Biography of George Wallingford

George Wallingford, a prosperous business man of Claremont in the last generation, was born in Dublin, N.H., July 17, 1808, son of Ebenezer and Mary (Hildreth) Wallingford. The first ancestor, Nicholas Wallingford, settled in Bradford, Mass., in 1672. David Wallingford, of the third generation descended from Nicholas, was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. Born September 25, 1744, he went to the war from Hollis, N.H., was a minute-man, served in four companies under Captains Dow, Towns, Emerson, and Goss, and took part in the battles of Bunker Hill and Bennington. His son Ebenezer, who was born October 5, 1780, … Read more

Biography of George Wallace Fisher

George Wallace Fisher, a well-known farmer in Boscawen, N.H., was born June 26, 1837, in New London, this State. His father, Levi Fisher, was a native of Francestown, N.H.; and his mother, Fannie Wilkins Fisher, was born June 12, 1808, in Merrimack. Mr. Fisher’s ancestors can be traced back nine generations, as follows: Anthony Fisher first, who is said to have lived at Wignotte, in Syleham Parish, England, married Mary Fiske, daughter of William and Anne Fiske, of St. James, South Elmsham, County Suffolk. He doubtless died at Syleham, as he was buried there April 11, 1640. Anthony second, the … Read more

Biography of George W. Wilson

George W. Wilson, who owns a productive farm in Franklin, was born in Salisbury, N.H., July 15, 1824, son of Dr. Job and Nancy (Farnum) Wilson. His grandfather, Captain Nathaniel Wilson, who served as an officer in the Continental army during the Revolutionary War, settled in Gilmanton, N. H., where he spent the remainder of his life. He was an able Job Wilson, M.D., the father of George W., was born in Gilmanton. After graduating. from college, he began the practice of medicine in Boscawen. Later he moved to Salisbury and in 1831 to Franklin, settling on the farm which his … Read more

Biography of George W. S. Dow

George W. S. Dow, an enterprising box manufacturer of Henniker and the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, was born in this town, March 9, 1841, son of Jonathan and Anna P. (Peaslee) Dow. Jonathan Dow, Sr., who was a son of David Dow, of Weare, N.H., settled in Henniker at the beginning of the present century. On December 23, 1807, he married Sally Plummer, a native of this town. Jonathan Dow, Jr., the father of George W. S., born in Henniker, December 5, 1814, became a prosperous farmer and a successful lumberman, and resided here until his death, which … Read more

Biography of George W. Rice

George W. Rice, one of Henniker’s most able and prosperous farmers, was born in this town, January 17, 1825, son of Jacob and Louisa (Howe) Rice. His grandfather, Elijah Rice, a Revolutionary patriot, was an early settler in Henniker. An account of his parents and of the ancestry of Elijah Rice will be found in the biography of Harrison A. Rice, which appears elsewhere in this work. George W. Rice passed his youth in attending school and working upon the farm. He was still young when his parents moved to the property now owned and occupied by his brother, Harrison … Read more

Biography of George W. Merrill

George W. Merrill, a well-known farmer of Loudon, N.H., is a native of this town, born March 31, 1855, a son of Bela C. and Sarah (Pickron) Merrill. His father was a native of Gilmanton, N.H., and his mother of Barnstead, N.H. Paul Merrill, the paternal grandfather of George W., was a New Hampshire man, and settled on a farm in Gilmanton, where he lived the greater part of his life. Bela Merrill was a farmer in the same town, remaining there until about 1854, when he came to Loudon. Here he resided with his son, the subject of this … Read more

Biography of George W. Hurd

George W. Hurd, who owns and cultivates a productive dairy farm in Lempster, Sullivan County, was born where he now resides, September 16, 1837, son of Colonel Smith and Mehitable (Emerson) Hurd. His paternal grandfather, Shubael Hurd, was the first ancestor to settle in Lempster. He was one of the stirring farmers of his day, and improved the property which is now occupied by his grandson. Shubael Hurd married for his first wife Rachel Beckwith, and for his second wife Isabelle Ames, a native of Peterboro, N.H. By this union there were two sons-Smith and Justus. Justus Hurd was graduated … Read more

Biography of George W. Griffin

George W. Griffin, of Franklin Falls village, the senior member of the firm G. W. Griffin & Co., and a native of Lisbon, N.H., was born April 2, 1839, son of George and Alice (Clark) Griffin. George Griffin manufactured wool in Danville and Barnet, Vt., for several years. Afterward he returned to Manchester, the place of his birth, and opened a store. The latter part of his life was spent at York Beach, Me. He was the proprietor of the Agamenticus Hotel there, and carried it on until the time of his death, which occurred in 1885, at the age … Read more

Biography of George T. Abbott

George T. Abbott, a well-known farmer of Concord, was born here, September 16, 1833, on the estate which was bought by his father, Aaron, of the late Daniel Prince. His great-grandfather, Nathaniel A., was the third settler in that part of Concord known as the Iron Works, coming here from Massachusetts in 1735, when the district was almost a wilderness and Indians were numerous. Nathaniel brought his wife with him and built for their home a log house. Before his death he had cleared considerable land and had seen great changes, as he lived to be a very old man. … Read more

Biography of George S. Bond

George S. Bond, a manufacturer of Charlestown, was born in that town, March 2, 1837, son of Silas and Alice (Abbot) Bond. His grandfather, William Bond, who was born in Watertown, Mass., at the age of twenty years came to Charlestown, and thereafter carried on general farming during the remainder of his active life. One of his six children was Silas Bond, who married Alice Abbot, and also was the father of six children, including the subject of this sketch. George S. Bond was educated in the district schools of the town. At the age of seven years his father … Read more

