Biography of James E. Gilkison

JAMES E. GILKISON. – It is very pleasant to note that in place of the old pioneers that are too swiftly passing away from our midst, there is coming a class of industrious and enterprising agriculturists and business men that are doing credit to their illustrious predecessors in handling the resources of the county, and among this worthy number we must not fail to mention the thrifty and capable agriculturist whose name initiates this paragraph, and to whom we accord with pleasure a place in these abiding chronicles of our county, since he is one of the producers of wealth in the county and is also classed among the leaders of the younger population, he himself being native here, and having always wrought beneath the stars of the occident.

James E. was born to James and Mary A. (McFadden) Gilkison, on January 24, 1870, the location of his birth being at the home place where the parents now live, on Wolfe creek, four miles west from North Powder. He was raised on a farm and attended the public schools and occupied himself in learning also the art of stock-raising and tilling the soil, until he had reached his majority, when he entered the battle of life on his own account. He gave his attention to farming and stock-raising, being familiar with that, and soon he acquired a good farm, two and one-half miles west from North Powder, where he resides at the present time. His ranch embraces one-quarter section and is well improved and operated in a good manner. He has a substantial barn and comfortable dwelling, besides numerous other accessories that are useful to the ranch. He handles some stock, but gives the larger portion of his attention to producing the fruits of the soil, and bountiful crops are the rewards to him of his endeavors.

Mr. Gilkison and Miss Marguerette, daughter of Robert and Marguerette Shaw, were married on November 8, 1898, and they have been blessed by the advent of two children, Norris E. and Robert E. Mr. Gilkison is at the beginning of life, and he has already demonstrated the energy and talent with which he is generously favored, and his wisdom and faithfulness and sound principles all bid fair to make him one of the most substantial and successful citizens of the entire county, while at the present he is esteemed and respected by all.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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