Biographical Sketch of Samuel Wilson

The subject of this sketch is a native of County Donegal, Ireland, and was there born in March, 1842. His parents left their native country when Samuel was about four years old, and emigrated to America. They first landed in New Orleans, but proceeded from there to Illinois, where our subject was reared and educated. Mr. Wilson began life as a farmer in Illinois, and continued there till the spring of 1868, when he went to Kansas and remained till 1872. He then, with his father and brothers, came to Daviess County, where he still resides. He owns a farm … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel W. Buzzard

Samuel W. Buzzard was born in Harrison county, Missouri, September 10, 1859. He is the son of Andrew L. Buzzard, whose biography appears in this work. Our subject removed with his parents to Daviess county at the age of four years and has resided here ever since. He completed his education at the State University, at Columbia, and in 1877 entered the bank as clerk. Two years later he was promoted to the position of cashier and has since discharged the duties of that responsible office with entire satisfaction to all the patrons of the bank. Mr. Buzzard was married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel T. Howell M.D.

Samuel T. Howell is a native of Gentry county, Missouri, born February 22, 1843. His father, James M. Howell, was a native of Virginia, and his, mother, Rachel R. Howell, was born in Kentucky. Our subject was reared upon a farm and was educated in the common schools, supplemented by a few terms at the Camden Point College, of Camden Point, Platte county, Missouri. At the age of twenty-four he began, the study of medicine at Albany, Missouri, with Dr. G. W. Stapleton, and in 1866, entered the Missouri, or McDowell, Medical College, of St. Louis, and graduated at the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel T. Brosins

Samuel T. Brosins is a native of Hancock, Maryland, and was born April 1, 1817. His parents removed to Missouri and settled at Gallatin in 1849, and here he was reared, receiving his education in the common schools and academy of Gallatin. In 1867 he began reading law, under the preceptor-ship of Judge Robert L. Dodge, studying during the summer and teaching during the winter until 1871, when he was admitted to the bar, and at once became associated with William C. Gillihan, and the firm of Gillihan Brosins are among the ablest practitioners of the Daviess county bar. During … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Stecker

Samuel Stecker was born near Easton, Northampton county, Pennsylvania, August 18, 1841. His parents are John and Sarah Stecker, who were born and reared in the same county. He lived with them until he was twenty, and was educated in the public schools of his native county. On leaving home in 1860, he went to Illinois and worked as a hand on a farm near Freeport for one year, and then went to Three Rivers, Michigan, where he worked until 1862, when he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-fifth Michigan Volunteer Infantry to serve for three years, but being wounded at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel N. Miller

Samuel N. Miller. This gentleman is a native of Kentucky, and was born in Henry county, that State, on the 16th of January, 1818. He is the son of Ephraim and Jemima Miller, both of whom were natives of Virginia, and went with their parents to the same settlement in Kentucky, where they were after wards married. These families made the trip from Virginia to Kentucky in a flat-boat, which was so crowded that Samuel’s mother, then a young girl, was forced to sit in a large kettle. The Indians several times tried to decoy them ashore, but they at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Leonard

Was born in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, October 30, 1849. At the age of twelve years our subject was left an orphan; his mother having died in 1850, and his father in 1861. Young Leonard grew to manhood on .a farm and has been following the occupation of farming ever since. In 1868 he left the place of his birth and came to Daviess County, where he has made his home ever since. December 21, 1870, Mr. Leonard was married to Miss Mary Hill, daughter of William P. Hill, one of the most prominent farmers of Daviess County. As a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel H. Wynn

Was born in Tazewell county, Virginia, October 21, 1842. His parents, Peter E. and Mary Wynn, were natives of. the same State. He was educated in the common schools of Virginia, and moved with his parents to Missouri in 1853 and settled in Grundy county, and one year later came to this county. He went to Illinois just before the war, and in 1862 enlisted for three months in Company I, Seventieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and March 7, 1864, enlisted in Company B, Second Regiment Illinois Cavalry, and served until the close of the war. In 1866 he came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cropper

Samuel Cropper was born near Manchester, England, May 12, 1831. His parents were Benjamin and Mary Cropper, also natives of England. He received his education and grew to manhood in his native country, and emigrated to the United States in May, 1853, locating in Rhode Island, where he learned the art of photographing. He has since spent some time in various States of the Union, engaged at his trade. He located in Jamesport in 1875 and has since erected a commodious gallery and built up a good patronage. Mr. Cropper was married in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, October 5, 1853, to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. L. Doty

S. L. Doty was born in Greene county, Tennessee, August 13, 1831. His parents, Jesse and Rebecca Doty, were both natives of Tennessee. Azre Doty, grand-father of S. L. Doty, was a soldier of the Revolutionary War, and was under General Marion, ” the Swamp Fox.” Our subject was educated in the common schools, and at the age of eighteen began to learn the cabinet-making trade, which he made his business until 1865, and since that time he has been farming. He came to Missouri in 1853 and settled in Liberty, Clay county, where he remained four years, then removed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. K. Dinsmore

