Indian Biographies – Surname U-W-Y
Some of the listed biographies contain a great amount of information on the subject, others however may only be a paragraph or a few lines. Most of the information has been taken from the books we provide free online. Uncas V Surname Vann, D. W. W Surname Waapashaw, A Sioux Chief Wabaunsee, A Pottawatimie Chief Wabishkeepenas, A Chippeway (Chippewa) Wabokieshiek Waemboeshkaa, A Chippeway Chief Wakaun Haka, A Winnebago Chief Wakechai, A Saukie Chief (Sauk) Walkabout, John Walkabout, Joseph Walkingstick, Simon Ralph, Jr. Walkley, George W. Walkley, William S. Wallace, Sue Adair Waller, George W. Mrs. Wamditanka Wanata, A Sioux Chief … Read more