Biography of Clarence A. McLaughlin

In real estate circles Clarence A. McLaughlin, member of the firm of Keefe & McLaughlin, is well known, for he has not only negotiated many important real estate transfers but is also active in the field of speculative building and in this way has contributed much toward the improvement of the city, operating in his building interests as a member of the Community Realty Company. He was born in Racine, January 24, 1892, and is a son of Joseph and Clara (Nagler) McLaughlin, the former a native of Racine and the latter of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The paternal grandfather, Patrick McLaughlin, … Read more

Biography of Christopher C. Gittings

Christopher C. Gittings, who since 1889 has been an active member of the Racine bar, and is now senior partner in the firm of Gittings & Janechy, was born in Racine County, October 29, 1862, a son of William and Elizabeth Gittings. The ancestry is traced back to Wales, although the family is of English origin. The father was born in Wales, and in 1850 visited Wisconsin, being so pleased with the state and its future prospects that he returned in 1855 to Racine County and purchased land in Caledonia Township, soon after which he was joined by his father, … Read more

Biography of Christmas E. Evans, D. V. S.

The veterinary profession in Racine finds a worthy representative in Dr. Christmas E. Evans, whose ability to successfully administer remedial agencies is manifest in the excellent results which have attended him in general practice. He was born in Utica, New York, November 2. 1860, and is a son of Evan R. and Margaret (Roberts) Evans, who came to Racine in 1874. The father was a veterinary surgeon and continued in active practice in Racine until July, 1908, when his labors were terminated by death. He had for four years survived his wife, who passed away in 1904. Dr. C. E. … Read more

Biography of Christian Erbe

The family name indicates the German nativity of Christian Erbe, who displays in his business career many of the sterling characteristics which mark the efficiency of the Teuton race. He was born in Saxony, Germany, January 29, 1839, a son of George and Catherine (Ungerecht) Erbe, who were also natives of Saxony. The ancestry is traced back to Christian Erbe, the great-grandfather. The grandfather was John Erbe, who died in Germany when his son George was but fourteen years of age. One of the family, Sebastian Erbe, served in the Revolutionary war, on the English side, and was taken prisoner … Read more

Biography of Chris Schroeder

Chris Schroeder, who upon the foundation of broad, practical experience in agriculture has built his life work-that of disseminating useful knowledge concerning improved methods of farming and live stock breeding-is now live stock editor of the Wisconsin Agriculturist, published at Racine. He was born in Kewaunee, this state, December 31, 1880, a son of Frederick C. and Margaret (Hoeltz) Schroeder, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father was born in 1842 and with his parents came to the United States in 1853, the family home being established in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, where they followed the occupation of farming. … Read more

Biography of Charles V. McAvoy

Charles V. McAvoy, secretary-treasurer of the Wisconsin Auto Top Company, was born in Racine, April 12, 1889, a son of Anthony and Alice (Bowers) McAvoy. The father, who was a native of Ireland, came to Racine in 1866 and for a long period was connected with the industrial development of the city as proprietor of a wagon and carriage plant, but later lived retired to the time of his death, which occurred March 11, 1914. His widow still survives. Mr. McAvoy was for a number of year’s supervisor and was otherwise prominently connected with public affairs in the community. He … Read more

Biography of Charles O. Johnson

Charles O. Johnson, who is engaged in farming on section 14, Norway Township, is classed as one of the popular and highly esteemed residents of his community and his friends have reason to know that he merits their regard, for his entire life has been spent in this locality. He was born March 4, 1857, in Norway Township, a brother of H. F. Johnson, in connection with whose biography on another page of this work there appears mention of their parents and the family. Charles O. Johnson obtained a district school education and then took up the occupation of farming, … Read more

Biography of Charles Mason Reed

Charles Mason Reed, who is engaged in farming on section 18, Mount Pleasant Township, was born in Ontario County, New York, and in his youthful days obtained a common school education. He was but seven years of age when he accompanied his parents, Ezra and Emeline Reed, from the east to Wisconsin, the family home being established on the plank road in Mount Pleasant Township. There they lived for a few years and the father conducted a hotel at Ives Grove. Later he purchased a tract of land in Mount Pleasant Township, upon which he resided until 1865, when he … Read more

Biography of Charles Jonas

America’s open-door policy has constituted a refuge to millions of Europe’s citizens, among which number have been those of broad, scholarly attainments and keen intellectual discernment whose vision has enabled them to understand the significant questions and vital problems of monarchical government control. Because of the expression of their advanced view where free speech is not fully tolerated, they have been obliged to seek homes in “the land of the free.” Such was the history of Charles Jonas and thereby Bohemia became a loser but America a gainer. Wisconsin long honored him as one of her distinguished citizens, a man … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Bull

When Charles H. Bull passed away Racine County lost a citizen who had long been numbered with the representative agriculturists of this part of the state. He owned and cultivated a fine farm of eighty acres on section 31, Raymond Township, and his business affairs were carefully and wisely managed. New York numbered him among her native sons, his birth having occurred in Cayuga County on the 6th of June, 1839. His father, De Grove Bull, was also a native of the Empire state, where he spent his youthful days upon a farm and later took up that occupation as … Read more

