Biography of Edward E. Lyst

EDWARD E. LYST, The architectural beauty of the city of Anderson, Indiana, has been brought about by a group of men of ability and artistic training who have possessed the public spirit necessary to cause them to labor faithfully and assiduously in transforming an ungainly, half- formed municipality into a business and residence center of which its citizens may well be proud, Years of experience and a wealth of ideas have been brought into this work, and the services of a number of the most able contractors in the state have been enlisted, Prominent among them is Edward E. Lyst, … Read more

Biography of Edward C. Handy

EDWARD C. HANDY. As treasurer and general manager of the Indiana Ice & Dairy Company at Anderson, Mr. Handy has the practical control of one of this city’s most servicable industries. The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that milk and cream together furnish fifteen percent of the total food of the average American family, and with this fact before us it is possible to estimate the importance of the milk business in every community. The Indiana Ice and Dairy Company, with which Mr. Handy has been connected as manager for the past fifteen years, manufactures and bottles pasteurized milk … Read more

Biography of Edgar W. Farmer

EDGAR W. FARMER, a railway postal clerk on the New York Central Lines between Cleveland, Ohio, and St, Louis, Missouri, lives on Indiana Avenue, North Anderson, He was born here February 23, 1868. The Farmer family is better known, probably, than any other family in Anderson Township outside of the city of Anderson and ranks among the older ones in the County, Charles M. Farmer (April 16, 1846-June 27, 1910) and Mary L. Cummins Farmer (Nov. 27, 1848- Nov, 16, 1900), the parents of Edgar, moved from Henry County, Indiana, immediately after their marriage and bought two acres of land … Read more

Biography of Dr. Lot Edward Alexander

Lot E. Alexander

DR. LOT EDWARD ALEXANDER has practiced medicine and has performed the varied responsibilities and duties of good citizenship at Pendleton, since 1879, and is one of the best known citizens of Madison County. His name is spoken with respect on the north and east sides of the County, but it is with his home community of Pendleton that he has been most closely identified. Dr. Alexander is descended from old ,American stock, originally of Scotch ancestry on both father’s and mother’s side. The family was founded in America by Hugh Alexander, who emigrated from Scotland in 1736 and settled in … Read more

Biography of Doctor Ball Davis

D. Ball Davis

DOCTOR BALL DAVIS, who resides on a fine farm in Stony Creek Township is an honored pioneer of this locality, having been identified with its interests for nearly sixty years, He has, therefore witnessed the many changes which have transformed it from a wild and uncultivated region into fine farms and comfortable homes, with here and there a thriving town in which the various industrial and commercial interests are represented, He is a Civil war veteran and belongs to that class of enterprising energetic men to whom are due the progress and improvement of the Hoosier State, and his finely … Read more

Biography of David R. Carlton

DAVID R. CARLTON. Naturally a man’s success in life is measured by his prestige in business, political or social circles, and when he figures prominently in all it inay be reasonably assumed that he is possessed of more than the average ability. Among the men of Elwood, Indiana, who have risen to places of prominence in business life and have also attained eminence in the political arena, stands David R. Carlton, County recorder of Madison County, and one of this section’s most popular and capable officials. Mr. Carlton was born in Lafayette Township, Madison County, Indiana, September 24, 1877, and … Read more

Biography of David Eshelman

DAVID ESHELMAN. The business of contractor and builder has been the vocation of Mr. Eshelman, since his early manhood. The degree of accomplishment in such a career is open to inspection, for there are hundreds of homes, business and public structures through this section of Indiana that are the practical testimony of his skill and ability. Representing one of the pioneer families of Madison County and one of the leading men in his line of business, Mr. Eshelman was born in Madison County, on a farm four miles north of the city of Anderson in Lafayette Township on January 16, … Read more

Biography of Daniel Marcus Johnson

DANIEL MARCUS JOHNSON. One of the attractive and valuable farms of Van Buren Township is the place of Daniel Marcus Johnson, comprising one hundred acres of fine land located about four miles northeast of Summitville and on the Johnson road. Mr. Johnson began his career as a renter, by thrift and good management saved sufficient means to make his first purchase of land, and is now one of the substantial agriculturists of the County. He brought a thorough experience and ability to the improvement of his place, according to his standards of what he wanted this farm to be, It … Read more

Biography of Daniel L. Boland

DANIEL L. BOLAND, Clerk of the Court of Madison County since January 1, 1911, and for a number of years engaged in the insurance and loan business, is one of the more prominent and popular men of the city and County in which he has long been located. Born in Henry County, Indiana, Daniel L. Roland is the son of Patrick and Ellen (Tierney) Boland, the father a native of County Tipperary, Ireland, and the mother of the same place. Patrick Boland was educated meagerly in the schools of his native land and passed his boyhood days on a farm. … Read more

Biography of Daniel F. Mustard

Daniel F. Mustard

DANIEL F. MUSTARD, The president of the Citizens Bank of Anderson, Daniel F. Mustard, is an old-time resident of Madison County, having lived within the boundaries of this civil division of Indiana all of his life, He belongs to a family whose name has been borne with honor and usefulness in this County for practically all the years since the pioneer epoch, and his own career has been one of exceptional service, beginning with the time of his part in the Civil war as a soldier of the Union and continuing with distinguished positions in the public affairs of the … Read more

