Biographical Sketch of T. B. Head, M. D.

Thomas Benton Head is a native Missourian, and was born in Randolph County, May 2, 1832, and there grew to manhood and received his non-professional education. In 1858, he went to Philadelphia, and entered the Jefferson Medical College and took a thorough course in medicine and surgery, graduating there from in 1859. He repaired at once to Grundy County, Missouri, where he began the practice at Trenton. He continued there till the spring of 1861, when he moved to Howard County. The war was then darkening the land, and Dr. Head entered the Confederate service as assistant surgeon, and served three years. On quitting the army, he came to Daviess County, Missouri, and located for the practice in Jackson township where he has ever since resided.

Dr. Head was married, in Howard County, this State, to Miss Bettie Patterson, on the 1st of September, 1859. They had three children; named respectively, Florence, James D. and Texas. Mrs. Head died in 1869.

When the doctor was a young man living at Huntsville, he worked three years for Garth & Smith, tobacconists, for which service he received a compensation of $7.50 per month. At this writing he is in the midst of a large and lucrative practice, from which it may be inferred that his success as a physician is eminent.

Head. Biography,

The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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