Biography of Charles Freeman

Charles Freeman is numbered among the successful business men of Racine, being active in the ownership and conduct of a mammoth manufacturing plant, his interests being conducted under the name of the S. Freeman & Sons Manufacturing Company, of which he is the president. This has become one of the important productive industries of the city and throughout his entire business career Mr. Freeman has been associated with the undertaking, starting out in this line when a youth of fourteen. He was born in Washington County. Illinois, March 17, 1858, and is a son of Stephen and Elizabeth (Willich) Freeman, … Read more

Biography of Charles F. Barndt

Charles F. Barndt is considered a valuable addition to the business circles of Racine, with which he became identified in October, 1913, when he removed to this city and entered into active trade relations here as the vice president and factory manager of the Racine Manufacturing Company. He was born in a suburb of Philadelphia on the 6th of April, 1876, a son of John G. and Annie M. (Clymer) Barndt. The father was a carriage builder who for many years was connected with the business but is now living retired at the age of seventy-eight years. He has long … Read more

Biography of Charles B. McCanna

Dairying and the industries which are allied thereto have ever constituted an important source of the wealth and prosperity of Racine County, and among the most enterprising and progressive business men of the district are those who have turned to that line of labor as a source of their business development. One of the well known, successful and highly respected representatives of the business in Racine County was Charles B. McCanna, who became an influential citizen of Burlington and one whose activities constituted not only a source of individual success but. also constituted one of the strong elements in the … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Ryba

Racine on the whole has been favored in the class of men who have occupied her public offices, and among the worthy city officials is numbered Charles A. Ryba, who since April, 1913, has occupied the position of city clerk. He was born in Racine, July 21, 1889, a son of Albert and Anna (Novak) Ryba, the former a native of Bohemia, while the latter was born in Caledonia Township, Racine County. Albert Ryba came to the United States in 1882 and made his way to Racine, where he has since resided, occupying the position of shipping clerk or doing … Read more

Biography of Carl Mickelsen

On starting out in life Carl Mickelsen realized fully that if success was to be his it must be gained through earnest, persistent and unfaltering effort, and thus it is that he has worked diligently year after year, making steady progress until now he is the owner of a very desirable farm of eighty-four acres situated on section 27, Mount Pleasant Township, and supplied with many modern improvements and equipments. He has been a resident of this section of the state from the age of twenty years. He was born in Lolland, Denmark, September 5, 1866, and is a son … Read more

Biography of Carl D. Skow

Among the growing and important business enterprises which have converted Washington Avenue into a busy mart of trade is the dry goods establishment owned and conducted by Carl D. Skow, one of the enterprising citizens that Denmark has furnished to Racine. He was born in that country February 5, 1863, his parents being T. N. and Ursula Skow, who spent their entire lives in Denmark. The son came to the United States in May, 1882, when a young man of nineteen years, and settled first at Racine, Wisconsin, where he became a clerk in the dry goods house of J. … Read more

Biography of Captain William Mitchell Lewis

Captain William Mitchell Lewis has established and promoted in Racine, one of the largest manufacturing enterprises of this character in the United States. The development of the trade in the last few years has been so great as to seem almost magical, but back of this are the well defined and carefully executed plans of Captain Lewis and his associate officers of the Mitchell-Lewis Motor Company. Racine claims him as a native son, for he was here born on the 25th of February, 1869, his parents being William T. and Mary (Mitchell) Lewis. At the usual age he became a … Read more

Biography of C. W. Smith

C. W. Smith, a most enterprising lumber merchant of Racine, putting forth every effort to promote the growth of his business along legitimate lines, was born in the town of Somers, Kenosha County, February 15, 1847, his parents being Charles and Anna (Reid) Smith, who were natives of Scotland. The father came to the United States in 1835 and established his home in the town of Somers, there remaining until he had prepared a home. He then returned to Scotland and about seven years later came again to the new world, accompanied by his bride. The Indians still lived in … Read more

Biography of C. K. Hahn, M. D.

Dr. C. K. Hahn, successfully engaged in the general practice of medicine in Racine, was born in Germany, on the 16th of August, 1868, a son of A. and Helena Hahn, both of whom have departed this life. Spending his youthful days under the parental roof, he determined upon the practice of medicine as a life work and in preparation therefore entered the Wurzburg, (Bavaria) Medical College, from which he was graduated with the class of 1895. Hoping to obtain better advantages for professional advancement in the new world he crossed the Atlantic in 1896 and for a year thereafter … Read more

Biography of C. E. Thorkelson

C. E. Thorkelson, deputy health officer of Racine, was called to this position on the 1st of June, 1914, and in the intervening period has made a most excellent record by his devotion to the interests of the city which come under his control and supervision. Racine numbers him among her native sons who are of Norwegian lineage and who possess the sterling characteristics of the people who have come to us from the land of the midnight sun. He was born in this city February 25, 1885, a son of Mathias and Mary (Eggers) Thorkelson, both of whom were … Read more