Biography of Hon. J. J. Bruton

There are men, and the number is by no means small, who drift into what we are accustomed to look upon as the learned profession in the same way that thousands of men in the lower walks of life drift into the ordinary bread-winning occupations. Having no special preference for any calling, and without feeling that they have any particular fitness for a certain profession, they find themselves drifting in that direction as a result of associations or environment, and in the course of time they find themselves shouldering responsibilities for which they have scant liking, carrying burdens which rest … Read more

Biography of Hon. J. C. Floyd

Hon. J. C. Floyd

The profession of law is a branch of human endeavor which brings into play the most brilliant talents, the most extensive knowledge, the strongest sentiments, moral, spiritual and material, and its power for good or evil is vast and invincible. In the hands of mean men its practices often become as shameful and despised as its adaptions and usefulness are made, by those inspired with noble principles and generous emotions, sublime and admired. As a legal practitioner whose honor is above criticism, whose ability places him in the front rank of the Arkansas bar, and whose name is widely known … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henderson Massie

HON. HENDERSON MASSIE, whose fine farm in Pike Creek Valley, Carter County, is an object of admiration to the section, came originally from the Buckeye State, his birth occurring in Jackson County in 1833. His parents, Lewis and Sarah (Mackley) Massie, were natives of Virginia and Ohio respectively, the father born in 1797, and the mother in 1807. Mr. Massie came to Ohio when a young man, married there, and there made his home for many years. Late in life he moved to Carter County, Missouri, and here his wife died in 1875, and he in 1888 when about ninety … Read more

Biography of Hon. H. C. Tipton

HON. H. C. TIPTON. It has been said by the great Bacon that “the greatest trust between man and man is the trust of giving counsel.” Thus the profession of law is the most momentous and important of human callings, and he who assumes the practice of it takes upon himself the weightiest responsibilities that the confidence and trust of his fellowman can put upon his shoulders. One of the leading attorneys of northwest Arkansas is Hon. H. C. Tipton, who was born in Tennessee in 1840, a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Anderson) Tipton, the former of whom was … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Washington Shedd

HON. GEORGE WASHINGTON SHEDD. He whose name heads this sketch has been successful in the various occupations to which his attention has been directed throughout life, and at the present time he is not only successfully engaged in tilling the soil and raising stock, but he also practices law, in which profession he has attained prominence. He was born in the county in which he now lives April 17, 1847, a son of William C. and Mary A. (Sinclair) Shedd, who were born in Reading, Vt., in 1800 and Washington County, Missouri, respectively. The father spent the early part of … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Coleman Hinkle

HON. GEORGE COLEMAN HINKLE. Of the many substantial citizens of Stone County, Arkansas, there is not one who stands higher in public esteem than G. C. Hinkle, or one who enjoys a more substantial share of recognition. He was born in what is now Stone Ethen Izard County, Arkansas, March 2, 1855. His parents being John and Polly Ann Linn Hinkle, who were born in Alabama and Tennessee, respectively, the former’s birth concurring in 1822. His parents were Walter and Annie (Downing) Hinkle, South Carolinians by birth, who were married in Tennessee, and later removed to Madison County, Ala., in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Edwin E. Rosson

HON. EDWIN E. ROSSON. There is no class of men who more surely rear up visible monuments to their industry and their enterprise than the hardworking and thrifty farmers of a community, and among these Hon. Edwin E. Rosson holds a prominent place. He was born on the place on which he now lives in Richwoods, September 11, 1856, and is a son of Simeon Ellis and Mary (Whitfield) Rosson, who were born, reared and married in Hardeman County, Tennessee. and thence moved to Arkansas in 1842, locating in what is now Bickell’s Cove. In 1844 they came to Richwoods … Read more

Biography of Hon. Conrad H. Dryer

HON. CONRAD H. DRYER. The labor of compiling a review of the industrial institutions of Howell County, Missouri, involves an arduous task, and no subject is found more worthy of the historian’s attention than the mercantile trade, of which Hon. Conrad H. Dryer is a most honorable exponent. In addition to this he is a successful follower of the primitive occupation of man -farming-and the success which has attended his efforts is owing to his own good fighting qualities. He was born in Minden, Prussia, and many of his most worthy business qualities have been inherited from his worthy German … Read more

Biography of Hon. Commodore Perry Chilton

HON. COMMODORE PERRY CHILTON. Few names are more familiarly known in Shannon County, Missouri, than that of Chilton, and it is so thoroughly interwoven with its history that a work of this character would be incomplete without frequent reference to some member of the family. Commodore Perry Chilton was born on the old homestead, one mile from Eminence, Shannon County, Missouri, December 6, 1844, and is a son of Joshua Chilton, who was one of the leading and influential men of the county. Our subject acquired a good education in the schools of this county, and by observation and contact … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles P. Brooks

HON. CHARLES P. BROOKS. This well-known official is very favorably regarded all over Cleburne County, and fills the office of circuit clerk in an able and very acceptable manner. He was born in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., July 12, 1848, to Jesse B. and Nancy F. (Porter) Brooks, the former of whom was born in South Carolina and the latter in Tennessee. They were married in Claiborne County, of the last named State, and after residing there for a time moved to North Carolina. In 1868 the family located in Blount County, East Tennessee, and resided in that section … Read more

