Biographical Sketch of John Henneke

Among the pioneer settlers of this County who have passed to the home beyond, but whose life’s labors contributed to the development and substantial upbuilding of the district, is numbered John Henneke, who was born in Germany in 1811. His youthful days were spent in the acquirement of a Common school education, after which he joined the army and served as an officer. At length he determined to try his fortune in the new world, and in the ’40s crossed the Atlantic to the United States, making his way to Racine County. His first purchase of land made him owner … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Albert De Moulpied

John Albert De Moulpied, representing one of the prominent pioneer families of Racine County, was born in Mount Pleasant Township, September 18, 1865, a son of Nicholas De Moulpied, whose sketch is given above. He attended the district schools and afterward spent a year in study in the schools of Racine, subsequent to which time he returned to the farm, whereon he has since remained with the exception of one year spent in South Dakota near Alexandria. Like his father, he has always carried on agricultural pursuits and he has brought his land to a high state of cultivation, his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jerome J. Foley

Jerome J. Foley, one of the younger members of the Racine bar, who, however, has already gained for himself a place as a practitioner in the courts of his district, was born in Racine, November 14, 1886, a son of Edmond and Mary (Rooney) Foley, who were natives of Ireland and Racine, respectively. In the ’70s the father arrived in this city, where he conducted business as a mechanic. He married Mary Rooney, a daughter of James Rooney, who came to Racine in 1855 and was also a mechanic. In his youthful days Jerome J. Foley attended St. Patrick’s parochial … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Higgins

James Higgins, secretary of the Higgins Spring & Axle Company, was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. September 6. 1880, while his father, Michael Higgins, mentioned above, was a resident of that city. He supplemented his public school education by study in Niagara University, in which he spent two years, and later he engaged in business with his father, entering into active connection with the Higgins Spring & Axle Company. in which he is now holding a position of administrative direction and executive control as secretary and manager. He has acquainted himself with every department of the work and is familiar with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. M. Jones

J. M. Jones, president, treasurer and general manager of the Racine Tool & Machine Company, is a native of Indiana and his public school education was supplemented by study in Western College at Toledo, Iowa. When a young man he taught school and afterward turned his attention to general merchandising near Rock Island, Illinois, while subsequently he became connected with the wholesale shoe business in Chicago. He afterward engaged in the banking business in Chicago and in 1900 came to Racine but went back and forth from Chicago each day. In December, 1910, he purchased the business which is now … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Wuerzberger

Henry Wuerzberger is well known in Racine where he has spent his entire life. He is now the vice president of the Racine Wholesale Wine & Liquor Company, of which his elder brother Ernest J. Wuerzberger is the president and treasurer. He was born on the 17th of November, 1885, and is a son of Ernest and Louisa (Birkholz) Wuerzberger, who are mentioned on another page of this work in connection with the history of their son Ernest J. Wuerzberger. At the usual age Henry Wuerzberger became a public school pupil in Racine and worked his way upward through consecutive … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Hilker

Henry Hilker, engaged in the wholesale candy business in Racine, now having a large jobbing trade, was born November 14, 1871. in the city in which he still resides, a son of Adolph and Caroline (Broeker) Hilker, who were born, reared and married in Germany, living in the kingdom of Hanover. They came to the United States about 1866 and established their home in Racine where the father, who was a brick maker, continued in business until his death, which occurred in. the year 1900. His widow now makes her home in Racine. The family residence was maintained in Racine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry C. Miller

In pioneer times the Miller family, of which Henry C. Miller is a representative. was established in Racine and from that date to the present the name has figured prominently in connection with the development of the city’s manufacturing interests. Henry C. Miller, now one of the partners and officers in the J. Miller Company. has been identified with the shoe manufacturing business from the age of seventeen years. He was born in Racine, August 27, 1862, and supplemented his public school course by study in the McMynn Academy. When seventeen years of age he entered his father’s shoe manufacturing … Read more

Biographical Sketch of H. M. Wallis Jr.

H. M. Wallis, Jr., manager of the Wallis Tractor Company, which was organized in 1912, was born in Racine on the 24th of January, 1888, a son of H. M. and Jessie (Case) Wallis. He pursued his education as a student in Racine College, the Manor School at Stamford, Connecticut and in the Hotchkiss School of Salisbury, Connecticut, and when his school days were over he returned to Racine, whore he secured employment in the J. I. Case Plow Works. He advanced through all departments in the shop, gaining comprehensive knowledge of the business, and afterward traveled for the corporation … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George B. Wilson

George B. Wilson, who has been actively associated with important business interests of Racine, was born in Boston. Massachusetts, in 1871, and. spending the first twenty-five years of his life in his native city, was accorded liberal educational privileges. He prepared for college at the Boston Latin School, founded in 1635, the oldest public school in America, and received the degree A. B. cum laude from Harvard University with the class of 1894. He then spent some time in the Harvard Graduate School in preparation for the profession of mining engineer and was afterward for many years actively engaged in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Acklam

