Biography of Homer E. Howard

HOMER E. HOWARD. A substantial and prosperous citizen of Madison County, Homer E. Howard, now engaged in farming in Van Buren Township, was for many years identified with the mercantile interests of this part of the County, having been one of the leading druggists of Summitville, He was born September 16, 1872, in Ross County, Ohio, which was likewise the birthplace of his father, Robert C. Howard. At the age of twenty-five years Robert C. Howard migrated from his Ohio home to Indiana, locating first in Delaware County, where for five years he was engaged in business as a general … Read more

Biography of Herbert D. Webb

HERBERT D. WEBB. Among the energetic and successful citizens of Anderson, Indiana, none is better known that Herbert D. Webb, secretary and treasurer of one of the important manufacturing plants of this city, Mr. Webb has always taken an active part in any movement which had as its aim the advancement of Anderson or of this section of the state, and he has played a prominent part in the commercial history of the city, Mr. Webb has been a hard worker throughout his life and his success is not the result of good fortune but of industry and a natural … Read more

Biography of Herbert D. Webb

HERBERT D. WEBB. Among the energetic and successful citizens of Anderson, Indiana, none is better known that Herbert D. Webb, secretary and treasurer of one of the important manufacturing plants of this city, Mr. Webb has always taken an active part in any movement which had as its aim the advancement of Anderson or of this section of the state and he has played a prominent part in the commercial history of the city. Mr. Webb has been a hard worker throughout his life and his success is not the result of good fortune but of industry and a natural … Read more

Biography of Henry P. Hardie

HENRY P. HARDIE. Among the capable public officials of Madison County who are discharging the duties of high public positions with fidelity and efficiency, none is held in higher esteem than Henry P, Hardie, the postmaster of Anderson, a man who has long been identified with the business interests of the city. He is a native of England, born at Woolwich in County Kent, in February, 1868. His parents were Henry and Mary (Johnson) Hardie, natives of England, the former being for a number of years employed in the Illinois Steel Company’s works at Joliet, Illinois. He came to Anderson … Read more

Biography of Henry Drach

HENRY DRACH. It is gratifying to be able to present in this publication individual mention of so appreciable a percentage of the representative citizenship of Anderson, and to such recognition Mr. Drach is well entitled, as he is a loyal and public-spirited citizen and is the able and popular incumbent of the office of superintendent of the city water works. Mr. Drach was born in the city of Cleveland, Ohio, on the 4th of August, 1868, and is a s0n of Jacob W. and Maria (Hechler) Drach, both natives of Germany and representatives of stanch old families of that great … Read more

Biography of Henry Clay Brown

HENRY CLAY BROWN. A life long resident of Madison County and for many years a progressive farmer of Fall Creek Township, Henry Clay Brown has enjoyed the best elements of success, having acquired a good home, having given his family the comforts of living and education, and having steered an honorable and straightforward course throughout his own career. Henry Clay Brown was born in Anderson Township, Madison County, June 12, 1852, a son of Warner and Lavina (Clark) Brown. Both parents were born in the state of Maryland, where they were reared and married. After their marriage they came west … Read more

Biography of George W. Showers

GEORGE W. SHOWERS. Now filling the office of justice of the peace in Anderson, Mr. Showers has been identified by residence and business with Anderson and with Madison County for more than twenty years. In business affairs he is best known as a building contractor, and has done much substantial work as evidence of his ability in this line. George W. Showers was born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1847, a son of John H. and Maria (Hicks) Showers, In 1856, when George was nine years old, the family moved from Pennsylvania to Henry County, Indiana, locating at a … Read more

Biography of George W. Pettigrew

GEORGE W. PETTIGREW. From an inheritance of five and a half acres of land, George W. Pettigrew has increased his holdings in Madison County in recent years until today he has a goodly acreage of two hundred and sixty-two and a half acres of the finest land to be found in this section of the state, all of which is under cultivation and which yields its owner an excellent income, Mr. Pettigrew has been a resident of this Township all his life, and was born here on January 8, 1858, the son of Samuel J. and Mary J. (Tingley) Pettigrew. … Read more

Biography of George W. Koons

GEORGE W. KOONS. It has been the privilege of Mr. Koons to witness practically all the developments and growth of the remarkable industrial city of Madison County, Elwood, since he has lived in this vicinity for nearly thirty years, and his family represent the early settlers in this portion of Indiana. Mr. Koons has been identified with the Elwood postal service for a number of years and is now assistant postmaster, and during his official term has done much to improve and facilitate the mail service in this city. George W. Koons is a native of Grant County, where he … Read more

Biography of George W. Judd

GEORGE W. JUDD. Left an orphan at the age of fourteen years, the boyhood and youth of George W. Judd, now a substantial farmer of Monroe Township and the owner of 160 acres of land on the Elwood. and Alexandria road, about three miles west of Alexandria, were anything but periods of inactivity. From the beginning of his career he has known the necessity of hard, industrious toil, and although he is now in comfortable circumstances because of this persevering toil, he continues to be one of the active and energetic men of his locality, alert not only in his … Read more

