Biography of H. M. Watchorn

Last Updated on June 14, 2012 by

H. M. WATCHORN. Among the most noted and enterprising men of the flourishing city of Willow Springs, Missouri, stands the name of H. M. Watchorn, the most efficient and capable mayor of the same. He has made his home in this city since 1883, and during that time his name has been inseparably linked with its progress and development. He is a native of the Emerald Isle, born May 27, 1862, and there grew to mature years and received a part of his education. He came to America with his father, Thomas Watchorn, who is now living on a farm in Lincoln County, Miss.

After coming to this country our subject attended school for some time, but while still young started out to make his own way in life. He first became a foreman in the lumber business, and in 1883 he came to Willow Springs, where he took charge and was manager for the South Missouri Land Company, of the railroads and timber lands. He remained with this company seven years. In 1892 he bought a mill in Douglas County, Missouri, and this he still operates. It is located in a good pine country, and the mill is sawing 15,000 feet per day. This lumber is shipped from Willow Springs. Mr. Watchorn bought the planing mill, formerly the property of the South Missouri Land Company, employs forty-five hands, and is doing the largest business in this section of the county. He has made a success in a business way, and is the owner of four handsome dwelling houses in Willow Springs, besides his fine residence. All his property is the result of his own honest industry, and he deserves the praise of all. Mr. Watchorn is the owner of 160 acres of land, and is turning it into a fine fruit farm. In politics he is a Democrat, and an ardent supporter of his party, and socially he is a K. of P., at Willow Springs Lodge No. 156. In 1893 he was elected mayor of Willow Springs, and has since discharged the duties incumbent upon that position in a most capable manner. His happy domestic life began when he married Mrs. Sue Myers, daughter of J. H. West. Two children have been given them: Eddie and May. Mr. and Mrs. Watchorn are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Watchorn has always been one of the foremost citizens of the city, and has done much to improve the same.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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