Biography of F. B. Swingle

F. B. Swingle, who since 1912 has been associate editor of the Wisconsin Agriculturist, although he began writing for publication long prior to that date, was born in Rock County, Wisconsin, March 8, 1876, a son of Warren W. and Frankie (Bell) Swingle. The parents were also natives of Rock County and the mother was a daughter of Adam Bell, one of the early pioneer settlers of the state, who on removing westward from New York in 1838, passed through Racine and established his home in Rock County, having made the trip to Racine by water, and farther west with … Read more

Biography of Andrew Simonson

Lowell said, “An institution is but the lengthened shadow of a man;” it must perforce partake of his character, his purpose and his principles and becomes the expression of his effort and his ideals. It is not a matter of marvel, therefore, that The Wisconsin Agriculturist has been a most successful farmers’ journal, accomplishing far reaching results for the benefit of the agricultural community, for back of that paper were the ideals and determined energy of Andrew Simonson, a man whose rare virtues and lovable character endeared him to the entire circle of his acquaintance. Andrew Simonson was a native … Read more

Biography of A. H. Thomas

A. H. Thomas, occupying an attractive and beautiful residence at the corner of Ninth street and Grand avenue, in Racine, is widely known throughout the middle west in connection with engineering and contract work, and in fact his reputation in this connection extends much farther than the states of the Mississippi valley. His pronounced ability and indefatigable energy are the basic principles of his success. He was born in Detroit. Michigan, October 1. 1871, and is a son of John P. and Emma. (Vogel) Thomas. The father, a marine engineer, devoted his life to that business, but both he and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Wallace Hunter

William Wallace Hunter has been a lifelong resident of Raymond Township. He was born on the old family homestead October 4, 1862, his parents being William and Andica (Boyd) Hunter, who are mentioned above. He is indebted to the district school system for educational privileges which were accorded him and he began life on a farm, choosing to follow the occupation to which he had been reared. He has since carried on general farming and dairying and he keeps on hand a good grade of Holstein cattle. He is now operating eighty acres and the tract is in a high … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William M. La Venture

The fact that William M. La Venture, although still a comparatively young man, holds the important position of treasurer in the J. I. Case Plow Works, is proof of his enterprise, his knowledge of modern business methods and his financial acumen. He was born in Davenport, Iowa, in 1875, a son of William and Margaret La Venture, the former of whom was for about fifty years with the Rock Island Railroad and for a considerable portion of that time its tax commissioner. W. M. La Venture received his education in the public and high schools of Davenport and on beginning … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Henneke

William Henneke has practically spent his entire life in Mount Pleasant Township, although born in Germany in 1846. During his infancy he was brought by his parents to the United States and following the establishment of the family home in Racine County attended the common schools until about fifteen years of age. Under his father’s direction he was well trained in the work of the farm, early taking his place as a hand in the fields. so that broad practical experience qualified him for the careful management of his business interests when he began farming on his own account. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Larkin

William H. Larkin, who dates his residence in Racine from 1914, is now a partner in the Racine Welding & Cutting Company, in which undertaking he is associated with William P. Heckel. He was born in Maywood, a suburb of Chicago. April 5. 1890, and obtained his early education in the public schools there, after which he entered the Lewis Institute of Chicago and was graduated in 1909 on the completion of a course in electrical engineering. He received mechanical training also and for two years was employed by the American Can Company of Chicago at their factory in Maywood. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. Earl Trauger

W. Earl Trauger, conducting a jewelry business in Racine, was born in Morrison, Illinois, January 31, 1878. a son of Charles and Alta (Ewing) Trauger, the former a cigar manufacturer. While spending his youthful days under the parental roof of his native city, W. Earl Trauger mastered the branches of learning taught in the graded and high schools and afterward took up the trade of a jeweler at Morrison, while subsequently he worked in the same line in Chicago. His residence in Racine dates from 1906, in which year he entered the employ of F. P. Beswick and in that … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Susan Jones, M. D.

Dr. Susan Jones, a graduate of Rush Medical College and actively engaged in practice in Racine, her native city since 1903. She is a daughter of David and Margaret (Thomas) Jones, who were natives of Wales and became pioneer residents of Racine, arriving here in the year 1846. The father was a farmer by occupation and devoted his life to that pursuit, but both he and his wife have now passed away. In early girlhood Dr. Jones attended the district schools near her lather’s home and afterward became a student, in McMynn Academy. She next became a student in the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rudolf M. Sorensen

Rudolf M. Sorensen, conducting a large and profitable moving and storage business, with warehouse at No. 516 Center street in Racine, was born in Denmark, August 30, 1886, a son of Rasmus and Mary Sorensen, who came to the United States nine years ago and are now living in Racine. Rudolf M. Sorensen was reared and educated in Denmark and there learned the butcher’s trade, at which he worked in his native country until he came to this city. Following his arrival here he again followed the butchering business for three years, after which he became associated with the moving … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Wherrey Sr.

