Some of the listed biographies contain a great amount of information on the subject, others however may only be a paragraph or a few lines. Most of the information has been taken from the books we provide free online.
- Fair, Jake
- Fields, Ezekial
- Fields, William Lee
- Fisher, Henry C.
- Fisher, William
- Fite, F. B. Mrs.
- Fletcher, C. L.
- Flournoy, D. H.
- Foke Luste Hajo, A Seminole Chief
- Foreman, Ada C. Mrs.
- Foreman, Austin Worcester
- Foreman, Stephen Rev.
- Foreman, Thomas Watie
- Foreman, William W.
- Fortner, Benjamin F., M.D
- Franklin, Oscar Mrs.
- Frazee, Morris, Dr.
- Frazier, Mrs. Samuel
- Freeman, Mrs. George H.
- French, Joseph M.
- French, Robert M.
- Fry, Collie
- Fuller, J. S., M.D.