Biography of James Fleet

Many of our most capable and substantial citizens have come to us from England and among that number we must mention the subject of this sketch, whose career has demonstrated the pluck, perseverance and intelligence of the doughty Anglo Saxon race, and any work which purports to give review of the prominent citizens of Wallowa County would be quite incomplete were there not mention of this honorable and esteemed gentleman, whose uprightness, integrity and capability have given him a standing among his men and fellows and it is with pleasure that we accord him representation in the chronicles of our … Read more

Biography of James Fitzpatrick

Among the very earliest pioneers whose courage and activity led them through the hardships of the journey across the plains to face danger and endure pain and deprivations meanwhile, is the venerable and highly esteemed gentleman and veteran of many conflicts in life’s battles, whose name appears at the head of this article, and whose uniform faithfulness, uprightness, ability, and stanch qualities have constantly been manifested. Mr. Fitzpatrick was born in Pennsylvania in 1820, receiving there his early education and remaining under the parental roof until twenty-six years of age. He then came to Illinois, a new country, and engaged … Read more

Biography of James E. Gilkison

JAMES E. GILKISON. – It is very pleasant to note that in place of the old pioneers that are too swiftly passing away from our midst, there is coming a class of industrious and enterprising agriculturists and business men that are doing credit to their illustrious predecessors in handling the resources of the county, and among this worthy number we must not fail to mention the thrifty and capable agriculturist whose name initiates this paragraph, and to whom we accord with pleasure a place in these abiding chronicles of our county, since he is one of the producers of wealth … Read more

Biography of James D. Halsey

Any work that purports to give in review the lives of the pioneers and leading citizens of Wallowa County would be quite incomplete were there failure to mention the esteemed and intelligent gentleman and capable and patriotic citizen whose name is at the head of this article and who has wrought for the development and advancement of our county for many years, maintaining meanwhile an unsullied reputation and showing forth a character of moral worth and intrinsic value that has placed him in position to be the recipient of the confidence of his fellows, while his vigor, excellent judgment and … Read more

Biography of James A. Tulley

A leading property owner of Wallowa county, where he has labored long in the advancement of the same as well as many years in Union county, the subject of this sketch is eminently fitted to be represented in the volume with which we have now to do and in fact in any volume that undertakes to make mention of the leading men of our county. Having wrought in the western country for some years, Mr. Tulley has gained a measure of success that is gratifying while also he enjoys the distinction of being one of those who fought for the … Read more

Biography of James A. Russell

JAMES A. RUSSELL. – A well-known and esteemed member of the business world of Island City, where he operates a butchering establishment and also handles much stock, the subject of this article is deserving of representation in this volume, since he is not only now one of the prominent men of the county but has spent practically all of his life in this valley and has labored with zeal for the advancement of its interests. James A. was born on September 23, 1861, in Linesville, Iowa, being the son of Thomas J. and Savannah C. (Atha) Russell, who started the … Read more

Biography of James A. McKenzie

JAMES A. McKENZIE. – Among the thrifty and intelligent agriculturists of Union county who have steadily pursued their way producing the fruits of the field and raising fine herds of cattle while the years have gone by, making the county what it is at the present time, must be mentioned the influential and loyal citizen, whose name initiates this paragraph,who has labored assiduously in the callings mentioned with an attendant success that has given him the meed of large fields and much property, while he has demonstrated the excellent qualities characteristic of his personality with a concomitant sagacity that dominates … Read more

Biography of James A. Masterson

JAMES A. MASTERSON. – It now becomes our pleasant privilege to outline the interesting career of the estimable gentleman, whose name is at the ehad of this article, and who stands as one of the prominent and representative men of Union county, being also aheavy property owner, and having manifested since an early day here ability that was master of the situation and has acuumulated his holdings from the raw resources of the county, while also he has maintained an untarnished reputation and has done much for the advancement of the county, being really one of the builders of Union … Read more

Biography of Jacob Zuber

JACOB ZUBER. – Without doubt the subject of this sketch is one of the men whose name should be among the list of those who are accorded representation in the history of Union county, since he has wrought here with an energy and assiduity that have placed him in possession of a goodly competence, while also he has the distinction of always being allied with those enterprises that were for the benefit of the people of the county, and his life has been one of long and continued activity and manifestation of wisdom and ability, and having been in the … Read more

Biography of Jacob Newman

JACOB NEWMAN. – In the person of the subject of this sketch we have one of the heaviest real estate holders and most progressive agriculturists of the county, and one that has well earned the name of pioneer, having wrought here for forty years. In all this extended time he has displayed stanch, manly characteristics, while his sagacity and untiring labors for the good of all and especially for the advancement of the principles of Christianity in the upbuilding and nourishing of the early church are well known to our citizens. Mr. Newman is the son of George and Barbara … Read more