Biography of Hon. Benjamin F. Williamson

HON. BENJAMIN F. WILLIAMSON. A man’s life-work is the measure of his success, and he is truly the most successful man who, turning his powers into the channel of an honorable purpose, accomplishes the object of his endeavor. In the study of every man’s life we find some main-spring of action, something that he lives for, and in Benjamin F. Williamson it seems to have been an ambition to make the best use of his native and acquired powers and develop in himself a true manhood. He was born in Moore County, N. C., near Carthage, in 1856, to William … Read more

Biography of Hon. Andrew J. McCollum

HON. ANDREW J. MCCOLLUM. The State of Missouri is well represented by the native Tennesseean, among whom are found many prominent and influential citizens, our subject not being classed among the least. He is now the most efficient circuit clerk of Ripley County and a man thoroughly posted and informed in the duties of his office as well as all other matters of moment. He was born in Hickman County, Tennessee, September 23, 1842, and the son of John and Susan (Caruthers) McCollum, natives of middle Tennessee. The father resided in Tennessee all his life and spent his days engaged … Read more

Biography of Hon. Alfred Peters

HON. ALFRED PETERS. A traveler journeying through Pierce Township about a mile and a quarter southwest of Crane postoffice, will see the attractive home and beautifully cultivated farm of our subject, which evidently shows the hand of a practiced and systematic farmer. Mr. Peters was born in western Virginia in 1826, and is a son of Jacob and Keziah (Gardner) Peters, also natives of the grand old Mother of States. Mrs. Peters died there in 1828, and after the father’s second marriage, he moved to Clay County, Ky, where he remained three years. Returning to Virginia, he passed the remainder … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. S. J. Lehr

HON. A. S. J. LEHR. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the present representative of Carter County, Missouri, and he is unquestionably one of the ablest and best posted young men in the same. He resides three and a half miles east of Hunter, this county, is a farmer and teacher, and has for a number of years taken a prominent part in political matters. Born in Jacksonport, Arkansas, January 30, 1867, he is the son of Richard H. and Sarah J. (Hardin) Lehr, and the grandson of John F. Lehr, who came from Germany to the United … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. H. Livingston

HON. A. H. LIVINGSTON. There are many lawyers in West Plains, but there are very few left who were members of the bar of Howell County, Missouri, twenty-two or three years ago. One such is the gentleman whose name is mentioned above. A. H. Livingston was born in Kentucky December 24, 1850, and comes of a prominent Tennessee family. His father, Thomas E. Livingston, was a native of Tennessee, but came to Missouri and settled in the north part of Howell County in 1868. There he resided for a number of years, following the blacksmith’s trade. Our subject passed his … Read more

Biography of Homer G. Gilmore

HOMER G. GILMORE. In no part of the world is the flouring industry of greater importance than it is in the United States, nor in any other part of the world can the same excellence of quality of flour be produced. This need not be wondered at. Where is there another country possessing so rich and productive a soil, yielding and in plenty the richest wheat? Indeed, the industry and the importance necessarily attached to it are natural resultants of nature’s generosity. In Christian County, Missouri, the flouring industry is a most important one and foremost among those engaging in … Read more

Biography of Hervy A. Massey

HERVY A. MASSEY. This worthy citizen, who is one of the leading farmers and stockraisers of Stone County, Missouri, was born in Greene County, Missouri, in 1846, and is a son of Nathaniel and Nancy (Ellison) Massey, who were natives of Tennessee. Previous to marriage, and when children, they came with their parents to Greene County, Missouri, and there, after growing up, their nuptials were solemnized. After marriage they located four miles east of Springfield, on the wild prairie, where they improved a good farm and spent the balance of their days, he dying in 1869, when about forty-seven years … Read more

Biography of Herman Borth

HERMAN BORTH. Herman Borth, senior member of the firm of Borth, Barrett & Co., at Doniphan, is a man popular with all classes, and has a host of business and social friends. He was born in St. Louis, Missouri, October 17, 1851, and no doubt inherits much of his perseverance and industry from his German ancestors. His father, John Frederick Borth, was born in Hamburg, Germany, and when a young man crossed the ocean and settled in St. Louis. In 1858 he moved to Doniphan, Ripley County, Missouri, and there died in 1861. While a resident of St. Louis he … Read more

Biography of Henry Oswalt

HENRY OSWALT. This gentleman, who resides on section 1, William Township, owns a fine farm, which attests by its value and productiveness the excellent qualities of thoroughness and system which mark the owner. The prudent ways and careful methods of the Teutonic farmer are conspicuous in this county, where so many representatives of the German race have settled and Henry Oswalt is no exception to the rule. His great-grand-parents on the paternal side were natives of Germany, and came to this country at an early date, settling with many others of that nationality in the Keystone State. Our subject was … Read more

Biography of Henry McMillan

HENRY MCMILLAN. This gentleman has been a resident of Arkansas since 1826, and a resident of Boone County since 1835. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, December 19, 1814, being one of a family of ten children born to Malcom and Joanna (Jacobs) McMillan, who were born and brought up in North Carolina, and removed to Smith County, Tennessee, in 1805. The father died in Boone County, Arkansas, in 1837, and his widow in 1872. The father was a soldier under General Jackson, in the battle of New Orleans, in the War of 1812; in politics a Democrat, and … Read more