Is a native of Belmont County, Ohio, and was born November 9, 1842. His parents moved with him to Indiana when he was two years old, and he was reared and educated in that State, and began life as a farmer, and continued steadily in that calling till August, 1862, when he enlisted to help save the Union, in Company G, of the Seventy-second Indiana Volunteers, and served creditably till July, 1865, when lie was honorably discharged, having participated in the battles of Hoover’s Gap, Chickamauga, siege of Atlanta, and several other hard-fought battles and skirmishes. He came to Daviess County, Missouri in the fall of 1868, and has ever since resided here, engaged in farming. He owns a place of 120 acres of well improved land in Liberty Township, being well watered and fenced, with nearly a mile of fine young hedge. The place has a title orchard of one hundred apple trees and the same number of peach trees.
Mr. Martin was married, on the-5th of October, 1869, to Miss N. J. Rude:. Six children have been born of this union, whose names are as follows: Bertha A., Eva, Addie, Thomas J., Isaac T. and Hugh. Mr. Martin is a. good practical farmer and a worthy citizen.