George Ogilvie, a substantial and well-known agriculturist of the town of Sutton, Merrimack County, was born March 21, 1815, on a farm in Newbury, N.H., about three miles from his present George Ogilvie, first, was born in March, 1776, in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, and died in Newbury, in September, 1865. When about sixteen years old, George Ogilvie, first, entered upon a sailor’s life, and was subsequently impressed into the British naval service. While stationed at a port in Holland, he and forty others deserted, and, reaching an American vessel, were conveyed to New England. He located in Beverly, Mass., and for some years continued to follow the sea, serving successively as second and first mate. During his voyages he visited many foreign ports, including several in the East Indies and on the Baltic Sea. The embargo of 1812 crippled for a time the commercial interests of New England, and he accordingly gave up maritime life. While in Beverly, he had married Joanna Thissell, a daughter of Richard Thissell and his wife, whose maiden name was Lovett. They having removed to Newbury, N.H., he followed them, accompanied by his young wife. Mr. Thissell’s first wife died in Newbury; and he married Sarah Withington, and removed to Sutton, where both lived to an advanced age. One of his sons, William Thissell, was the former owner of the farm now owned and occupied by George Ogilvie, the subject of this sketch. He is the only survivor of the parental household, his sister Nancy, who was some years older than he, having died unmarried in Massachusetts.
George Ogilvie, second, started in life for himself at the age of twenty-one years, going to Henniker with but four dollars in his pocket as his sole cash capital. He worked as a farm hand for six months at twelve dollars a month, and sent the money to his parents to assist in paying off the mortgage on the farm. His first employer recommended him to a widow who needed a trustworthy and competent man to take charge of her land, and he remained in her employ two years. He subsequently engaged in work of various kinds, continuing to look after his parents; and he finally cleared off all indebtedness on the homestead, which he afterward sold. For ten years he lived in South Newbury, during a portion of this time being engaged in butchering. In 1866 he bought his present farm, which now contains one hundred acres of valley land; and he has since devoted himself to the leading branches of agriculture. His estate is well improved, and under his wise management has become one of the finest farms in Sutton. After coming here Mr. Ogilvie engaged to some extent in slaughtering, but has repeatedly declined to leave the farm to enter other lines of business. In politics he is a Republican to the backbone.
On January 26, 1843, he married Miss Lucy Ann Gillingham, a daughter of John and Phebe (Peabody) Gillingham. Her mother was a native of Middleton, Essex County, Mass. Mrs. Ogilvie was born in Danvers, Mass., in 1818, and died in Sutton, October 7, 1895, after a happy wedded life of more than half a century. Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie had no children of their own, but adopted a girl, Rozina E. Ogilvie, when she was a child of three years. She received a good education, and since seventeen years of age has been engaged in teaching. She has taught nineteen consecutive terms, in the meanwhile residing at home.