Biography of Henry J. Hinkle

HENRY J. HINKLE. No better proof of the advancement of Sparta in the last few years can be shown than the dimensions which the hardware trade has assumed. Among those prominently engaged in that line of business in the county is Henry J. Hinkle, who is a gentleman of standing and repute, his business being the outgrowth of his own energy and push. Mr. Hinkle was born in Fremont County, Iowa, March 8, 1856, and is a son of William and Alvira (Winstow) Hinkle. The elder Hinkle was a native of the Keystone State and of German descent. The father … Read more

Biography of Henry I. Purdy

HENRY I. PURDY. In the year 1842 some eight or ten families emigrated from Vermont and settled in Jackson County, Illinois, forming what was and is known today as Vergennes Colony. Isham Purdy’s family, consisting of father, mother and seven children, formed a part of this colony-three boys and four girls. Henry I., the subject of this sketch, being the oldest son. Edwin P. married and has made his home in Carbondale, Illinois, and has been extensively engaged in the lumber business for the last twenty years. Charles W. Purdy, the third son, married and settled in the old neighborhood … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Stone

HENRY H. STONE. If industry, hard work and ceaseless activity, united with a strong and determined pers everance can accomplish anything in this world, then Mr. Stone is bound to succeed, for in him are to be found all the characteristics mentioned, and indeed he is deserving of more than ordinary credit for his career thus far in life. He is a product of the Sucker State, born in Johnson County February 12, 1845. He is the son of Thomas and Esther (May) Stone, both natives of Kentucky. The grandfather, Reuben Stone, was born in North Carolina, but at an … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Lee

HENRY H. LEE. Prominent among the early pioneers of Christian County, Missouri, stands the name of Henry H. Lee, whose thrift, enterprise and go-ahead ativeness have placed him among the representative men of the county. He was born in Jackson County, Tennessee, February 15, 1837, and his parents, James H. and Polly (Stafford) Lee, were natives of Tennessee also. Grandfather Lee was an early pioneer of that State, and James H. grew to manhood and married there. In 1851 he emigrated to Missouri, but previous to that he had visited the State and located in Greene County, where he remained … Read more

Biography of Henry G. Parsons

HENRY G. PARSONS. Among the representative agriculturists and stock-raisers of Pierce Township, Stone County, Missouri, we are pleased to present a sketch of the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this paragraph, and whose pleasant home and excellent farm are to be found on Crane Creek. He claims Alabama as his native State, his birth occurring near Tuscumbia in November, 1853. He is a son of Hiram and Martha (Goode) Parsons, natives respectively of Tennessee and Mississippi. The parents were married in the latter State and removed thence to Alabama. Later, or in 1854, they settled in Jefferson … Read more

Biography of Henry Fullbright

This is one of the most remarkable and worthy families of Boone County, Arkansas, and about the year 1700 the family tree first took root on American soil. The original founder of the family came to America from Holland, made a settlement in Pennsylvania, and was the great-grandfather of the present generation. John Fullbright, his son, is thought to have been born in the Keystone State and in all probability was a soldier of the Revolution. In 1815 he came west to Missouri from the Old North State, the journey thither being made by wagon, the larger portion of the … Read more

Biography of Henry Dixon Green

HENRY DIXON GREEN. The American bar offers the finest opportunities for preferment of any country upon the face of the earth, its members being privileged, if the talent is not wanting, to attain not only the grandest distinction in the profession, but it is the easiest way of approach to the highest official places in the land. What is more, the American bar can show an array of eminent talent, of profound erudition and of judicial ability equal to that of England, France or Germany. The Howell County bar has, during the past half century, been greatly distinguished for the … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Thomas

HENRY C. THOMAS. James Township, Stone County, Missouri, has its full quota of vigorous, enterprising, thoroughgoing agriculturists, whose popularity is based upon both their social qualities and their well-known integrity and unusual industry. None among them is more popular or has worked more perseveringly than he of whom we write. Like at least one-half of the citizens of the county, Mr. Thomas is a native of Tennessee, born in Monroe County, in the month of December, 1848, to the union of George W. and Sarah A. (Smallin) Thomas, both natives of Monroe County, Tennessee, the father born September 15, 1819, … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Ambrose

HENRY C. AMBROSE. A large class of the farmers of Stone County, Missouri, lead such modest and quiet lives as to be seldom heard of outside of their own townships. They are doing fine work in their own community, but do not care to mingle in the more public matters of political life, as they wish to devote all their time and energies to the cultivation of their farms and the development of the resources of their lands. Such men deserve more mention than they ordinarily receive, and we are pleased to present here one of them, in the person … Read more

Biography of Harrison Haskin

HARRISON HASKIN, Ozark, Missouri Whatever may be said by demagogues about the tyranny of capital, the man who affords employment to his fellow men and maintains industries which turn out articles of utility does more real good for his generation than all the combined agitators of the country. Under existing civilization the only possible solution to the problem of the prevention of want and suffering is found in the great manufacturing plants, which have the capital necessary to pay wages to the many before pay is received for the goods. A glance at the thriving city of Ozark, Missouri, shows … Read more

