Biography of James W. Potts

JAMES W. POTTS, A business enterprise of Summitville which is a reliable source of supplies in the hardware and implement line to the greater part of Van Buren Township in the store of James W. Potts and his partner, Mr. Vinson, Mr. Potts has been known in Van Buren Township since childhood, He is an aggressive and able young business man, and for a number of years followed farming in this vicinity and in Delaware County, His practical knowledge of agriculture has been an asset in his present business, since he knows exactly what the agricultural community needs in the … Read more

Biography of James W. Griffin

JAMES W. GRIFFIN. An able representative of the business interests of Elwood, James W. Griffin is widely known in insurance circles of the Hoosier State as the assistant superintendent of the Prudential Life Insurance Company, Mr. Griffin was born March 6, 1868, at Pittsboro, North Carolina, and is a son of James D. and Sarah A. (Harman) Griffin. John Griffin, the paternal great-grandfather of Mr. Griffin, was a native of Ireland, whence he came directly to the United States and settled in Ohio, There also settled Henry Harman, the maternal great- grandfather of Mr. Griffin, who had been born in … Read more

Biography of James Marion Forkner

Mr. and Mrs. James M. Forkner

JAMES MARION FORKNER, One century ago, lacking five brief years, the Forkner family was established in Indiana, Wayne County being the scene of settlement and for years the home of the family. From that day to the present time men of that name have been prominently identified with the agricultural activities of the state, and have played well their individual parts in the praiseworthy work of advancing the reputation of their various communities in the world of agriculture. They have been men of the highest integrity and especially have they been distinguished by the character of their citizenship and by … Read more

Biography of James M. Parsons

JAMES M. PARSONS, In the life history of the late James M. Parsons, one of Elwood’s honored residents and substantial business men, is found exemplification of the truth that success is the result of labor- and untiring labor. Starting out in life with no advantages save those of an energetic nature, an inherent ability and a commendable determination to gain a position for himself in the world, he worked ceaselessly and perseveringly, and became known as one of those belonging to the class which can lay claim to the American title of self-made man, Mr. Parsons was born in Butler … Read more

Biography of James M. Hundley

JAMES M. HUNDLEY. When a boy James M. Hundley was a Union soldier. His early experiences and associations were with a farm, and he had his full share of farm life, He was a railroader and also a street car driver, finally finished his education, was a school teacher, was admitted to the Indiana bar about forty years ago, and was for many years one of the leading, lawyers in the north half of Madison County, and at the same time active in official affairs, Mr. Hundley is now retired and enjoys the activities and atmosphere of country life, devoting … Read more

Biography of James J. Netterville

James J. Netterville

JAMES J. NETTERVILLE. It is highly probable that there are few residents of Madison County who are unfamiliar with the name of James J. Netterville. His is the name of a man, essentially self-made and the term in this instance is used in the broadest application possible, being that of one who in early life determined to win success if industry :Ind good management might be held as factors in the ultimate realization of his ambition. With neither the prestige of family nor the open sesame of money to aid him, he has made his way to the front ranks … Read more

Biography of James D. McKenzie

JAMES D. MCKENZIE, Situated half a mile southwest of the town of Lapel in Stony Creek Township the rural home of James D. McKenzie, a place of one hundred and twenty acres possesses all the attractive improvements and profitable quality for which Madison County farms are noted throughout the state, Mr. McKenzie has made farming his life work, has given it his best energy, and not only has substantial material fruits of his labors, but also the esteem and respect of the community in which he has for many years resided. James D. McKenzie was born in White River Township … Read more

Biography of James C. Hull

JAMES C. HULL. On the Hull gravel road about five miles northwest of Summitville, is a farm which represents the sturdy industry and good management of one of the best known farmer citizens of Madison County, Mr. Hull has lived in this County for more than forty years as a farmer and stock raiser, and beginning his career as a renter, and as a young man completely dependent upon his own resources for advancement he has made a success that might well be envied by his neighbors, At the present time he is the owner of one hundred acres of … Read more

Biography of James A. Van Osdol

JAMES A. VAN OSDOL. The bar of Madison County numbers Mr. Van Osdol among its leading and representative members. He has practiced in the courts here for twenty years, and controls a large and important clientage. He is the general attorney for the Union Traction Company of Indiana, one of the substantial and important corporations controlling interurban electric lines in this state. Prior to entering upon the practice of law Mr. Van Osdol gained distinctive success and prestige as a representative of the pedagogic profession, and he is known as a man of fine attainments and sterling character. He was … Read more

Biography of J. C. Rodger, V. S.

