORGE W.: (1843-1928); Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Colorado. He served in the Union Army under Brigadier Harrison Allen, his brother; a member of the House of Representatives of Penna., 1873. In the history of Colorado, he was an outstanding character, and on the bench was very careful of the rights of the oppressed. Retired as Chief Justice, 1927.

GLOVER MORILL: Naturalist; b., Walpole, N. H., 1879; s. Rev. Nathaniel Glover. Author of numerous books, including “Birds and Their Attributes,” also numerous papers chiefly on mammals and birds. Add.: Cambridge, Mass.

GUY FLETCHER: b., Delhi, Mich., 1877; s. George W.; sent to France and Eng. 1918 to establish and install plan providing funds and making payments for U. S. Army. Add.: Washington, D. C.


HANS: Educator.

HARLAND H.: Economist; b., Loyalton, S. D., 1888; s. Albert Barnes; supt. public schools, Kersey, Colo., 1915-16. Add.: New York, N. Y.

HENRY JUSTI: Governor; b., Warren Co., 1868; s. John A.; organized “Home Communication Service” of Am. Red Cross in France. Add.: Wichita, Kan.

HENRY TUREMAN: Army officer; b., Sharpsburg, Ky., 1859; s. Sanford; engaged in exploration of Alaska, 1885-86; gov. Island of Leyte, 1901. Add.: Washington, D. C.

WILLIAM HERVEY: Author; b., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1889; s. William Hervey. Author of numerous books, including “Wampum and Old Gold.” Add.: New York, N. Y.

HORACE NEWTON: Diplomatist; b., Delaware, O., 1858; s. Horace M.; saved life of Prince and others in a revolution; took first Korean Legation to Washington, 1888. Add.: Toledo, O.

HUBERT: Army officer.

IDA COGSWELL BAILEY: Lecturer, writer; b., Danielson, Conn., 1885; d. Frank Garvin; formerly editor of “Three Meals a Day” (Good Housekeeping mag.) and of “Housewives’ Forum” in Pictorial Review. Add.: New York.

IRA WILDER: Clergyman.

JAMES: Brigadier-general.

JAMES EDWARD: College pres.; b., Hebron, Va., 1876; s. Peter Woodward; mem. of many learned and social organizations, including Com. of Christian Educn., Presbyterian and Literary Rotary. Add.: Elkins, W. Va.

JAMES LANE: Author; 1849; d. 1925.

JAMES TURNEY: Philologist; b., Cleveland, O., 1873; s. Robert Alfred; contributed numerous articles to philol. journals. Add.: Berkeley, Calif.

JOHN CLAYTON: Congressman; b., Hinesburg, Vt., 1860; s. John H.; Sec. of State of Nebraska, 1891-95; was instrumental in securing aptmt. of Lt. John J. Pershing (now gen.) as mil. inst. at Univ. of Neb. Add.: Monmouth, Ill.

JOHN ELLIOTT: Judge: b., Claremont, N. H., 1873; s. William H. H.; asso. Justice Superior Court of N. H., 1907-24; Mason; Republican. Add.: Keene, N. H.

JOHN ROBERT: University professor.


JOHN WESLEY: Railway official.

JOHN WESTON: Lawyer; b., Newton Highlands, Mass., 1872; s. Charles Warren; a desc. of Richard Warren and George Soule of the Mayflower; mem. of numerous societies, including Soc. Mayflower Descendants. Add.: Boston.

JOSEPH DANA: Educator; b., Burlington, Vt., 1870; s. Charles Edwin; headmaster, Polytechnic Prep. Country Day School, Brooklyn, since 1917. Add.: Brooklyn, N. Y.

JOSEPH HOLMES: Banker, lawyer.

KENNETH: Civil engr.; b., New Bedford, Mass., 1857; s. Edward Augusus Holyoke; mem. of numerous learned societies, including Am. Soc. C.E. Add.: White Plains, N. Y.

LEON MENARD: Railway official; b., Davenport, Ia., 1863; s. Elbridg Gerry; news editor of the Davenport Gazette, 1880-81. Add.: Chicago.

LOUISE: Sculptor; b., Lowell, Mass.; d. Charles Herbert, father 1st Go?? of Porto Rico; prin. works: World War Memorial, Greenwich, R. I.; World War Tablet, Gloucester, Mass.; Memorial Tablet, Bancroft Hall, also ide?? bronzes, portraits, etc. Add.: Boston.

