Some of the listed biographies contain a great amount of information on the subject, others however may only be a paragraph or a few lines. Most of the information has been taken from the books we provide free online.
- Haddan, Mrs. Barney D.
- Hail, Mrs. Cleo
- Hall, Frederick
- Hallum, Mrs. William O.
- Halsell, William Electra
- Hamilton, Mrs. Henry J.
- Hammett, James W.
- Hardridge, Eli E.
- Harlan, George W.
- Harnage, C. L.
- Harnage, William Custis
- Harris, J. W. Mrs.
- Harris, J. W. Jr. Mrs.
- Harris, Johnson, Colonel
- Harris, Johnson, Colonel
- Harris, Reuben Mrs.
- Harris, William L.
- Hastings, John R.
- Hastings, William Wirt
- Hawkins, Pearl D.
- Hawkins, Pink
- Hayne Hudjihini, The Eagle Of Delight
- Haynes, Samuel Jonathan
- Heady, Mrs. Frankie F.
- Hefflefinger, Eliza C. Mrs.
- Heinrichs, Joseph
- Hendricks, James B. Mrs.
- Hendricks, Rufus
- Hendricks, W. H.
- Henry, Hugh
- Henry, Jesse
- Henry, Laura Alice
- Henry, W. G. Mrs.
- Henry, W. G. Mrs.
- Hiawatha
- Tarenyawagon or Hiawatha
- Hickey, John Walter
- Hicks, E. D
- Hicks, Herbert W.
- Hicks, Richard Watson
- Highland, James
- Hildebrand, Joseph M.
- Hildebrand, Samuel Mrs.
- Biographical Sketch of Davis Hill
- Biographical Sketch of Davis Hill
- Hill, Henry J. Mrs.
- Hillis Hadjo
- Hinds, Sampson O.
- Hishkowits
- Hitchcock, Isaac B.
- Hogue, Mrs. Joseph S
- Hole-In-The-Day
- Holland, Richard S.
- Holloway, Allen D. Mrs.
- Homili
- Hoowanneka, A Winnebago Chief
- Houston, Lee Mrs.
- Howard, Frank S
- Howell, Mrs. C. W.
- Howie, Thomas
- Hubbard, Thomas
- Hurst, Mrs. John R.
- Hutchings, William T.
- Hutchins, Lew Wofford
- Hutchins, Nettle