Biography of Bert Edward Dunn

Bert Edward Dunn one of the proprietors of the Elite Laundry, has proven in his life record that success is not a matter of genius or the result of fortunate circumstances, but is the outcome of indefatigable industry, clear judgment and experience. He was born in Dalton, New York, June 28, 1869, a son of Albert and Nellie (Gearhart) Dunn, the former a farmer by occupation. He obtained a public school education and then turned his attention to cheese making. in which business he engaged for three years. In 1890 he arrived in Chicago and was engaged in railroading for … Read more

Biography of Bernard Brehm

Bernard Brehm was closely identified with the business interests and civic progress of the city of Burlington for a period of nearly sixty years. He was born in Baden, Germany, in 1844, the son of Frank and Agnes Brehm, also natives of Baden, and with his parents, brother and sister, came to America in 1854, reaching Burlington by ox team from Racine. The father, Frank Brehm, was a weaver and musician and engaged in various occupations until his death in 1889, having survived his wife for five years. Bernard Brehm received but a limited education, but being possessed of a … Read more

Biography of Benjamin F. Flegel

Benjamin F. Flegel, the organizer and promoter of the Reliance Automatic Lighting Company of Racine, was born near Portage, Wisconsin, August 28, 1878, a son of Ferdinand and Alice (Neef) Flegel. The father was a carpenter by trade but the family lived upon a farm during the early boyhood of Benjamin F. Flegel, who began his education in the district schools. In 1887, the father removed with his family to Tomahawk, Wisconsin, so that he continued his education there as a public school pupil. When fourteen years of age, however, he started out to earn his own living and secured … Read more

Biography of B. H. Meyers

B. H. Meyers, president and treasurer of the B. H. Meyers Company, has the oldest and largest business in monument and tile work in Racine, the steady development of his trade bringing him a substantial income which places him among the representative business men of the city and one whose interests contribute to public prosperity as well as to individual success. He was born in McHenry, Illinois, a son of Theodore and Susan Meyers, both of whom were natives of Germany. After coming to the new world they remained residents of Illinois until called to their final rest. B. H. … Read more

Biography of Augustus Piper

A large proportion of Racine County’s substantial citizens have been of German birth or of German descent, and the enterprise and efficiency which have characterized that country have been manifest in these sons of the fatherland who have sought to enjoy the opportunities of the new world. Such was the record of Augustus Piper, a native of Prussia, Germany, who was born on the 19th of August. 1825, and lost his father when but six months old. In 1840 his mother, with her children, took ship for the United States, but the vessel was wrecked at the island of Haiti … Read more

Biography of Augustus B. Crane

No history of the pioneer development of Racine County would be complete were there failure to make reference to Augustus B. Crane, who arrived here in 1839 and continued to make his home within the borders of the County for nearly seven decades. He was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, in 1823, and at an early age was left an orphan, after which he was reared by an uncle. Attracted by the opportunities of the growing west, he came to Racine County in 1839, and throughout his remaining days was closely identified with the agricultural progress of his community. … Read more

Biography of August J. Eisenhut

August J. Eisenhut, who since April, 1910, has filled the office of city treasurer of Racine, having been re-elected to this position without opposition, was born on the 22d of October, 1876, his parents being August and Martha Eisenhut. The father was born March 27. 1852, and came to the United States with his son August in the year 1881 and remained for a short time a resident of New York City, but the same year removed westward to Milwaukee, where he resided until the fall of that year and then came to Racine. He is a machinist by trade … Read more

Biography of Arthur William Simonson

Arthur William Simonson, president of The Wisconsin Agriculturist, published at Racine, succeeds to a business already established and one in which he has the inspirational example of a distinguished and honored father. His training was received under his father’s direction and the course which he is pursuing fully sustains the reputation which has long been associated with the family name in journalistic circles of the state. He was born in Racine. August 15, 1887, his parents being Andrew and Annie (Porter) Simonson, of who mention is made elsewhere in this volume. The Simonsons have been residents of Racine since 1869, … Read more

Biography of Arthur Ehrlich

Arthur Ehrlich, whose prominence in real estate circles is indicated by the fact that he is now serving for the second term as president of the Racine real estate board. came to this city in 1895 and a decade later turned his attention to the real estate business, in which connection he has contributed much to the substantial expansion, improvement and upbuilding of the city. He was born in the province of Pomerania, Prussia, July 24, 1867, and attended a military school of that country. He was a youth of nineteen years when he crossed the Atlantic to America in … Read more

Biography of Arthur C. Harris

Arthur C. Harris, manager at Racine for the Milwaukee Electric Railway & Light Company, was born in Jackson, Michigan. He passed through consecutive grades in the public schools until he became a high school student and took his initial step in the business world as an employee of the Commonwealth Power Company in his native city. He afterward worked his way upward, becoming sales manager of the power department. His entire life experience has been along this line, bringing him constantly broadening knowledge and efficiency. He was also with the Grand Rapids-Muskegon Company of Grand Rapids as sales manager in … Read more

