Biography of George Washington Collins

GEORGE WASHINGTON COLLINS. This wide-awake man of affairs is engaged in a most important business, for he is an extensive manufacturer and wholesale dealer in yellow pine lumber at Low Wossic, Shannon County, Missouri, and has been for a number of years past. He is a native of White County, N. C., where he was born in 1857, a son of Wilson and Almira (Mills) Collins, who were also natives of the Old North State. The father was a noted politician, and for many years was prominent in public life. He filled the positions of county clerk, collector and circuit … Read more

Biography of George W. Stone

GEORGE W. STONE. This gentleman who resides in James Creek Township, is the owner of a fine farm, which attests by its value and productiveness the excellent qualities of thoroughness and system which mark the owner. He is a native of Ozark County, Missouri, where he was born in 1848, a son of John and Maria (Bayless) Stone, natives of Tennessee, where they were reared and married. From that State they removed to Greene County, Missouri, and later to Ozark County, of the same State, where Mr. Stone died when the subject of this sketch was very small. In 1862 … Read more

Biography of George W. Pearcy

GEORGE W. PEARCY. Ability, when backed by enterprising business measures and progressive ideas, will accomplish more than any other professional or commercial requirement. An illustration of this is found in the mercantile establishment owned and conducted by George W. Pearcy at Thornfield, MO. This gentleman was born in Platte County, Missouri, in 1848, but his parents, William H. and Jane (Henry) Pearcy, were born in Kentucky in 1813 and Indiana in 1818, respectively. After their marriage, which occurred in Indiana, they came to Platte County, Missouri, later removed to Dallas County, and when the subject of this sketch was four … Read more

Biography of George W. Osburn, M. D.

GEORGE W. OSBURN, M. D. The life of the popular, successful physician is one of incessant toil, self-denial and care, yet all true followers of the “healing art” strive to attain prominence in their profession, regardless of added burdens which will rest upon their shoulders. Such a man is George W. Osburn, who was born in Gwinnett County, Ga., November 15, 1841, a son of Ectyl and Cynthia (Nelson) Osburn (see sketch of Dr. M. H. Osburn). George W. attended the common schools of Georgia, was brought up to the healthy and useful life of the farmer, and when the … Read more

Biography of George W. McCarty

GEORGE W. McCARTY. This prominent citizen has been a resident of Taney County since 1879, and during that time he has won the respect and esteem of all by his many estimable traits of character. Mr. McCarty was born in Gwinnett County, Ga., February 10, 1845, and was the eldest of a family of six children, born to Larkin and Sarah (Cates) McCarty, natives respectively of North and South Carolina. The elder McCarty was a fine mechanic and followed the woodworking business all his life. He and wife held membership in the Missionary Baptist Church, and were esteemed citizens wherever … Read more

Biography of George W. Legg

GEORGE W. LEGG. After an industrious and well-spent life devoted to the occupation of farming, George W. Legg is now living in retirement at McDonald Station, Missouri, and is in the enjoyment of a competency which his early industry has brought him. He is a Virginian by birth, and first opened his eyes on the light in 1827, being a son of Willis and Susannah (Land) Legg, natives of Virginia also, who removed to Ohio when the subject of this sketch was a small lad, but a few years later returned to their old home. The father was successfully engaged … Read more

Biography of George W. Jobe, M. D.

GEORGE W. JOBE, M. D. Man when well boasts that he has no need of the doctor, and is pleased to indulge in gibes and sneers concerning the skill of the members of the profession, and those who rail loudest are the first to send for the physician at the sound of danger. At least this is true in many cases, and the long-suffering physician, anxious to benefit mankind, responds to all calls no matter what the weather may be, and often endangers his own health in caring for that of others. Dr. George W. Jobe is an active medical … Read more

Biography of George W. Couch

GEORGE W. COUCH, one of the county’s most worthy citizens, is descended from substantial Virginia stock, for in that State his father and grandfather were born. The family afterward moved to North Carolina, thence to South Carolina, from there to Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri, in which State the grandfather, Lindley Couch, passed the closing scenes of his life, after a long and useful career. Simpson Couch, father of subject, was born in Virginia and was there married to Miss Rebecca Roberts, who is still living although seventy years of age. Mr. Couch died in 1868. After his marriage he … Read more

Biography of George W. Coker

GEORGE W. COKER. In compiling an account of the mercantile establishments of the town of Lead Hill, Arkansas, it is the desire of the publishers to particularly mention those classes of houses which are the best representatives of each special line of trade, and which contribute most to the city’s reputation as a source of supply. As one of the leading representatives of general merchants and cotton dealers, the firm of G. W. Coker & Co. may well be quoted, for the extensive trade they have built up is the outgrowth of enterprise and commercial sagacity. Mr. Coker was born … Read more

Biography of George W. Adams

GEORGE W. ADAMS. One of the prominent and well-to-do agriculturists and stockraisers of Marion Township, Christian County, Missouri, was born in Letcher County, Kentucky, in 1841, to the union of George and Sarah (Frazier) Adams, both natives of Kentucky, it is thought. This worthy couple married in Letcher County, Kentucky, and made their home there until 1854, when they came, by wagon, to Taney, now Christian County, Missouri, being two months on the road. Locating on a small farm, they at once began making improvements, and as the years passed by became the owners of an excellent farm. For one … Read more

Biography of George T. Lee

GEORGE T. LEE. It is a pleasure and a privilege to record the character and enterprise of men of business who, on account of their long tenure and extensive operations, comprise almost a history of the business in which they are engaged. Of such men it is unnecessary to speak in words of colored praise. By their acts ye shall know them.” Their very existence is emphatic evi-dence of the honorable position they occupy and the long course of just dealing that they have pursued. A gentleman in mind is George T. Lee, who was born in Jefferson County, Missouri, … Read more

Biography of George R. Norman, M. D.

