Biographical Sketch of Turner Langford

The subject of this sketch was born in Harrison County, Indiana, January 20, 1828. He is the second child of Anderson and Nancy Boston Langford. His father is a native of Virginia, and is now living in Iowa. ‘Our subject left Indiana when about six years of age and went to McDonald County, Illinois. Two years afterward he moved to Van Buren County, Iowa. He grew to manhood in Iowa, working on his father’s farm. On March 18th, 1852, Mr. Langford was joined in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Beden Davis, at that time residents of Iowa. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Walker

Thomas Walker is a native of Stokes county, North Carolina, born December 9, 1814. His parents, Owen and Susannah Walker, were also natives of North Carolina, but moved to Monroe county, Indiana, and lived there about two years, and there, in 1846, the father died. The mother and family then moved to McLean county, Illinois, and lived there two years, then in the fall of 1849 they moved to Missouri and located in Daviess county, and here the mother died in 1856. On January 19th, 1835, Mr. Walker was united in marriage to Miss Cynthia Evans, born in Stokes county, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas R. Shaw

Was born near Decatur, Macon county, Illinois, June 19, 1845. In 1846. his parents removed to Iowa and settled near Mount Pleasant. He completed his education in the Mount Pleasant high school under Prof. John. A. Smith, in 1861. From that time until 1864, he was employed as a clerk, excepting one year spent in visiting relatives at Lexington, Kentucky. In 1864 he enlisted in Company A, Forty-fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry for a term of 100 days. At the expiration of his enlistment he returned home and soon after made a prospecting tour to the Missouri River, visiting Omaha, Plattsmouth, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas John Jefferies

Thomas John Jefferies was born in Pudymore, Somersetshire, England, November 9, 1841. He lived with his parents until he was eight years old, when he left home, while attending school, without their consent, and came to the United States, arriving at New York city in the spring of 1849. He paid the expenses of the voyage out of money given to him by his grandmother for ” pin money.” Being among strangers he found it hard work to• maintain himself, but making the acquaintance of a farmer from Herkimer county, New York, by the name of Reuben Reynolds, he was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Wood

Thomas J. Wood was born in Fountain county, Indiana, March 15, 1836. His parents were natives of Scott county, Kentucky, but migrated to Indiana, and from thence to Caldwell county, Missouri, when he was about three years of age, and soon moved to Daviess county. Mr. Wood has resided in this county since 1839. He was enrolled in the State Militia in 1862, and served two. years as one of the home guards. Since that time he has been engaged in farming and now lives on a well improved farm near Winston. Mr. Wood was married, January 1, 1869, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Mattingly, M. D.

Thomas J. Mattingly is a native of Richmond, Madison county, Kentucky, born September 30, 1828; son of Ignatius and Mary Daft Mattingly, both natives of St. Marys county, Maryland, and early settlers of Kentucky. His father died in 1832 and his mother in 1867. At the age of eighteen years he went to Lawrence county, Indiana, and there began the study of medicine and lived in various parts of the State till 1852, when he came to Missouri and located at Plattsburg. He was engaged in the land office department till 1861, and then began the practice of medicine at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas J. Benjamine

Thomas J. Benjamine was born in Union, Fayette county, Iowa, October 1, 1858. He is the son of Abram R. Benjamine a native of Pennsylvania. He left Iowa at the age of eight years and went to Quincy, Illinois, and from that place removed to Cameron, Missouri, where he learned his present business of railroad agent and telegraph operator. He came to Jamesport in 1877 and has held the office of agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway ever since. Mr. Benjamine was married in Jarnesport, on the 5th day of October, 1879, to Miss Fannie J. Harvey. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Bradshaw

Was born in Pocahontas County, Virginia, August 31, 1827. His father was Thomas Bradshaw, and his mother’s maiden name was Nancy S. Williams. Thomas Bradshaw, Jr., was reared principally in Pocahontas County. He left his birthplace for Daviess County in 1857, and settled here on a farm with his mother, of whom he had the entire care until her death. May, 1861, he enlisted in the Confederate Army under General Sterling Price. During the war he took part in the battles of Wilson’s Creek and Lexington. Since the war he has lived the life of a quiet farmer. On March … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas B. Yates

Thomas B. Yates was born near Culpepper, Rappahannock county, Virginia, February 3, 1836. He lived with his parents until he was twenty and received a common school education. On leaving home, in 1856, he came to Gallatin and engaged in school teaching until 1860 when he was elected superintendent of schools for Daviess county. On account of the troubled condition of the schools in 1861, they being suspended, he resigned and engaged in farming. In 1865 he removed to Chillicothe and engaged in the drug business, in which he continued until 1874. In that year he returned to Gallatin and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Theodore Peniston

Was born in Jessamine County, Kentucky, May 6, 1812. His father, Robert P. Peniston, was one of the first settlers of Daviess County. His mother’s maiden name was Miss Nancy Nuttall. Our subject was principally reared on a farm, and educated in Kentucky. In 1831, he came with his parents to Daviess County, Missouri, and settled where the old town of Millport formerly stood. It was in this town that Robert P. Peniston operated one of the first mills in the County. February 17, 1848, Theodore Peniston was married to Miss Susan Witdams, daughter of George Williams, both natives of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. S. Eggers