The subject of this sketch was born in Greene County, Tennessee, September 9, 1811. His parents, James and Mary Moore Dinsmore, were both natives of the same County; his mother died in 1853; his father survived her many years, dying some seven years ago. Our subject was reared upon a farm in his native County, and there received his education. When twenty-one years of age lie left home and went to Laurel County, Kentucky, and at London, in that State, learned the blacksmith trade, which tree his father had learned before him. He continued to work at his trade until … Read more

Biographical Sketch of S. B. Guthery

S. B. Guthery was born in Pike county, Ohio, October 27, 1817. His grandfather was a colonel in the Revolutionary War, and in 1800 immigrated to the then far West – now the State of Ohio. When our subject was a boy he was employed by William Parmer, of Bourbon county, Kentucky; in keeping training and running fast horses. In 1837 he turned his attention to farming and has followed that business ever since, together with handling stock; with the exception of a short time he was engaged in grading on the Portsmouth & Columbus turnpike in 1840, and conducted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Y. Miller

Robert Y. Miller, senior member of the above firm, was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, June 27, 1838. He is the son of Robert and Rachel Miller, natives of the State of Virginia. He came, with his parents, at the age of two years, to Daviess county, and was reared and educated here. He began life on his own account as a farmer and subsequently kept hotel in Jamesport for a period of three years. Mr. Miller was married in this county, December 31, 1863, to Miss Elizabeth E., daughter of Richard and Ann Hill, natives of Pocahontas county, Virginia. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Samuel Hall

Robert Samuel Hall was born in Bartholomew county, Indiana, on the-21st of November, 1842, where he grew up and received a common school education. His sympathies were with the Union during the War of the Rebellion, and he enlisted, in July, 1862, in Company H, of the Twelfth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served creditably until the surrender of the Confederate forces, when he was discharged and returned to his home. During his service he participated in a number of hare-fought battles, but escaped, withal, through the mercy of Him who rules the destiny of individuals as well as of nations. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert S. Osborn

Robert S. Osborn is a native of Boone county, Missouri, and was born October 31, 1826. In April, 1841, he accompanied his parents in their removal to Daviess county, and has lived upon the farm upon which they settled in Jefferson township for forty years. He owns a very desirable tract of land containing 544 acres, upon which he lives and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. His parents, who were natives of Scott county, Kentucky, are both dead. Mr. Osborn was joined in marriage to Miss Maria Osborn, on the 14th of March, 1850. Their union was blessed with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert H. Grantham

Robert H. Grantham has been a resident of Daviess County since 1849, at which time he came with his parents from Montgomery County, Indiana, where they resided for sixteen years. He was born in Washington County, Indiana, near the town of Salem, November 17, 1831. His father was a farmer and stock-raiser, and a native of North Carolina. The early life of Mr. Grantham was spent on his father’s farm and in acquiring an education. From 1859 until 1862 he was engaged in farming and teaching, but during 1862 he enlisted in Company A, First Regiment Missouri State Militia, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Carter

Robert Carter was born in Holmes county, Ohio, February 28, 1822. He was reared in his native county and there received his education. At the age of nineteen he migrated with his parents to Daviess county and settled on a farm, where he spent the next three years, and commenced farming for himself. At the beginning of the war he was enrolled in the State Militia, and during the last year of that great struggle was called into active service. After being honorably discharged he returned to Colfax township, where he now resides on a finely improved farm of 247 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert C. Grove

Was born in Lewistown, Frederick County, Maryland, October 10, 1842. His parents moved to Bedford County, Pennsylvania, when Robert was sevens years old, and there he was partly educated. In the spring of 1855, he went: to the Harrisburg Orphans’ Home, where he remained until the spring of 1861. The war then lowering like a storm-cloud over the land, Mr. Grove entered the Federal service as a private soldier, but was soon promoted to second lieutenant. He served creditably until April, 1863, when he was honorably discharged. He then entered a seminary of learning, and graduated there from in 1866. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard L. C. Isherwood

Richard L. C. Isherwood, junior member of the firm, was born in Gloucestershire, England, December 6, 1856. His father was an officer of the Queen’s Revenue during about fifteen years. He came with his parents to the United States at the age of fourteen years, after having received his education at Millbrook Collegiate Institute, Devonshire, England. He located first at Carrollton, Missouri, where he spent four years learning and working at the tinner’s trade. Came to Jamesport in 1875, and soon after entered into partnership with Mr. Miller. Mr. Isherwood was married in Jamesport, October 18, 1878, to Miss Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. William N. Nickell

William N. Nickell is a native of Monroe county, West Virginia, was born December 27, 1838, and is the son of John A. and Mary J. Nickell, both natives of West Virginia. The subject of this sketch received his early education in the common schools of Virginia, and completed it by an additional course of two and a half years at the Washington College, now Washington and Lee University, of Rockbridge county, Virginia. In May 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment Virginia Confederate Infantry as a private, was soon promoted to sergeant, and sergeant-major of his regiment. He … Read more