Biography of John A. Wagner

JOHN A. WAGNER. Deceased- In the person of the esteemed gentleman whose name is at the head of this article we have one of the first of Union county’s settlers and a man who bore the brunt of assisting to open upthis section for the settlement of man and in developing the same, while he was ever enterprising and progressive, both in his private business operations as well as in the interests of the welfare of the county at large, and it is eminently fitting that a memorial be accorded to him in these abiding chronicles of our county, where … Read more

Biography of John A. Murchison

JOHN A. MURCHISON. – The subject of this sketch is one of the younger men of Union county , having the distinction of being a native son of this section, and to his credit it may be said that he has so demeaned himself that his life reflects credit upon his native county and her institutions. Mr. Murchison is a man of energy, ability, and sagacity, which have given him a good success in his chosen line of occupation-farming- and he is numbered with the enterprising and successful agriculturists and stockmen of the county. John A. was born in Union … Read more

Biography of John A. Lanman

John A. Lanman is one of the best known men in Wallowa County, and also in eastern Oregon, having spent a career of exceptional success in the capacity of rider of race horses in this section, while in his business enterprises since that time he has manifested talent and energy that have commended him to his fellows. John A. was born in Wayne County, Iowa, on October 23, 1859, being the son of William and Betsey (Dobson) Lanman, natives of Illinois. They soon removed to Iowa after their nuptials, about 1843, and twenty years subsequent to that time they crossed … Read more

Biography of John A. Holman

JOHN A. HOLMAN. – To the esteemed and enterprising citizen who is named above we are constrained to accord a representation in this volume since he has wrought with vigor and intelligence for the development of this county, and stands today one of its leading and substantial agriculturists and stockmen. Mr. Holman was born in Tortuna, Vestmanland, Sweden, on December 8, 1857, the rural districts being his home. He received a good education attending school regularly nine months each year for a period of seven years. Then he gave his whole attention to assisting his father on the farm, and … Read more

Biography of John A. Cates

JOHN A. CATES. – Among the responsible and enterprising agriculturists of Union county, there must not be failure to mention the esteemed gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph, and who has labored here since the sixties, forwarding the interests of this county, developing its resources, and conducting his business enterprises in a skillfull and efficient manner, while at the present time he is fulfilling the duties of a public official and is manifesting in this as in all of his ways a characteristic ability and integrity that stamp him as both capable and substantial. Our subject was born to Spencer … Read more

Biography of Jay H. Dobbin

Although Wallowa County is distinctively a stock county and there are residing here some of the leading stock men of the northeastern part of our state, it is capable gentleman whose name is at the head of this article, to state that he is among the heaviest stock owners of the county and is also doubtless one of the largest real estate owners of the county, which demonstrates his excellent capabilities to manage large concerns, besides his ability to gain property, which has been manifested is a commendable manner, and Wallowa county is indebted much to his energy and skill … Read more

Biography of Jasper G. Stevens

JASPER G. STEVENS. – Substantial, prosperous, capable, and esteemed by his fellows, the gentlman, whose name initiates this article, is one who has wrought here in the business world of Union for a goodly number of years, and is well established as one of the leading business men of Cove, where he operates a fine drug store, being also entrusted with the responsibilities of the postoffice of the town. Born in the Webfoot State, he cast his lot beneath its stars and has been educated and is acquiring and has achieved his success here, and to-day he holds an enviable … Read more

Biography of James Wilson

A man who has fought his country’s battles in two wars, manifesting in it all a courage never excelled and rarely equaled, constant in all kinds of frontier and seafaring life for many years, a pioneer to this valley and one of the most intrepid and daring men in Wallowa County, facing the bloodthirsty savages in the time of their war here, the subject of this sketch is eminently fitted to appear in honorable mention in any history of the county or of the northwest, and it is with pleasure that we grant him space in our volume. James Wilson … Read more

Biography of James Webb

JAMES WEBB. – To the industrious and progressive agriculturist and stockman, whose name initiates this paragraph, we are pleased to accord a representation in this volume of chronicles of Union county, since he is one of the substantial citizens of the county, having wrought out here a commendable success in the vocations which he follows, while his uprightness and integrity have won for him the confidence of the entire community. Born to John and Arminda (McKinnis) Webb, in Wapello county, Iowa, on January 2, 1874. James knew nothing of a father’s guiding hands, as John Webb died in March of … Read more

Biography of James W. Lytle

JAMES W. LYTLE. – To the esteemed and capable gentleman, whose name appears above, we with pleasure accord a representation in this volume of the chronicles of Union county, since he has wrought for many years here for its development, and for the subjstantial progress of the same, manifesting meanwhile, a business ability and energy that have placed him among the leading agriculturists and prominent men of the county, while his unswerving integrity, sound principles and geniality have made him hosts of friends from all classes. Mr. Lytle was born in Wyandot, Ohio, on October 22, 1842, being the son … Read more

