Biography of Hon. William H. Kuykendall

Although the esteemed subject of this sketch has not been domiciled within the precincts of Wallowa county so long as some who have broken the sod here, still he has manifested during this time, as heretofore, also, characteristics that stamp him the upright, capable and stanch citizen, and loyal promoter of the free institutions of the land, while his personal qualities of worth have been displayed in a manner quite commensurate with the ability that has been in evidence, and he stands at the present time as one of the prominent, intelligent and leading men of the county. William H. Kuykendall … Read more

Biography of Hon. Matthew W. Mitchell

HON. MATTHEW W. MITCHELL. – In at least two distinct lines of enterprise has the subject of this sketch achieved commendable success, and has wrought his way to the present prominent position that he holds by dint of real effort of worth and by manifestation of capabilities that are worthy of note, and by the display of integrity and upright principles. Coming with his father to this state when he was but a child he is practically a product of the state and here he has won the laurels and made the record that is his now to enjoy. On … Read more

Biography of Hon. John W. McAlister

HON. JOHN W. McALISTER. – It now becomes our pleasant privilege to outline in brief review the eventful career of the well known and highly esteemed gentlman whose name initiates this paragraph and whose life is connected with the county of Union, having been identified with it since his early boyhood and having been one of the potent factors in its development as also in making the laws which have proved so salutary for its progress and gaining, meanwhile, a reputation throughout the state because of the ability and sagacity displayed in the state halls of legislation, while no whit … Read more

Biography of Hon. Daniel A. McAlister

HON. DANIEL A. McALISTER. – Perhaps there is not another man living to-day in the Grande Ronde valley who is so popular with people and so great a favorite in Union and Wallowa counties as the subject of this sketch. And be it said to the credit of Mr. McAlister that in all his long public career he has nobly earned every encomium that has been given by an appreciative and discrimnating people. He is a man of large caliber, with vigor to sustain his untiring activity and integrity to maintain his position of uncompromising uprightness, while he is possessed … Read more

Biography of Hon. C.E. Jennings

It is inherent in the nature of man to esteem and admire that quality in his fellows which leads in spite of obstacles and opposition on to brilliant success; and especially is it manifested when the party who achieves the victory is possessed of those manly characteristics, that are so charming in a leader in any line of achievement. That the subject of this sketch is one who has gained the distinction of which we have spoken; there is no doubt to any one who is acquainted with his career. Working at a trade in the industrial world, wherein he … Read more

Biography of Hon. Andrew McAlexander

It is with especial pleasure that we are enabled to recite the salient points in the eventful and lengthy career of the distinguished and prominent citizen of Wallowa county, whose name is at the head of this article, since his life has been spent in the noble and self-sacrificing work of the pioneer, wherein he has served with the faithfulness, ability, integrity and energy that are characteristic of him, being a potent influence in the development of two states and having wrought in Oregon, so that his memory will be handed down to generations to come with expressions of appreciation … Read more

Biography of Homer C. Bidwell

HOMER C. BIDWELL. – The well known and enterprising businessman, of whom we now have the pleasure of speaking is one of the substantial citizens of Union, & has by dint of hard effort, wise management and considerate treatment of patrons built up a fine business in the livery and transportation line. Having as fine stables and his rigs are among the most comfortable and well kept to be secured anywhere. Homer C. was born in Galesburg, Wisconsin on January 25, 1871, being the son of Charles C. & Mary A. (Gilbert) Bidwell. The father was one of those brave … Read more

Biography of Hoit, Mary Melvina

Mary Melvina Hoit 1842 – 1916 Biography Mary Melvina Hoit was born in Meigs County, Ohio in 1842. She was one of the two daughters. Her sister’s name was Ruthanar. We do not have the names of her parents but in scrapbook #3 in one of the letters she wrote to newspapers there is come family history. Her father moved from Meigs Co. to Quincy, Ill. In Adams County in 1844. They lived in town until the following spring when they moved to the north line of Adams County and purchased a farm from his brother-in-law, Truman Hocox. This farm … Read more

Biography of Hiram W. Oliver

HIRAM W. OLIVER. – It is with pleasure that we are enabled to grant to the esteemed pioneer and capable citizen whose name is at the head of this article a representation in the history of the county of Union, where he has labored long and faithfully, both for its advancement and development and for the successful culmination of his various business enterprises, wherein he has demonstrated a consummate wisdom in handling the raw resources of the wild country and in subduing it and bringing forth the wealth that lay wrapped in its coffers of natural stores, while also he … Read more

Biography of Herman Rothchild

HERMAN ROTHCHILD. – Some of the leading mercantile and business establishments of Union county have been energized and built up largely by the new power infused into them from the later immigrants from the east, who brought with them from those centers of industry to these western points of distribution the sagacity, and successful methods of trade that have been learned by close and careful contact with keen competition and the wisest manipulators of finance and commerce. Among those who have made names for themselves and who have become established in the confidence of the people while they have built … Read more