Biography of Harrison A. Holland

HARRISON A. HOLLAND, of the firm J. Holland & Co., merchants and farmers of McDonald, Carter County, Missouri, is widely and favorably known, both as a business man of great capacity and unquestioned standing and integrity, and a prosperous farmer and honorable citizen. He came originally from Lawrence County, Tennessee, his birth occurring in 1854, and is a son of Thomas and Catherine (McCaskill) Holland, natives of Alabama and Tennessee respectively, and both born in the year 1827. Mr. and Mrs. Holland first met in Lawrence County, Tennessee, whither their parents had moved, and there they were married. In that … Read more

Biography of H. R. Dickson

H. R. DICKSON. It seems impossible to think that where are now magnificent fields of corn and thrifty farms, less than half a century ago was a wilderness inhabited by wild animals and savages. Still stranger is it to think that we have in our midst one of those old settlers who spent his best energies in subduing the wilderness and bringing it to the state of perfection apparent to all. H. R. Dickson was born in Ashe County, N. C., July 31, 1824, and was the eldest of twelve children born to the marriage of William and Frances (Cross) … Read more

Biography of H. M. Watchorn

H. M. WATCHORN. Among the most noted and enterprising men of the flourishing city of Willow Springs, Missouri, stands the name of H. M. Watchorn, the most efficient and capable mayor of the same. He has made his home in this city since 1883, and during that time his name has been inseparably linked with its progress and development. He is a native of the Emerald Isle, born May 27, 1862, and there grew to mature years and received a part of his education. He came to America with his father, Thomas Watchorn, who is now living on a farm … Read more

Biography of H. M. Miller, M. D.

H. M. MILLER, M. D. He whose name heads this sketch is one of the early pioneers of Douglas County, for he took up his abode here in 1856, and has here ever since made his home. He is a native of east Tennessee, for there his eyes first opened on the light November 12, 1837, his parents being Dobson and Mary A. (Burnett) Miller, who were also natives of that State, although the paternal grandfather, Henry M. Miller, was born in England. He was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and died after his removal to Tennessee, as did … Read more

Biography of H. C. King

H. C. KING. This gentleman is the able cashier of the Boone County Bank, at Harrison, Arkansas, which is one of the most extensive banking concerns in this part of the State, and is doing a successful general banking business. It was established March 3, 1886, with a capital stock of $20,000, and R. S. Armitage was made its president, R. F. King, Jr., cashier, and D. N. Fulbright vice-president, but in October, 1888, the capital stock was increased to $50,000, and R. F. King became president, R. S. Armitage vice-president, and H. C. King cashier. The following board of … Read more

Biography of H. A. Young

H. A. YOUNG. Since 1868 this worthy business man has made his home in Marion County, Arkansas, and for the past twenty years he has been very successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits, the liberal patronage which he receives being a hearty indorsement of his upright methods of conducting his affairs. He was born in northern Georgia June 17, 1848, a son of John and Evaline (Hicks) Young, both of whom died many years ago, the father while on his way home from the gold fields of California in 1848. His family consisted of four children: H. A. and Mary J., … Read more

Biography of Guy T. Harrison

GUY T. HARRISON. The protection afforded by the laws of a country are inestimable. When the people overturn the jurisdictions of their nation, a chaos prevails in which the good is lost sight of in the terrible mobs and riots of the liberty-drunken citizens, as exemplified in the bloody revolution in the city of Paris. A wise people is that which abides by the edicts of its head, and employs agents to explain the methods of that body. Prominent in the ranks of the intelligent and successful lawyers of Ozark County, Missouri, is Guy T. Harrison, who has a most … Read more

Biography of Granville H. Vaughan

GRANVILLE H. VAUGHAN. The occupation of farming is one that has received attention from the earliest ages, and it is not to be wondered at that it has become the art that it is at the present time. Among those who have shown a satisfactory knowledge of this calling, and whose operations are conducted in a very progressive manner may be mentioned Granville H. Vaughan, who is the owner of a valuable farm in Finley Township. He first saw the light of day in Rutherford County, Tennessee, in 1831. His parents, James and Nancy (Hatchett) Vaughan, were natives of the … Read more

Biography of George Washington Webster

GEORGE WASHINGTON WEBSTER. As a progressive tiller of the soil the subject of this sketch has no superior throughout Ozark County, Missouri, for he is industrious, decidedly progressive in his views, and has always taken advantage of all new methods for the improvement of his land. His fine and valuable estate is located ten miles west of Gainesville on Bratton Spring Creek, and comprises 480 acres, in two different tracts, all of which has been acquired through his own efforts. He is also quite extensively engaged in the raising of stock; in fact, is well up in all branches of … Read more

Biography of George Washington McCaskill

GEORGE WASHINGTON MCCASKILL. This gentleman is one of the leading farmers and stockmen of Shannon County, Missouri, and in the development of this section he has done heroic work, for here he was born in 1856, and has all his life devoted his attention to agriculture. His parents, William and Mary (Blassingame) McCaskill, were born in Giles County, Tennessee, in 1827 and 1833, respectively, and were reared and married there. In 1855 they came to Shannon County, Missouri, and located in the woods several miles from any other settlement. Here he improved a good farm and lived until about 1879, … Read more