Biography of H. A. Young

H. A. YOUNG. Since 1868 this worthy business man has made his home in Marion County, Arkansas, and for the past twenty years he has been very successfully engaged in mercantile pursuits, the liberal patronage which he receives being a hearty indorsement of his upright methods of conducting his affairs. He was born in northern Georgia June 17, 1848, a son of John and Evaline (Hicks) Young, both of whom died many years ago, the father while on his way home from the gold fields of California in 1848. His family consisted of four children: H. A. and Mary J., who is living in Georgia, the wife of a Mr. Blackurle, being the only surviving members. H. A. Young never saw his father, as he left for the West the year before he was born, and died before he reached home.

When a lad H. A. Young attended the district schools of his native State, and when he took up his residence in Yellville he was eighteen years of age. He attended school here for some time, then began clerk-in in the mercantile establishment of L. Ellenburg, now of Springfield, and in 1873 or 1874 began business for himself, being first associated with W. Q. Seawel, and two years later with L. L. Seawel. Since 1880 he has been in business by himself, and for a short time was the traveling salesman of the American Bible Society. Take it all in all he has been a successful business man, notwithstanding the fact that he met with some severe reverses during the early part of his business career. He is now floating on a prosperous sea, and is doing well financially. His stock of goods amounts to about $2,000. He has for some time been interested in mining, and is the owner of a large amount of mining property in Marion County, and has successfully operated several paying mines. He was married in Yellville in 1877 to Miss Lavina Seawel, and to their union seven children have been given: Ora (deceased) Mary, Abigail, John, Eugene (deceased), Clara and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Young are devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and although Mr. Young is a stanch Democrat politically, he has never been an office seeker, much preferring to devote his time and attention to his business than to fill any official position.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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