GEORGE R. NORMAN, M. D. One of the noblest professions, one of the most beneficial to mankind, the profession of all professions, which, while it is prosecuted for gain is in its very nature nearest to beneficial charity, is that of medicine. At the same time it is one of the most exacting upon its devotees. Shannon County, Missouri, is very fortunate in the number and character of its physicians and surgeons, and among those who have already been prominent in that calling is Dr. George R. Norman, who is a native of this State, born in Oregon County February … Read more

Biography of George Newton Nelson

GEORGE NEWTON NELSON. This successful general merchant of Buford, Arkansas, is also the efficient postmaster of the place, a position to which he was appointed by President Cleveland in 1885. Although young in years, he has shown commercial ability of a high order, and has proven it to be a fact that good management, fair dealing and application to business will result in profit to the parties at interest. Failure rarely, if ever, comes to him who devotes himself conscientiously to his work, and to him who would succeed energy and perseverance are leading essentials. Mr. Nelson was born in … Read more

Biography of George M. Follett

GEORGE M. FOLLETT. The creditable condition of business life in West Plains, Missouri, is due in a great extent to the enterprise, energy and intelligence of her prominent merchants and manufacturers. Among these may be mentioned the firm of Holt & Follett, manufacturers. George M. Follett was born and reared just outside of the city of New York, his birth occurring February 25, 1852, son of D. B. and Eliza (Mason) Follett. The father was a farmer and resided on the Delaware River. Our subject passed his boyhood and youth on the old home farm and received but limited educational … Read more

Biography of George Haden Thompson

GEORGE HADEN THOMPSON is a thoroughgoing, wide-awake citizen of Shannon County, Missouri, and no doubt inherits much of his industry and perseverance from his Scotch ancestors. His parents were Robert and Susan (Carson) Thompson. Before reaching his twenty-first year Robert Thompson came to America and located in Canada. Previous to leaving Scotland he had married Miss Carson, and after residing in Canada for a time he moved to the Empire State where he and his worthy companion passed the remainder of their days. Mr. Thompson dying at the age of seventy years. Farming had been his principal occupation and he … Read more

Biography of George F. McKinney

GEORGE F. MCKINNEY. No State in the Union gives greater encourage-ment to a man who desires to devote himself to agriculture than does Arkansas. Its resources are almost inexhaustible, and its climate is adapted to the culti-vation of varied crops. Among the prominent and enterprising farmers of Boone County is George F. McKinney, who owes his nativity to Franklin County, this State, his birth having occurred on the 28th of January, 1843. His parents were John A. and Lucetta (Fleeman) McKinney, the former of whom was born in Alabama in 1800, a son of George McKinney, who was one of … Read more

Biography of George F. Elam, M. D.

The physician is a man who inspires confidence because he is worthy of it. His humanity is expressed and his interest in his patients is intensified by reason of the concern he has for them, as well as for the experience he may gain that may be for the benefit of future sufferers. A student who loves knowledge and a physician devoted to his profession, he is a careful investigator, and gives all the time he can find in his busy life to books and periodicals devoted to medicine and surgery. Such a man cannot fail to grow steadily in … Read more

Biography of George B. Shepherd

GEORGE B. SHEPHERD. This gentleman is one of the prosperous farmers and successful merchants of Stone County, Missouri, and has resided here since 1871, coming thither from the vicinity of Terre Haute, Indiana He was born in Floyd County, Kentucky, August 31, 1832, and was a son of David and Lucretia (Hale) Shepherd, both of whom were natives of Lee County, Virginia They were among the early pioneers of the Blue Grass State, and made their settlement at the head of Licking River where they improved a farm, and where the father also followed the-calling of a stone mason and … Read more

Biography of George B. Gideon

GEORGE B. GIDEON. George B. Gideon, at present deputy circuit clerk of Christian County, Missouri, has been a resident of this county all his life and the people have had every opportunity to judge of his character and qualifications. He was born on the old farm, in this county, October 10, 1862, and here grew to manhood and received his education. When starting out for himself he followed teaching for some time in this county, and also in Texas, where he resided for about four years. After this he enlisted in the regular United States service, in 1885, and, after … Read more

Biography of G. W. Nokes

G. W. NOKES. It matters little what vocation a man selects as his life occupation so long as it is an honorable one. If he is an honest, upright man, courteous in his intercourse with his fellowmen and possessed of the average amount of energy and business sagacity, he is bound to make his business a financial success. Because the subject of this sketch is possessed of all these requirements, is the chief reason that he has succeeded; because he is above the average in point of natural business qualifications, is the reason he today stands among the best merchants … Read more