Biography of Jackson Fickle

JACKSON FICKLE. – It is to the pioneer, sturdy, brave, and proud against hardhsip, with a spirit ready to undertake any task or face any danger, that we owe a debt of gratitude for the development of these fertile regions of eastern Oregon, and all too soon that worhty figure is passing from these scenes where he labored so faithfully, and planted the banner of civilization on the hitherto undisturbed plains of nature’s domain. An exemplary member of that deserving and noble band is the gnetleman that it is now our pleasant task to epitomize as to his career in … Read more

Biography of J.P. Morelock

Among the promising and capable business men of Wallowa must be mentioned the enterprising and active gentleman, whose name is at the head of this article and who is well and favorably known in all parts of this section, being commended to his fellows by his affability and excellent capabilities, that have been manifested as characteristic of him in a successful career of business, since he has been domiciled within our county. A native son of the northwest, being born in the Grande Ronde valley, the date thereof being September 23, 1872. His parents, E.B. and Rebecca J. Morelock, were … Read more

Biography of J.M. Mitchell

No compilation of the annals of Wallowa county would be complete without especial mention of the esteemed subject of this article and his faithful wife, who were among the earliest pioneers here and who have labored with energy and assiduity Since in the up building and advancement of the county. J.M. Mitchell was born in Lafayette county, Missouri, on November 18,1 848, being the son of Frederick and Rebecca Mitchell. The father was born in the vicinity of Richmond, Virginia, in January 1808, while the mother was born in that city on December 31, 1808. They were of Irish and … Read more

Biography of J. C. McFetridge

The subject of the following article is one of the stanch and loyal citizen of Wallowa county, where he has wrought for advancement and progress shoulder to shoulder with the best men in the county and has demeaned himself in a commendable manner meanwhile, having ever been led by his characteristic sagacity, prudence and practical judgment. It is also one of the distinctions that belongs to Mr. McFetridge, that when Columbia called for sons to stand for her honor and defend her banner in the Civil war, he stepped quickly to the front and showed his mettle in military service … Read more

Biography of J. A. Rumble

As a prominent citizen of Wallowa county and one who has been closely identified with its development and interests since he has domiciled within its borders the subject of this sketch is deserving of especial mention in these abiding chronicles of our county, both because of this faithful effort on his part for the welfare of the public good and for his own intrinsic merit as a private citizen, and enterprising business man, while in connection with these we desire to mention his capabilities and probity and integrity, which have eminently fitted him for the leading position which he has … Read more

Biography of Isaac Shafer

ISAAC SHAFER. – The venerable pioneer and estimable citizen of whom we now have the privilege to speak, is eminently worthy of a place in this volume of chronicles of Union county, since he has always maintained a high sense of honor, displaying stanch qualities of worth and courage, and since he gave himself to assist in establishing firmer the government in the times of dark fratricidal strife, and since he has wrought with a strong hand and good wisdom in these regions for the opening of the country and the development of the same, being untarnished in reputation and … Read more

Biography of Isaac N. Cromwell, M.D.

ISAAC N. CROMWELL, M.D. – Perhaps there is no calling of men with which the issues of life and death are so intimately connected s with that of the physician: hence it is that popular sentiment demands a class of men to take up this profession who are in every sense of the word the leaders of their fellows, and especially endowed with keen perception, careful and discriminating judgment, alert faculties and sympathy, with perfect self-possession and steady nerve. The subject of this sketch is one of the votaries of the medical muse, and is today one of Union county’s … Read more

Biography of Hyrum M. Monson

HYRUM M. MONSON. – Although the subject of this sketch has not been in Union county so long as some of the earliest pioneers, he being one of the younger men, upon whom have falen the mantles of the sturdy ones who opened these regions for the abode of their fellows, yet his achievements have been of such a commendable nature, and his life of such an exemlary character, that he is entitled to representation in the history of the county, and it is with pleasure that we accord to him a place among the builders of the county, in … Read more

Biography of Hosmer L. Buell

HOSMER L. BUELL.-The subject of this sketch deserves to be placed in the history of Union county for various reasons. He is a man of ability, which is amply demonstrated in the fine drug business that he manipulates in the city of Elgin, where he does a thriving business. He has passed a life of great activity in various leading industries, being ever at the ehad both because of his energy and because of his fitness for that purpose. When the call came for men, brave and true, to face the cannon of the hosts of rebellion, our subject never … Read more

Biography of Hosea L. Daugherty

HOSEA L. DAUGHERTY, Deceased. – Were a compilation of the character that the history of Union county purports to be, to leave from its pages an epitome of the life of the late esteemed and beloved citizen of our county, whose name appears at the head of this article, there would be cause for weighty criticism, since he wrought here for the advancment of the county, and labored for its material progress with a skill and energy that commended him to every true citizen, while his life of uprightness and reputation untarnished made him the recipient of the esteem and … Read more