Biography of Albert M. Brehm

Albert M. Brehm, secretary and treasurer of the Brehm Brothers Company, was born in Burlington in 1874 and secured his education in the parochial schools, in the Burlington high school and in the Valparaiso (Ind.) Business College. He assisted his father in business until 1893 and then entered the employ of the Bank of Burlington, in which he continued for over six years, when failing health obliged him to make a change. In 1899 he again became associated with his father in business under the firm style of B. Brehm & Sons and took charge of the National Express business, … Read more

Biography of Albert J. Druse

Albert J. Druse is the secretary and treasurer of the Hamilton-Beach Manufacturing Company, an enterprise that is notable even in Racine, a city of rapidly developing business interests, for within a notably short space of time this company has become one of the foremost productive industries of the city, increasing the number of its employees from three workmen until the names of four hundred now appear upon the pay roll. Mr. Druse was born in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, in 1870, a son of Charles and Mary Druse, who were early residents of the state, later moving to Milwaukee where the … Read more

Biography of Albert Hanson

Albert Hanson, a representative farmer of Norway Township, residing on section 31, was born in that Township October 19, 1863, his parents being Ole and Rosline (Thompson) Hanson, both of whom were natives of Norway. His paternal grandfather, Hans Olson, came from that country at an early day and settled in Racine County, Wisconsin, developing and improving a farm in Dover Township. The maternal grandfather of our subject spent his entire life in Norway. The father, Ole Hanson, was born in 1835 and was only eleven years of age when he crossed the Atlantic in 1846 and became a resident … Read more

Biography of Adolph W. Hilker

Adolph W. Hilker is a partner in the firm of Hilker Brothers, of Racine. The name has long been synonymous with business enterprise in this city and the record of A. W. Hilker fully sustains the enviable reputation which has ever been associated with the commercial and industrial enterprises conducted by the Hilker family. He was born in Racine, December 25, 1867, and is a son of Adolph and Caroline (Broeker) Hilker, who are mentioned at length on another page of this work in connection with the sketch of his brother, H. A. Hilker. After attending the public schools A. … Read more

Biography of Adelmer A. Bishop

Active and energetic through his entire business career, Adelmer A. Bishop has worked along the lines of success and that he has achieved what he has purposed is indicated in the fact that he is now proprietor of a profitable laundry business, which includes a plant erected at a cost of thirty-five thousand dollars. Always a resident of southeastern Wisconsin, he was born in Kenosha County, September 4, 1871, a son of the Honorable Isaac T. and Lydia Jane (Clemmons) Bishop. The father was born in Somers, Kenosha County, June 6, 1844, and is a son of Jacob Bishop, a … Read more

Biography of Adelbert H. Allen

At the time of his death Adelbert H. Allen was proprietor of the largest livery business in Racine and his very substantial measure of success had been won entirely through his own efforts and ability. A native of the Empire state, he was born in the town of Mexico, Oswego County, March 22. 1850, and was of English and Scotch descent. His father, Hiram C. Allen, was a native of Connecticut, as was the mother, who bore the maiden name of Lorinda Olivia Erskine, although her father, John Erskine, was a native of Scotland. Following his marriage Mr. Allen took … Read more

Biography of Adelbert Beach

Adelbert Beach, who owns the family homestead in Yorkville Township, has resided in Racine County throughout his entire life or for almost seventy years and during that time has seen it develop from a frontier district into the prosperous and populous County of today. He was born at Ives Grove on the 24th of December, 1846, and is a son of Royal and Mary (Culver) Beach, both natives of Massachusetts, the former born in 1812 and the latter on the 14th of September, 1825. In 1845 they were married in Westfield. Massachusetts, and in June of that year came to … Read more

Biography of Abraham Storle

Among the prosperous farmers and representative citizens of Norway Township is Abraham Storle, who owns and operates a well improved and valuable farm of two hundred and seventeen acres on section 32. He was born in that Township August 10, 1857, and is a son of Ole and Anna Storle, both natives of Norway, though they were married after coming to the United States, in Racine County, Wisconsin. The father was born in 1805 and lived to a ripe old age, passing away in 1891. It was in 1844 that he became a resident of this County and for a … Read more

Biography of A. J. Williams, M. D.

Rush Medical College of Chicago has sent several of its alumni to Racine and in the field of active practice they have won success and by their careers have conferred honor upon their alma mater. Such is the record of Dr. A. J. Williams, who, since 1900, has practiced continuously in Racine. He is a native son of this city born November 18, 1872, his parents being Thomas R. and Eliza (Williams) Williams, the former a native of Wales and the latter of Racine. She was a daughter of William J. Williams, who was also born in the little rock-ribbed … Read more

Biography of A. Cary Judd

A. Cary Judd, who has occupied various public offices, the duties of which he has discharged with promptness and fidelity, has a most creditable record. He was born in Frankfort, New York, April 16, 1850, a son of George. B. and Margaret Ann (Cary) Judd, the former a native of Connecticut, born March 26, 1801, and the latter born in New York hi 1806. The father came to Racine in 1856 in search of a favorable location, for he desired to become identified with the growing middle west. In March, 1857, he brought his family to Racine and entered upon … Read more