Biography of Henry W. Beecher

The list of the real pioneers of Wallowa County would be sadly incomplete, as also the enumeration of the leading citizens of today, were there failure to add that of the worthy gentleman, and capable and patriotic citizen, whose name is at the head of this article and who is one of the prominent agriculturists of our county having wrought here since the earliest settlements and in addition to this, he is one of the immortal number who stepped to the front ranks when the call came from Columbia to her sons for strong arms to defend her honor. Mr. … Read more

Biography of Henry H. Edwards

Prosperous and progressive are the agriculturists and stock men of Wallowa County, and one among them who was wrought with the energy and intelligence that are characteristic of him in all his ways, is the subject of this sketch, a man of marked capabilities and excellent qualities of moral worth, manifesting always those virtues that mark the steady, substantial, and progressive man, coupled with which area good executive ability and penetration into the manipulation of business affairs that renders him great assistance in the care and conduct of his interests. Mr. Edwards was born in Clay county, Illinois, on January … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Susewind

HENRY C. SUSEWIND. – As proprietor of one of the most popular and up-to-date hostelries of our county, the Centennial hotel of Union, the esteemed subject of this sketch is not only well and favorably known in the county and the adjacent territories, but is familiar to the traveling public and a favorite as well wherever he is known, always displaying amiability and a genial spirit and broad views on public questions that is the leading spirit of the day, while in the manipulation of his business affairs he is equal to the best and exceeded by none in the … Read more

Biography of Harry N. Vaughan

No list of the stockmen and substantial citizens of Wallowa County would be complete without an especial mention of the enterprising young man whose name is at the head of this paragraph, since he has made an excellent success in the stock business, and since he has also the credit of being one of the earliest settlers and was one who broke sod first in the section of Imnaha, where he has wrought continuously until the present for the up building of the county and its material progress. Harry N. Vaughan was born in Mower County, Minnesota, on January 4, … Read more

Biography of Hannah Palmer

HANNAH PALMER. – The venerable and esteemed lady, whose name appears at the head of this article, is one of the well-known persons of Lagrande, having lived here since the early infancy of the town; in fact, owning the land upon which the town is built, and having faithfully done her share in the noble work of making Union county what it is now, while she has always manifested the graciousness and discretion, which so becomingly characterize her, ever maintaining a high sense of her stewardship. In Delaware county, Pennsylvania, on April 7, 1814, Hanna Palmer was born to John … Read more

Biography of H. A. Hansen

H.A. HANSEN. – Among the enterprising and industrious agriculturists of Union county, mention should be made of the gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, since his energy and ability have been manifest to all and since he has distinguished himself by his faithfulness and success that he has attained in tilling the soil and in raising stock. He is also popular among his fellows for they have again and again manifested their confidence in him at the polls and have kept him in public office almost continuously for the last decade. The pleasant little Kingdom of Denmark has furnished many … Read more

Biography of George W. Ruckman

GEORGE W. RUCKMAN. – One of the men who have been in the front rank of progress and aiding the advancement of the interests of the county of Union, is mentined above, and it is right to remark that Mr. Ruckman has been a leader in several distinct ines of industry in the county, having made a record of success in each one that s enviable and gratifying, and it is a matter of compliment to the county that she is the possessor of one who has ability to manipulate in such worthy manner various industries, each one of which … Read more

Biography of George W. Robertson

GEORGE W. ROBERTSON- In the person of the subject of this sketch, we have exemplified the typical pioneer qualities that are so worthy of encomium, and that have done so much, for this country, practically making it what it is today, and our subject has spent a life of activity in the industries that develop and build up the country, while he has constantly displayed resources of ability and adaptability for the various positions of life that have held him in his career of varied and interesting achievements, manifesting as well, moral worth and a genial and kindly spirit throughout. … Read more

Biography of George W. Buck

GEORGE W. BUCK. – The subject of this article is at the head of one of the largest industrial institutions of the county of Union, being proprietor and manager of the large sawmilling and lumbering establishment, where he has been enabled to turn out from three to four million feet of fine lumber annually, and in this capacity he has displayed an excellent ability and enterprise which have commended him to the esteem and confidence of the entire community, while he has also manifested a stanch character and maintained an untarnished reputation. George W. was born on March 22, 1848, … Read more

Biography of George M. Jasper

GEORGE M. JASPER. Among the prosperous and thrifty agricultural and stock-raising population of Union county there should be mentioned in a work of the character of the volume now under consideration of the substantial citizen whose name initiates this paragraph, because he has lived since an early day in the county, being practically a product of its institutions, and because he has achieved here a worthy and commendable success, and because of the stanch qualities with which he is endowed so richly. In Oregon have been born some of the leading citizens of Oregon, and one among the number is … Read more