Biography of James W. Childers

It is hardly probable that in a humble sketch, as is this article, there could real justice be done the life of a worthy pioneer as is he whose name is at the beginning of the paragraph, for what page has yet pictured as it is the life of a pioneer? Hardships that are more trying than can be described, dangers on every hand that those living in the security of a civilized community can not understand, self-denials at every turn, and labors without respite, all of these endured and much more besides, fell to the lot of the brave … Read more

Biography of James W. Chenoweth

Capable, progressive and conscientious, the subject of this memoir is worthy of representation in any volume that purports to detail the lives of its leading men, and it is with pleasure that we are enabled to give space here to mention the salient features in his interesting career. Mr. Chenoweth was a man of broad views and a good public spirit, while his abilities and energy were commensurate with the stanch integrity and intrinsic moral worth which he constantly manifested in his course of uprightness and worthy achievement. On April 10, 1860, James W. Chenoweth was born near Bedford, Taylor … Read more

Biography of James N. McClure

JAMES N. McCLURE. – In the person of the gentleman of whom who now write, we have one of those men, who have passed almost their entire life in this county, and hence are familiar with its resources and advantages in every department. James N. McClure was born on January 2, 1858, in Eugene, Marion county, Oregon, whence six years later he came with his parents, Charles M. and Laura V. (Pierce) McClure, to this county and here he has received his education and grown to his present prominent position in the county, having manifested, in the long years in … Read more

Biography of James McCall

JAMES McCALL. – A capable and upright man who has wrought with energy and intelligence in the work of bringing about the advancement of Union county and building up her institutions, the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this sketch, is one of whom the county may well be proud, and it is with pleasure that we incorporate a review of his practical and interesting career. James is a native of East Tennessee, and the son of Joseph and Malinda (Cradick) McCall, who removed with their son to Hancock county, Illinois, soon after he had gained his primary education, and in … Read more

Biography of James M. Selder

JAMES M. SELDER. – It is highly in accord with the defined province of our work that especial mention should be granted to such residents of our county as the esteemed gentleman, whose name initiates this paragraph, being as he is one of the most highly respected and progressive ctizens of the county, and one who was wrought for the advancement of its industrial wealth and progress with an intelligence and energy that are quite deserving of the generous approval of his fellows which has been accorded at various times and in various ways. The birth of James M. occured … Read more

Biography of James M. Parker

JAMES M. PARKER. – There is no more worthy subject for the pen of the writer than the sturdy, faithful pioneer. Little will ever be said concerning that life compared with the amount that might really be mentioned in praise of this noble class of individuals. We are pleased to announce that the man whose name appears at the head of this article belonged to that number of praiseworthy men who opened this country, doing work here before the middle of the last century, and from that time until the present maintaining an upright demeanor, displaying good ability to properly … Read more

Biography of James J. Stanley

A pioneer of this country before Wallowa County had a separate political existence, entrusted frequently with the duties and responsibilities of public office by his fellows, a prominent figure in the county today, and one who has assisted materially in up building the same and in its substantial advancement, the subject of this sketch is deserving of especial mention, since also he is one of those brave and self-sacrificing men who left home and loved ones for the field of bloodshed and carnage of war, when the flag of freedom was attacked by the minions of treason, and there he … Read more

Biography of James H. Standley

JAMES H. STANDLEY. – Numbered with that sturdy class of pioneers who opened up the county for the settlement of their fellows while they wrought out for themselves homes and names in its annals must, to be consistent, be numbered the enterprising and progressive agriculturist and stockman, of whom we have now the pleasure to write, and who is familiar to the older settlers of the county as well as favorably known, while his faithful labors for many years have accomplished much for the development of the resources of Union county, and have given him the meed of the industrious, … Read more

Biography of James H. Riggs

JAMES H. RIGGS. – One of the capable and esteemed gentlemen of Union county is named at the head of this article and is deserving of representation in the history of his county, since he has labored here with assiduity and energy for the development of the county and its resources and has manifested meanwhile both ability, sagacity, and integrity in his endeavors, being one of the leading agriculturists of the county. Mr. Riggs was born in Roachdale, Lancashire, England, on December 18, 1837, being the son of Levi and Elizabeth (Standring) Riggs, natives also of England. The father was … Read more

Biography of James G. Anson

JAMES G. ANSON – Enterprising, industrious and capable, the young man of whom we now have the pleasure to speak is eminently worth of a place in the history of Union county, since he has shown in the years in which he has striven here that he is made of material which is bound to win success and since he has also shown that he is possessed of the sagacity and energy that is capable of grappling with the problems of life that are to be met with here in his native place. And especially, it is pleasant to recount … Read more