Biography of George W. Hupp

GEORGE W. HUPP. Now retired after a long and successful career, Mr. Hupp represents the earlier business activities of what is now the city of Elwood. He became a merchant in the center of Madison County fifty years ago, when the place was known as Quincy and was only a small rural trading point, Twenty-five years passed before the discovery of natural gas and the consequent boom which raised this town to the rank of one of the leading industrial centers of eastern Indiana. Through all this time Mr. Hupp was actively identified with the mercantile enterprise and continued a … Read more

Biography of George W. Brown

GEORGE W. BROWN. A prominent and successful agriculturist and stock-raiser of Madison County, George W. Brown is the owner of a well- appointed and well-managed farm in Van Buren Township, his native place, where he holds a position of note among the substantial farmers of his community, his farms being on the G. W. Brown road, about four miles from Summitville. His father, the late John G. Brown, was born in Rush County, but as a boy came with his parents to Madison County, where he grew to man’s estate, Subsequently purchasing land in Van Buren Township, he carried on … Read more

Biography of George W. Bickford

GEORGE W. BICKFORD. Mr. Bickford has been a resident of Anderson for more than twenty years and during the greater part of that time has been one of the faithful and efficient men in the postal service, He comes from good New England stock, and was born in the village of Rochester, New Hampshire, June 11, 1856, a son of John H. and Mary Jenks Bickford, both natives of New Hampshire. The father was a carpenter by trade and worked in that line the greater part of his life, and did well by his family. George W. Bickford grew up … Read more

Biography of George T. Beebe

GEORGE T. BEEBE. In the fall elections of 1912, when the voters of Madison County elected George T. Beebe to the office of County treasurer, they voiced the expression of their confidence in his integrity, his absolute reliability and his ability to handle the affairs of one of Indiana’s leading counties, It is generally found that the people of a community are not slow in recognizing true worth in an individual, and the man selected to handle the financial resources of a section is invariably one who has made a success in his private affairs, In the case of Mr. … Read more

Biography of George M. Overman

GEORGE M. OVERMAN. President of the Madison County Abstract Company at Anderson, Mr. Overman has been successful in the real estate and insurance business at Anderson for more than ten years, and in the abstract company is at the head of one of the solid and prosperous institutions of this County.. He has served as president and manager since 1907. Mr. Overman has had a varied but generally successful career, has been a farmer and stock raiser in early life, followed mercantile lines for a number of years, and finally located permanently in Anderson, where he is held in high … Read more

Biography of George Lilly

George Lilly

GEORGE LILLY. The late Mr. Lilly was one of the industrial leaders who in the past quarter of a century have placed Anderson among the large productive centers of manufacturing in Indiana, His death on December 5, 1913, was consequently a distinct loss to all of Madison County, He was one of the founders and until his death president of the National Tile Company, This is an industry of which the community is properly proud, It has been in continuous existence for nearly a quarter of a century, and during this time it has been as much of an institution, … Read more

Biography of George Grant Manning

George Manning

GEORGE GRANT MANNING. In the death of George Grant Manning, which occurred at his home Id the city of Anderson, August 8, 1908, there came to a close in its sixty-sixth year a life which contained a great aggregate of usefulness, of kindly relationship with family and community, and one that was successful from the usual material estimate. Mr. Manning gave many years of his life to educational work, and came to Anderson in 1895 as one of the proprietors of the Crystal Ice Company, with which his name continued to be identified until his death. George Grant Manning was … Read more

Biography of George F. Thurston

GEORGE F. THURSTON. A man of enterprise, intelligence, and excellent business capacity, George F. Thurston, living two miles east of Summitville, stands high among the wide-awake, progressive farmers of this section of Madison County, A native of Boone Township, Madison County, Indiana, he was born January 16, 1864, a son of John F. and Margaret (Morris) Thurston, of whom a more extended notice may be found elsewhere in this work, in connection with the sketch of R. O. P. Thurston. Educated in his native Township Mr. Thurston attended the Dead Dog school as a boy and youth, in the meantime … Read more

Biography of George B. McDermit

GEORGE B. MCDERMIT. One of the independent and progressive farmers of Boone Township is George B. McDermit, who has in his home place, located on the rural free delivery route No. 28 out of Elwood, one hundred and twenty acres of fine and well improved land, his mother’s place, and he also owns and operates other land in the same Township aggregating more than two hundred acres, He conducts his fanning on businesslike principles and after looking over his farm and understanding somewhat of the man it is not difficult to understand his reasons for success. George B. McDermit was … Read more

Biography of George A. Phipps

GEORGE A. PHIPPS. In the little village of Huntsville in Fall Creek Township, on the north bank of historic and picturesque old Fall creek, the principal industrial features and also business institutions are the flour mill and the saw mill which for many years have been conducted under the name and proprietorship of Mr. Phipps. A mill or factory is always an important institution in any community, and particularly is this true of the small rural settlement of Huntsville, where the mill becomes almost the central feature of the place and around it are grouped in comparative order the church … Read more