The subject of this sketch was born in Johnson County, Tennessee, September 19, 1852. He continued to reside in the County of his birth till he was fourteen years old, when he went to Indiana, where he resided till the time of his coming to Missouri. His education was received in Indiana, and lie followed the occupation of tilling the soil after leaving school. On coining to Daviess County, Mr. Eggers again engaged in farming, in which he continued steadily until the spring of 1875. At that time he became possessed of a desire to see the great western country, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. F. Rodgers

Was born in Greenbrier county, West Virginia, September 18, 1826. His parents, Charles and Margaret Rodgers, were also natives of Virginia. He was educated in the common schools of his native State, and when twenty years old, began clerking in a dry goods store and was so employed for a few years. In 1857 he moved to Knox county, Illinois, and while there was en-gaged in farming and milling. In 1866 he came to this county and has given his attention to farming and stock-raising since. He was one of the first justices of the peace of the township after … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. B. Head, M. D.

Thomas Benton Head is a native Missourian, and was born in Randolph County, May 2, 1832, and there grew to manhood and received his non-professional education. In 1858, he went to Philadelphia, and entered the Jefferson Medical College and took a thorough course in medicine and surgery, graduating there from in 1859. He repaired at once to Grundy County, Missouri, where he began the practice at Trenton. He continued there till the spring of 1861, when he moved to Howard County. The war was then darkening the land, and Dr. Head entered the Confederate service as assistant surgeon, and served … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. A. Martin

Is a native of Belmont County, Ohio, and was born November 9, 1842. His parents moved with him to Indiana when he was two years old, and he was reared and educated in that State, and began life as a farmer, and continued steadily in that calling till August, 1862, when he enlisted to help save the Union, in Company G, of the Seventy-second Indiana Volunteers, and served creditably till July, 1865, when lie was honorably discharged, having participated in the battles of Hoover’s Gap, Chickamauga, siege of Atlanta, and several other hard-fought battles and skirmishes. He came to Daviess … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Stephen Henry

Stephen Henry was born near the town of Carleton, Carroll county, Missouri, February 1, 1824. His father, George Henry, was a native of Virginia, and a farmer by occupation. His mother was a native of Ohio. Mr. Henry received his early education and training in his native State, and at the age of eighteen went with his father to Platte county, Missouri, where he was engaged in farming for one season, then came to Daviess county and located in Monroe township where he now resides. During the war Mr. Hemry was enrolled in the home guards, and was in action … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Solomon Lierley

Solomon Lierley. The subject of this sketch is a native of Illinois, and was born July 3, 1830. At seven years old, he moved with his parents to Adams county, that State, and there he grew up and was educated. He started in life as a farmer, and continued there till the spring of 1856, when he came to Daviess county, where he continued to reside ever since, engaged in farming. He owns a farm of 320 acres of well improved land, in Lincoln township, well watered and fenced and having a fine residence and good barn, situated a quarter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simon P. Miller

Simon P. Miller was born on the farm where he now lives, January 4, 1851. He is the son of Henry and Martha Miller, both natives of North Carolina. They moved to this county in 1839. They were the parents of twelve children, eight of whom are living, and nearly all members of the Baptist Church. The subject of our sketch was educated in the common schools and has made farming his business. He was united in marriage, January 2, 1876, to Miss Eliza Long, who was born in 1858. By this nnion they have two children; namely, James K., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simon Grove

Was born in Woodford County, Illinois, April 6, 1842, and there received a good common school education. In the fall of 1857 he came to this State and County, and has been a farmer in Daviess County ever since. He has a farm of 120 acres in Liberty township, which he has well fenced and improved. During the Civil War Mr. Grove was Union in principle, and February 27, 1864, enlisted in Company L, of the Twelfth Missouri Cavalry, and served till the close, participating in the battles of Nashville, Franklin, Spring Hill, Harpeth River, Selnma, Columbus, Ebenezer Church, Thomas, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sebron Sneed

This gentleman was born in Ray County, this State, January 7, 1835. When about eight years old, his parents moved with him to Livingston County, and there he grew up and laid the foundation of his education. In 1853 he went to college at Liberty, Missouri, and graduated in 1855. He then returned to Livingston County, and shortly afterward engaged in stock dealing. In 1863 he went to Iowa, where lie traded in live stock till 1866, when he returned to Livingston County. For a year or two he engaged in., farming, and in 1868, purchased a saw-mill which he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sanford Smith

Is a native of Daviess county, was born August 17, 1850, and is a son of Rev. Benjamin F. Smith, one of the early settlers of this county, who came here in 1835. The subject of our sketch was reared upon a farm, and received his education in the common schools of this county. He has given his attention to agriculture, and is one of the successful farmers of the county. Mr. Smith was united in marriage, November 16, 1876, to Miss Carrie Netherton, who was born October 16, 1856, in this county. She died September 7,-1879. Mr. Smith married, … Read more