LUCY ELLIS: Educator; b., Boston, Mass.; d. Nathaniel T. (founder ?? Allen School for Boys); mem. of numerous societies, including Am. Ass?? Univ. Women. Add.: West Newton, Mass.

LYMANN WHITNEY: Clergyman, author; b., St. Louis, 1854; s. Geor?? Otis; ordained to Presby, ministry, 1882; delivered Memorial Day address ?? Soldiers’ Nat. Cemetery, Battlefield of Gettysburg, May, 1917. Add.: Da?? ville, Ky.

MRS. MARION BOYD: Portrait painter; b., Boston, Mass., 1862; d. Stil?? man Boyd; awarded Hudson Prize, Conn. Acad., works on permanent exhi?? tion at Bowdoin Coll., Harvard Club, etc. Add.: Boston, Mass.

MARTHA MEIR: Temperance advocate; b., Owen Sound, Ont., Can., 185?? d. John H. Meir. Author of many articles, including “Alcohol, a Dangerous a?? Unnecessary Medicine,” 1900. Add.: Long Beach, N. Y.

MARYLAND: Writer, book reviewer; b., Montgomery Co., Md.; s. P?? lander Chase; first story appeared in Sunset Magazine, 1900, and since has be writing steadily for mags, and newspapers, including Munsey’s Smart Set, S?? urday Evening Post, Everybody’s, McClure’s, etc. Add.: Portland, Ore.

NELLIE BURNHAM: Author; b., Danvers, Mass., 1864; d. James A. Auth of numerous books, including “How and Where We Live,” an open door geography. Add.: Lake Worth, Fla.

PERRY S.: b. near Pittsburgh, 1854; s. Richard Boyd; pres. Presbyter?? Ministers’ Fund for Life Ins., Phila., 1894. Add.: Phila., Pa.

PHILLIP RAY: Paper mfr.; b., Walpole, Mass., 1873; s. Melzar W.; me Yale Club. Add.: Walpole, Mass.

PHILIP SCHUYLER: Prof. German; b., Lake Forest, Ill., 1871; s. Ira ?? Author of many articles, including “French Without a Teacher.” Add.: C?? cago, Ill.

RILEY HARRIS: Editor; b., Colorado City, Tex., 1884; s. Riley Har?? decorated by Russian Govt.; contrb. short stories and articles to mags. Ad?? The Star-Bulletin, Honolulu, T. H.

ROBERT H.: Army officer; b., Buchanan, Va., 1870; s. Judge John awarded D.S.M. “for exceptionally meritorious and distinguished services” the performances of duties of great responsibility as condg. officer, 356th ?? 89th division, during the Meuse-Argonne offensive during the march into ?? many and during the occupation of enemy territory. Add.: Washington, D.

SAMUEL EDWARD: Army officer.

SAMUEL JAMES MCINTOSH: Prof. physics; b., Maitland, N. S., C?? 1877; s. Capt. James McIntyre; mem. of Royal Yacht Squadron, Hali?? Add.: Cincinnati, O.

SHERMAN: b., Westford, Vt., 1875; s. George W.; asst. sec. to Pres. ?? liam Taft; asst. Sec. of Treasury. Add.: New York.

STEPHEN HALEY: Judge; b., Sinclair, N. Y., 1847; s. Caleb John?? chairman com. Kansas State Bar Assn. that prepared Revised Code of Civil Procedure of 1909. Add.: Topeka, Kan.

STURGES: Clergyman.

THOMAS: Painter; October, 1894; d. 1924.

THOMAS STINSON: Lawyer; b., Paynes Point, Ogle Co., Ill., 1865; s. Benjamin Franklin; U. S. dist. atty. for Neb. by apptmt. of President Wilson. Add.: Lincoln, Neb.

VIOLA: Actress.

WILLIAM HARVEY: Social worker; b., LeRoy, Minn., 1874; s. John D.; editor of numerous articles, including “Who’s Who and Why in After-War Education.” Add.: New York, N. Y.

WILLIAM ORVILLE: College prof.; b., Washington, N. Y., 1873; s. Henry William Powell; prof. philosophy, Lafayette Coll., since 1920. Add.: Easton, Pa.

WILLIS BOYD: Author; b., Kittery Point, Me., 1855; s. Stillman Boyd; on staff Gov. D. Long with rank of Lt.-Col. Author of numerous books, including “Under the Pine Tree Flag.” Add.: Boston, Mass.



Seaver, Jesse Montgomery. Allen Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1929.

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