Biography of George Oliver Locke

George Oliver Locke, of Pembroke, an ex-member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, was born in South New Market, N.H., September 19, 1826, son of Simeon and Clarissa (Tash) Locke. His great-grand-father, David Locke, who was a native of Yorkshire, England, became an early settler in Rye, N.H., where he owned a good farm, and resided there until his death, which occurred at a good old age. Simeon Locke (first), grandfather of the subject of this sketch, followed farming in Epsom for a time. Later he moved to East Concord, N.H., and there spent the rest of his life. … Read more

Biography of George Ogilvie

George Ogilvie, a substantial and well-known agriculturist of the town of Sutton, Merrimack County, was born March 21, 1815, on a farm in Newbury, N.H., about three miles from his present George Ogilvie, first, was born in March, 1776, in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, and died in Newbury, in September, 1865. When about sixteen years old, George Ogilvie, first, entered upon a sailor’s life, and was subsequently impressed into the British naval service. While stationed at a port in Holland, he and forty others deserted, and, reaching an American vessel, were conveyed to New England. He located in Beverly, Mass., and for … Read more

Biography of George Henry Stowell

George Henry Stowell, a wholesale and retail dealer in hardware and one of the wealthiest citizens of Claremont, was born in Cornish, N.H., October 28, 1835. His father, Amasa Stowell, came to Cornish from Hartland, Vt. He died when our subject was a young boy. He had ten children, of whom five are living, namely: Evaline, who married G. W. Hewey; Sylvester, who is engaged in agriculture in East Unity, N.H.; Joseph, who is in the harness and livery and carriage business at Lawrence, owns three livery stables, and raises fast stock; Austin, who is in business with Joseph; and … Read more

Biography of George H. Savage

George H. Savage, now living in retirement in Henniker village, was born December 25, 1855, in Orford, Grafton County, son of John A. and Maria (Edmester) Savage. His father was born and bred in Grafton County, and his mother in Everett, Mass. When a boy of sixteen, he left home determined to make his own way in the world. Going to Massachusetts, he located in Charlestown, where he began his active career as a peddler of milk and cream. Purchasing his supplies from the large dairies of Hillsborough and Henniker, this county, he had it shipped to a distributor for … Read more

Biography of George H. Haines

George H. Haines, a well-known resident of Chichester, Merrimack County, N.H., for quite a number of years engaged as a carriage and sleigh manufacturer, also as an extensive lumber dealer, now partially retired from his former activities, was born in this town, January 27, 1845, son of George P. and Sarah F. (Towle) Haines. The family is of Colonial origin; and the first ancestor of whom there is any exact knowledge was Robert Haines, who settled in Falmouth, Me., and remained there eight or nine years, or until the Indian outbreak in 1688. He married Rachel Davis, who was born … Read more

Biography of George H. Fairbanks

George H. Fairbanks, a farmer of Newport, was born in Francestown, N.H., June 4, 1830, son of Jabez and Sally (Bixby) Fairbanks. The father, born in Francestown, N.H., February 24, 1788, Francestown. In 1840 he removed to Newport, where he remained during the latter part of his life. Here he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. For his first wife he married Sally Bixby on January 2, 1814. She was born January 29, 1782, and died in 1839, December 2. For his second wife he married Polly Bixby, a sister of his first wife. He died May 10, … Read more

Biography of George H. Cilley

George H. Cilley, a prominent farmer of Hill, is a native of Bristol, N.H., born May 15, 1864. A son of John M. Cilley, of Andover, he is a descendant of one of the early pioneer families of that district. His great-grandfather cleared Cilley Hill, a projection of Ragged Mountain. The father, John M. Cilley, was a druggist and jeweller of Bristol, where he had a store for a number of years. He married Susan Herbert, daughter of Saunders Herbert; and the subject of this sketch is their only child. After the death of the father, the mother married Deacon … Read more

Biography of George H. Bartlett

George H. Bartlett, a prosperous manufacturer of Sunapee, was born in that town, September 28, 1841, son of John and Sarah (Sanborn) Bartlett, natives respectively of Deering and Springfield, N.H. He belongs to an old family. One of his ancestors was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. John Bartlett, his grandfather, was a farmer in Deering, and died at a good old age. John’s son, also named John, was a pioneer of Sunapee. This John came here on horseback, and took up new and almost wild land. The remainder of his life was spent in Sunapee, where he left … Read more

Biography of George H. Adams

George H. Adams, of Hill, the senior proprietor of the Hill Needle Factory, was born at Haverhill, Mass., son of the late Harrison Adams, the founder of the needle industry in this place. The first of the Adams family in this country was Enoch Adams, the great-grandfather of George H. He came to America from England, and settled, first in Newbury, and afterward in Salisbury, N.H. His last years were spent in the western part of the latter town, near Kearsarge Mountain. His son, Russel, after his marriage with Susanna Fifield, moved to Hill, where a family of eight children … Read more

Biography of George E. Shepard

George E. Shepard, of Franklin village, who is a prominent lumberman of Merrimack County, was born March 28, 1840, son of George and Abigail (Hill) Shepard. The grandfather was Ebenezer Shepard, a farmer and a lifelong resident of New London, N.H., where his son George was born. George Shepard became a farmer, and lived in Wilmot during forty years of his life. He made his home at one time in New London, N.H., and later moved to East Andover. His wife, Abigail, was the widow of Edmund Chadwick and a daughter of Edward Hill, a carpenter of West Newbury, Mass. … Read more