Biography of Curran “Jack” Beall

CURRAN “JACK” BEALL, Modern agriculture holds out many inducements to the industrious, progressive worker, especially when he has been trained to farming from boyhood, It is natural for such a man to capably perform the duties pertaining to this class of work, and, having had wide experience, he is able to recognize and appreciate the various advantages offered by new methods, Again, having passed through instructive experiences, he is not to be easily deceived with relation to the true value of proposed innovations, nor is he apt to decline advantageous propositions, The demands of his neighborhood are known to him, … Read more

Biography of Clinton M. Cotterman

CLINTON M. COTTERMAN. A resident of Anderson who for some years has made a substantial business of furnishing the people of this locality with the product of a market garden is Clinton M. Cotterman, who has his gardens well within the city limits, and who has also served the community in official capacity, and has long taken an active interest in politics. Clinton M. Cotterman was born on a farm three miles west of Dayton in Montgomery County, Ohio, September 1, 1849, His father was William Cotterman, born in Pennsylvania, and the grandparents moved from Pennsylvania t0 Ohio, and became … Read more

Biography of Clement Warren Hooven

CLEMENT WARREN HOOVEN. When most men die the ranks close up, the community moves on without a break, but a wide circle of acquaintances will long continue to miss the splendid personality of Clement Warren Hooven, who was unexpectedly called from earthly cares and trials on the 28th of August, 1913. He was in all the word implies a man-a man honorable in business, just in his dealings and one who maintained the highest standard of citizenship. Local publications truthfully said of him that his life was not only gentle and pure, but that nature had so mixed its good … Read more

Biography of Chester F. Scott

CHESTER F. SCOTT. The firm of Scott & Mead, plumbers and dealers in heating and plumbing supplies, is one of the well known business concerns of Anderson, established here in recent years, with Chester F. Scott as junior member of the firm. Mr. Scott was born in Windfall, Tipton County, Indiana, on January 25, 1883, and is the son of Dr. W. F. and Ada V. (Conkling) Scott. The father is a West Virginian by birth and there he spent his early days, coming to Indiana while yet in his young manhood. He is still living, and is in his … Read more

Biography of Charles Poindexter

CHARLES POINDEXTER. Farming in Madison County has always been a most profitable general occupation, and though within recent years manufacturing has become so important a part of the productive activities, agriculture is likely to remain through all the years as the most substantial pursuit to which man’s attention can be given here or elsewhere. In Stony Creek Township Mr. Poindexter is a farmer who for a number of years had experience in the industry, and finally retired to an estate in the country where his enterprise has been put to excellent use, so that he now owns one of the … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Oldham

CHARLES L. OLDHAM. One of the well known prosperous farming men of Fall Creek Township of whom it is but reasonable that mention be made in this historical and biographical work devoted to the representative men of the County, Charles L. Oldham takes a leading place in the representative activities of Pendleton and the Township, He was born in Champaign County, Illinois, in December, 1866, and is the son of A. W. and Barbara A. (Stephens) Oldham, the latter being now deceased, and the former a resident of Pendleton, Indiana. Both were natives of Hamilton County, Ohio. The father came … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Armington, M. D.

Charles L. Armington

CHARLES L. ARMINGTON. M. D. Numbered among the able and honored representatives of the medical profession in Madison County is Dr. Charles Lee Armington, who is a scion of one of the sterling pioneer families of the Hoosier state and who has attained to marked distinction in the profession that was dignified and honored by his father, Dr. Armington has been established in the practice of medicine and surgery at Anderson, the thriving capital of Madison County, for nearly a quarter of a century, has served as County coroner and held other positions of trust, and his hold upon popular … Read more

Biography of Charles J. Rozelle

CHARLES J. ROZELLE. Eminent in Anderson business affairs, and also in the political life of the city, Mr. Rozelle has for a number of years successfully followed the contracting and building trade, and his practical endeavors have their results in many of the permanent structures to be seen in this city and vicinity. Charles J. Rozelle was born in the city of Anderson, November 16, 1883, and belongs to one of the old families of Indiana, The Rozelles are of French descent, the first ancestors having come from France and settled at an early date in the colony of Virginia, … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Herring

CHARLES H. HERRING. The career of Charles H. Herring, of Elwood, furnishes an example of the truth of the fact that industry, perseverance and well-directed energy invariably lead to success, Content to start business life in a humble capacity, and to work his way upward through merit, he finds himself today in an enviable position among the business men of this city, and his establishment, at No, 1528 Main street, where he carries a full line of general house furnishings, receives its full share of patronage, Mr. Herring was born at New Albany, Floyd County, Indiana, June 8. 1857, and … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Allman

CHARLES H. ALLMAN. An enterprising and highly successful farmer of Van Buren Township, Charles Allman is a fine representative of the native-born citizens of Madison County, his birth having occurred, September 16, 1883, on a farm lying two miles west of his present place of residence, which is located four miles southeast of Summitville, His father, John Allman, for many years a prominent agriculturist of Madison County, was born and reared in Tipton County, Indiana, 1838. He married Leaner Perry, who bore him ten children, as follows Asbury, Phoebe J., Maggie, Edna, William, John, Cora, Lorenzo, Charles, and Myrtle. Brought … Read more