Biography of Arthur B. Modine

Arthur B. Modine is identified with two of Racine’s important manufacturing enterprises which have recently come into force as factors in the material development of the city. A native of Chicago, Mr. Modine was born on the 27th of October, 1885, the son of John A. and Amanda (Linstrum) Modine. The father, who was a contractor and builder, has now passed away, but the mother still resides in Chicago. Their son Arthur obtained a public school education, mastering the work of the grades and then entering the English High and Manual Training School. He afterward studied in the Armour Institute … Read more

Biography of Antony Meinhardt

No history of Burlington would be complete or satisfactory were there failure to make prominent reference to Antony Meinhardt, who was long a leading and valued citizen and the founder and promoter of the Meinhardt bank, which for a quarter of a century has been one of the strong financial forces of this part of the state. In this locality the name of Meinhardt is synonymous with enterprise, progress and business stability. Antony Meinhardt was born in Cattaraugus, New York, on the 17th. of October, 1830, and his life record covered the intervening years to the 27th of August, 1891, … Read more

Biography of Anthony McAvoy

Racine classed Anthony McAvoy as one of its representative citizens and leading business men_ He was long prominently identified with carriage manufacturing and his activities were at all times wisely and successfully directed. Re was born in County Down, Ireland, October 30, 1846, and the following year was taken by his parents to London, Canada, where he resided until 1865, when he became a resident of Chicago. Illinois. After about a year passed in that city he removed to Racine and soon afterward went to Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin, where he remained until 1872. He then returned to Racine, where … Read more

Biography of Angus R. Callender

Angus R Callender, secretary and treasurer of the Badger Foundry Company, was born in Racine County, August 4, 1876, a son of Richard Callender. who was one of the early residents of this section of the state. After obtaining a high school education he entered the employ of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Company, with which he spent nineteen years, thoroughly acquainting himself with every phase of the work entrusted to him and winning promotion front time to time until he became chief clerk of the manufacturing department. He severed that connection in order to enter into active association … Read more

Biography of Andrew E. Ibson

Andrew E. Ibson, who is engaged in farming and dairying in Yorkville Township, also owns three hundred and twenty acres of valuable land in New Mexico. A native of Raymond Township, Racine County, he was born on the 27th of August, 1865, a son of Hans and Gertrude (Hansen) Ibson, both natives of Denmark, the former born on the isle of Zealand in March, 1816, and the latter on the isle of Langland, on the 28th of January, 1828. They were married in their native country on the 25th of May, 1858, and six years later came to the United … Read more

Biography of Andrew Bennett

A well improved and highly cultivated farm of three hundred and sixty acres in Norway Township pays tribute to Andrew Bennett in return for the care and labor he expends upon it. His home is pleasantly located on section 36 and is a beautiful country residence erected in 1903. It is two stories in height and contains twelve rooms attractively furnished and supplied with all modern conveniences, including running water. Mr. Bennett has spent his entire life in Norway Township, where he was born March 4, 1854, a son of Edward and Mary (Shields) Bennett, natives of County Westmeath, Ireland. … Read more

Biography of Alonzo Silas Titus

Alonzo Silas Titus, conducting business under the name of the Waterford Milling Company, was born at Richland Center, Wisconsin, February 14, 1858, a son of Starr and Elsa (Hickox) Titus. The father was born at Buffalo, New York, where he was reared to manhood, and thence removed to Illinois. He was a millwright by trade, but afterward took up the occupation of farming, which he followed for a number of years in McHenry County, Illinois. There most of his children were born. At length, because of failing health, he removed to the pine woods of Wisconsin and in 1859 he … Read more

Biography of Alexander Sumpter

Alexander Sumpter, residing in Union Grove, devotes his attention to general farming and to the raising of chickens and his business has assumed extensive proportions, bringing a good financial return. He was born in Yorkville, Wisconsin, September 6, 1864, and is a son of John and Mary Ann (Cheasman) Sumpter, both of whom were natives of Lincolnshire. England, born in 1818 and 1821 respectively. They were married in their native County and in 1850 came to the United States, making their way to Yorkville Township, Racine County. For a few years Mr. Sumpter was there employed at farm labor and … Read more

Biography of Alexander R. Anderson

Alexander R., Anderson, manager and treasurer of the Racine Hosiery Company, has back of him twenty years’ experience in all departments of the mill and is therefore most competent to control the enlarging and developing interests of this concern. The work is thoroughly systematized and everything done in a most methodical manner, so that there is no useless expenditure of time, labor or material. It is a well recognized fact that this economy of forces is the basis of all modern business success. Mr. Anderson was born in Lewiston, Maine, April 16, 1878, a son of Walter R. and Margaret … Read more

Biography of Alexander A. Fisk

Alexander A. Fisk, in charge of the park system of Racine, is actuated in all of his work by broad humanitarian principles. It is not his object merely to develop a park system in Racine that will be a thing of beauty. He has the higher and broader purpose of making it as well a place of recreation to meet the demands of the public needs in this regard, knowing that ninety-five per cent of the people never have, in vacation periods, the opportunity to leave home. He is closely and thoroughly studying modern problems relative to the welfare of … Read more