Robert Wherrey, Sr., has long been identified with commercial interests in Racine as proprietor of a butcher shop and is well known in the business circles of the city. He was born in New York, April 17, 1848, and is indebted to the common school system of that state for the educational privileges which he enjoyed. When his textbooks were put aside he took up the occupation of farming in New York and was thus engaged until he came to Racine in 1869, when a young man of twenty years. Here he embarked in the butchering business, which he has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Wherrey Jr.

Robert Wherrey, Jr., identified with farming interests, his home being on section 35, Mount Pleasant Township, was born in Racine on the 1st of January, 1885, and in the acquirement of his education passed through consecutive grades in the public schools until he became a high grade school pupil. In the intervening period he has been engaged in business with his father and is now conducting a farm on section 35, Mount Pleasant Township, where he carefully and wisely directs the interests of the home farm. In his fraternal relations Mr. Wherrey is well known, holding membership in Racine Lodge, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Norbert Grabher

Norbert Grabher, who was formerly identified with industrial interests in Racine for many years, is now living upon a farm of seventeen acres on section 37, Mount Pleasant Township, where he has a fine home. He was born in Austria, November 9, 1855, and is a son of Jerome and Katrina Grabher. He attended the common schools to the age of twelve years and afterward worked upon the home farm and throughout the locality as a farm hand until about twenty-five years of age. It was in 18S2 that he crossed the Atlantic, making his way to Philadelphia, and through … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nelson A. Walker

Nelson A. Walker, the elder son of R. M. Walker, was born on the old family homestead in Mount Pleasant and attended school until fifteen or sixteen years of age. He was early trained to habits of industry in connection with the work of the farm and for twenty years he operated his father’s dairy. During the past five years his time and energies have been devoted to the further cultivation of his father’s eighty-acre tract of land, which he has brought to a high state of development, rendering it very productive. His methods are at once practical and progressive … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nels Christiansen

Nels Christiansen is the owner of a good tract of land of forty-two acres in Mount Pleasant Township and is now devoting his entire time and attention to agricultural interests. He was born in Denmark, December 26, 1869, a son of Hans and Sophia Christiansen. He pursued his education in the schools of his native country and afterward learned the blacksmith’s trade there. In 1892 he came to the United States, making his way to Chicago, and after four months spent in the western metropolis removed to Racine, where he was employed at blacksmithing for a year and a half. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lucius S. Hart

Lucius S. Hart, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sands M. Hart, was born in Racine, December 11, 1879. He pursued his education in the public schools, passing through consecutive grades to the high school, and his early business training was received in the woolen mill owned and operated by the family. In 1900, with his younger brother, Harold H. Hart, he made a bicycle tour through Europe, visiting many points of modern and historic interest and touring the country in a most thorough manner. Soon after his return from Europe he went to California for the benefit of his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lawrence R. Larsen

Lawrence R. Larsen, accounted one of the enterprising young business men of Racine, was born in this city, March 23, 1897, a son of Martin and Johanna Larsen, who are natives of Denmark. In early life they crossed the Atlantic to become residents of the new world, hoping to enjoy better business opportunities on this side the water than the father could hope to secure in his native land. Making their way to Racine, they have since resided in this city and Mr. Larsen is now engaged in the furniture business. Spending his boyhood and youth in Racine, L. R. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Knute Thompsen

Knute Thompsen was born in Denmark in 1871 and two years later was brought to this country by his parents. Mr. Thompsen entered the foundry as an apprentice in his youth and after years of hard work in 1913 he organized the Wisconsin Cylinder Foundry Company, which has been operating very successfully ever since its organization. The office and foundry are located at No. 1308 Eighteenth street; the output consists chiefly of cylinder and piston castings for motorcycle, small marine and aeroplane motors, and the officers are : K. Thompson, president ; Laura Schneider, vice president : Mary L. Thompsen, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph B. Brehm

Joseph B. Brehm, vice president of the Brehm Brothers Company, was born in Burlington. April 9. 1879, and acquired his education in the parochial schools. Throughout his business career he has been connected with the enterprise which now claims his attention, for when his textbooks were put aside he began assisting his father, and in 1909, when the business was incorporated under the style of the Brehm Brothers Company, he became one of the stockholders and after his father’s death he was elected vice president and still continues in that capacity. Mr. Brehm is a member of the Roman Catholic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John S. Hart Sr.

From an early period in the development of Racine the name of Hart has been closely connected with its history. John S. Hart was the representative of the family in the first generation living in this city. A native of Meredith, New Hampshire, he was born March 13, 1823, and upon his removal westward from New England in the early ’40s he settled at Baraboo, Wisconsin. After about a decade there passed he came with his family to Racine in the early ’50s and engaged in the woolen mill business as one of the founders of the enterprise of which … Read more