The decade of the ’40s brought to southeastern Wisconsin many citizens who became permanent residents and were active in promoting conditions that have brought about present-day progress and prosperity. To this number belonged George Acklam, who arrived in Racine in 1849, being at that time a man of about thirty-two years, his birth having occurred in England in 1817. He pursued a common school education and there engaged in farming until 1848, when he determined to embrace the opportunities offered in the new world and crossed the Atlantic to the United States. For a year he resided in Adams County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fulton Thompson

Fulton Thompson, a member of the law firm of Thompson & Harvey, has been engaged in practice in Racine since January, 1901, and entered upon his present partnership relation in 1906. He was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, June 12, 1871, a son of John and Mary Jane (Kirk) Thompson, the former a native of Chester County, Pennsylvania, and the latter of Cecil County. Maryland. They were farming people and both have passed away. Fulton Thompson supplemented a public school education by four years’ study in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he was graduated from the law … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred William Hansche

Fred William Hansche, the second son of the family, was born in Pleasant Township, August 25, 1863, and at the usual age began his education in the common schools, continuing his studies until he reached of seventeen. He developed habits of industry and perseverance while working with his rather upon the home farm, and since his textbooks were put aside he has continually carried on agricultural pursuits, winning a substantial measure of success which is the merited and just reward of earnest, persistent effort. On the 6th of December, 1904, he wedded Theresa Grobner, a daughter of Toni and Katherine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred Reichert

Fred Reichert, a well known contractor of Racine, was born November 6, 1886, in this city, his parents being Nichola F. and Catherine (Becker) Reichert, who were also natives of this city. The paternal grandfather, Frederick Reichert, was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and in early manhood came to the new world, here following the occupation of farming. He cast in his lot with the early settlers of Racine County and his son, Nichola F., was born and reared on the old homestead farm and became a contractor and builder. He was thus identified with building operations in this County for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene Walter Leach

Eugene Walter Leach, engaged in the life insurance business at Racine since 1894 as agent for the Aetna Life Insurance Company and not unknown in literary circles, was born in Excelsior, Hennepin County, Minnesota. September 15. 1857, a son of George W. and Deborah B. (White) Leach. The father was born in Burke. Vermont, and in 1854 made his way to Racine, whence in 1856 he removed to Minnesota, but in 1859 he returned to Racine, where he resided until his death in 1899. He was a railway car builder and was employed continuously for thirty-six years by the Racine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest Klinkert

Ernest Klinkert, who for many years has been identified with the brewing business in Racine, was born in Germany on the 11th of November, 1844. He obtained a common school education in the fatherland and between the ages of twenty and twenty-five years came to the United States. Making his way to Kansas, he was there employed at farm labor and later he went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he secured employment in a brewery. He afterward spent two years in similar work in Milwaukee and in 1875 he arrived in Racine County. Here he worked for the Heck Brewing … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Beffel

Edward Beffel, secretary and treasurer of the Beffel Furniture & Undertaking Company, was born in Racine, April 13, 1879, and is a brother of W. J. Beffel, mentioned above. He pursued his education by attending St. Mary’s parochial school and the public schools of Racine, taking a high school course. When his student days were over he entered the furniture business and has since been active along that line. He joined his brother as successors to their father and in 1914 the business was reorganized under the present name. Theirs is a large establishment, well equipped in both the undertaking … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. E. Lewis

E. E. Lewis, who since 1904 has been busily engaged in the cultivation of a farm of one hundred and seventeen acres on section 13, Mount Pleasant Township, was born March 8, 1871, in the Township which is still his home, his parents being William E. and Emily (Clemmons) Lewis. He obtained a district school education supplemented by a college course in the Indiana Normal school. He then began to work with his father and for one year was employed by the United States Express Company in Racine, after which he resumed the occupation of farming, this time on his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of De Grove Bull

De Grove Bull, living on section 26, Mount Pleasant Township, was born in Raymond Township, October 1, 1867, and in his youthful days enjoyed the educational advantages offered by the common schools, while later he attended Rochester Academy until he reached the age of twenty-two years. He engaged in farming with his father for three years and then went to Chicago, where he secured a position with Marshall Field & Company, serving in the shipping department for about seven years. On the expiration of that period he returned to Racine County and again worked upon his father’s farm for three … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David G. Janes

David G. Janes enjoys the unique distinction of being the only man now occupying a dominant position in the business life of Racine, of whose father it may be said with equal truth that he was an important factor in the actual founding of the city eighty years ago. Mr. Janes was born in Racine, April 2, 1852, and has lived here all of his life, getting his education in the public schools of the city. He is married and has three daughters and two sons, one of whom, Arthur R., is associated in business with him. Mr. Janes is … Read more