J. C. Rodgers

J. C. RODGER, V. S. The veterinary doctor and surgeon of today recognizes the benefit of science as applied to his profession, and it is a noteworthy fact that, within the last several decades, the course in this line has been as strict as that of a regular doctor of medicine, while the scope of practice being wider, many of the progressive men of today are taking up the veterinary line in preference. One of the successful veterinarians of Madison County is found in the person of Dr. J. C. Rodger, a member of the firm of Rodger & Catey, … Read more

Biography of Ivan C. Dunlap

IVAN C. DUNLAP. Every line of business is being successfully prosecuted at Elwood, for it is a community of sufficient importance to command a large trade from the surrounding country, and the people who make it their market demand the best of goods and service. One of the leading business men of this place is Ivan C. Dunlap, proprietor of the handsome jewelry establishment located in the Milligan Block, Mr. Dunlap was born at Arrowsmith, McLean County, Illinois, September 20, 1881, and is a son of Theodore F. and Eliza E. (Green) Dunlap. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Dunlap, Calvin … Read more

Biography of Isaac E. May

ISAAC E. MAY. A successful business man and public spirited citizen, Mr. May has been identified by residence with Madison County practically all his life. He began his career as a worker for others, and by industry and ability became master of his own circumstances, and since leaving the office of County clerk a few years ago has been engaged in the jobbing business at Anderson. Isaac E. May was born July 7, 1861, at Anderson, Indiana, a son of Isaac M. and Samantha (Kindle) May. His father was one of Indiana’s soldiers who were sacrificed during the Civil war. … Read more

Biography of Ira Williams

IRA WILLIAMS. Now retired from business and looking after his real estate business in Anderson, Mr. Williams is a citizen of Madison County, who started out as a farmer, found himself against a losing game, then managed to turn, ventured into a new field in a very modest way and by furnishing exceptional value and service in return for his customer’s money, built up a local business which was highly profitable and from which he was able to retire a few years ago, and spend his later years in comfort, To his wife he also credits a large share of … Read more

Biography of Horace E. Jones, M. D.

Thomas Jones

HORACE E. JONES, M. D. It is eminently fitting that the career of Dr. Horace E. Jones be presented in this volume, for he has been a practitioner of medicine for upwards of forty years and his entire professional career has been passed within the borders of Madison County. During his long and honorable career in Anderson he has been successful not only in a material way, but has established himself firmly in the esteem and affection of a wide circle of sincere friends, and as a man who has always had the welfare of his community and its people … Read more

Biography of Hon. William G. Zerface

HON. WILLIAM G. ZERFACE. whose career as legist, jurist, business moan and citizen has reflected honor upon himself and his community, is widely known to the legal profession throughout Madison County, as well as to realty men in this part of the state, where he has made his home for many years, He is a native of Indiana, having been born in Montgomery County, September 13, 1858, and is a son of Martin and Mary Jane (Larew) Zerface. The Zerface family was founded in America by Philip Zerface, the paternal great-great-grandfather of Judge Zerface, who came from England, although his … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Kittinger

HON. WILLIAM A. KITTINGER. A former state senator from Madison County, ex-prosecuting attorney of Madison and Hamilton counties, and for many years closely connected with the political and public affairs of the County, Mr. Kittinger has been both a prominent and useful citizen of Anderson for more than four decades, and throughout that time has practiced his profession of the law. As a criminal lawyer Mr. Kittinger is probably unsurpassed in this section of Indiana, and is a man of the highest standing in his profession and as a citizen. Mr. Kittinger was not born to fortune, and probably few … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Larue Forkner

HON. JOHN LARUE FORKNER, As a volume of biography on Madison County would hardly be complete without the name of John L. Forkner, who as supervising editor of the present history is naturally modest concerning his own life record, the publishers take upon themselves the responsibility for the preparation and publication of the following sketch of a man who has been known in Madison County for nearly fifty years, and in many important relations with the business and civic life of his home city of Anderson and the County of Madison. John LaRue Forkner was born near the village of … Read more

Biography of Hon. George Nichol

HON. GEORGE NICHOL. Still hale and hearty at the age of eighty- three and a familiar figure on the streets of Anderson and a daily visitor at the store whose business was founded and built up by him, Hon, George Nichol has a record as a soldier, business man, public spirited citizen and official, which places him among the most venerable and useful men of Madison County, Nearly sixty years of his life time has been spent within the limits of this County, and he is one of the few still living whose memory and intimate knowledge of business and … Read more

Biography of Hon. Frank P. Foster

Frank Foster

HON. FRANK P. FOSTER. Anderson’s present mayor. has been one of the city’s most progressive and loyal citizens since locating here in 1879. Neither as a citizen nor as a representative in the lower branch of the State Legislature, at home or abroad, has he ever let a fitting opportunity pass to add his mite to the sum total of praise in favor of Anderson as a busy, enterprising city. A native of Orange County, Indiana, after receiving a common and high school education, he took a four years’ course at the Indiana State University, from which he graduated in … Read more

Biography of Hon. Charles W. Biddle

HON. CHARLES W. BIDDLE, Elected in 1910 and now representing Madison County in the state legislature. Hon, Charles W. Biddle is one of the ablest members of the agricultural community of this County and state. He was born and reared in the Township where he makes his home, has been steadily progressive both in business and in his civic ideas, and has the complete confidence of his fellow citizens, in any public capacity. Mr. Biddle resides in Adams Township, in a very attractive and valuable farm homestead on section eighteen, six miles southeast of Anderson 0n the Columbus Pike, He … Read more