Biographical Sketch of Arthur J. Jonas

Arthur J. Jonas, dealer in automobiles and proprietor of a garage in which he does both repairing and experimental work, was born in Racine, October 3, 1881, a son of Fred and Julia (Novatny) Jonas. The father, a native of Prague, Bohemia, came to Racine when twenty-four years of age. Fifty-two years ago he established the Bohemian paper Slavie, which he continued to edit and publish until 1904, when he retired and has since lived in Racine, enjoying a well earned rest. Arthur J. Jonas, spending his youthful days in his parents’ home, pursued his education in the graded and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred J. Hansche

Alfred J. Hansche, the second son of Frederick J. Hansche, now occupies and cultivates the old home farm in connection with his brother, Samuel H. He was born in Mount Pleasant Township, February 28, 1874, and attended the district schools until he reached the age of sixteen or seventeen years. He then went to Racine, where he was employed for nine years in the meat market of A. J. Sheckler but on the expiration of that period he returned to the home farm, of which he has since had charge in connection with his brother. They have carefully and systematically … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Matson

Andrew Matson, who is engaged in the fuel, storage and moving business in Racine, was born in Denmark, May 21, 1872, his parents being Peter and Ann (Skriver) Matson, also natives of Denmark. In the year 1901 the father came to the United States, where he lived retired until his death about seven years ago. Andrew Matson was educated in the common schools of Denmark and there learned the creamery business, at which he worked until eighteen years of age, when he bade adieu to friends and native land and sailed for the new world, having determined to try his … Read more