Biography of A. C. Mehder

A. C. Mehder, secretary, treasurer and manager of the Mehder Dry Goods Company, occupies a prominent position among the alert, enterprising and progressive merchants of Racine and his life history is indicative of the opportunities that are offered in the new world to the young man of foreign birth who, prompted by ambition and guided by sound judgment, puts forth earnest effort to win prosperity. Mr. Mehder was born in Denmark, October 20, 1870. a son of L. T. H. and Caroline Mehder, who spent their entire lives in Denmark, where the father conducted business as a merchant tailor. Through … Read more

Biography of A. Arthur Guilbert

A. Arthur Guilbert, whose high rank and undeniable skill as an architect enables him to command a most liberal patronage and the evidence of whose ability is found in many of the leading structures of this city, was born in Racine, August. 8. 1869, a son of Albert W. and Celia M. (Pease) Guilbert. The father, also a native of Racine, was a son of Albert W. Guilbert, who was born on the isle of Guernsey and who in 1838 arrived in Racine, ere the admission of the state into the Union and ere the little village which is now … Read more

Biography of Peter Maurice

Peter Maurice, a successful dairyman, living in Yorkville Township, is entitled to the credit which is given a self-made man, for he has depended entirely upon his own resources for advancement. He was born in Yorkville Township on the 13th of December, 1868, a son of Phillip and Mary (Gudenkauf) Maurice, both of German birth. The father’s natal year was 1825 and the mother was born on the 13th of July 1838. Philip Maurice came to America with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maurice, in 1846, and the family located in Racine County, where Edward Maurice died soon afterwards. … Read more

Biography of Peter Christiansen

Peter Christiansen, a member of the Junction Furniture Company, owes his success to the fact that he has always been a willing worker, not afraid of that laborious attention to business which is the basis of all honorable success. He was born in Denmark, May 10, 1869, and is a son of H. P. and Anna Marie (Stage) Christiansen, both of whom spent their entire lives in Denmark. It was in the fall of 1889, when a young man of twenty years, that Peter Christiansen came to the United States. He sailed for eight months on the Atlantic as a … Read more

Biography of L. W. Smith

L. W. Smith, who, in the conduct of a real estate, loan and insurance business has devoted considerable attention to building and selling of homes and has thus contributed in notable measure to the development of the southwestern section of Racine, was born in this city December 8, 1888, a son of Henry L. and Mary Ann (Fennell) Smith, the former a native of New York and the latter of Trowbridge, England. The mother was a daughter of John and Martha Fennell, who came to Racine in 1879, her father, became foreman of the molding department of the J. L … Read more

Biography of L. P. Valentine, M. D.

Dr. L. P. Valentine, who is engaged in the practice of medicine at Corliss, is one of the progressive and successful physicians of Racine County. He was born in New York city on the 20th of September, 1872, a son of Francis and Pauline Valentine, natives of France, who returned to that country when their son, L. P., was but three months old. He acquired an excellent education in France and did his college work in the Lycée Charlemagne in Paris, graduating at the age of eighteen. He then returned to New York, but after three months went to Louisville, … Read more

Biography of John Bell

Caledonia Township was the birthplace of John Bell as well as the place of his present residence, his home being on section 19. He was born November 29, 1858, a son of Valentine and Agnes (Vohn) Bell, both of whom were born in the Rhine country of Germany in 1813. They were reared and married in the fatherland and on coming to the new world established their home in Caledonia Township, where the father secured twenty acres of land, which he purchased for a dollar and a quarter per acre, and to which he subsequently added ten acres. The homestead … Read more

Biography of J. E. Pritchard

J. E. Pritchard has in various ways been connected with the interests of Racine, having previously served as postmaster, while in business affairs his activity has contributed to the general commercial development. Since 1915 he has been engaged in the real estate, insurance and loan business. He was born in this city, March 18, 1872, a son of Elias J. and Martha (Evans) Pritchard, the former a native of North Wales and the latter of South Wales. The paternal grandfather, David Pritchard, who came to Racine in 1845, was a woodworker by trade. He established his home on Grand avenue, … Read more

Biography of Isidor Friedman

The mercantile establishment of The Friedman Company might well be termed the “Marshall Field” of Racine. Not only is it the largest store of its kind in the city but it institutes and adopts the most progressive methods and in all of its undertakings displays the spirit of initiative and progress. The business was started in Racine about nine years ago and has been developed to one of extensive proportions and success in large measure crowns the efforts of the members of this firm. Isidor Friedman, who is head of The Friedman Company, was born in Germany in 1854 and … Read more

Biography of George Fritchen

George Fritchen is a representative of one of the old families of Raymond Township, represented in this County for sixty-five years, for it was in 1851 that his parents, William and Gertrude (Fettin) Fritchen, established their home in this part of the state. They were both natives of Germany, the former born near Krehfeldt. In the fatherland they were reared and married and then, determining to try their fortune on this side the Atlantic, they sailed for the United States and in 1851 reached Racine County, becoming residents of Raymond Township. They were in very limited financial circumstances and Mr. … Read more