Biography of James Breathitt

Mr. Breathitt was born in Virginia and came to Kentucky when very young. His father, William Breathitt, settled in Logan County in 1800, when southern Kentucky was little else than a wilderness. He was a highly respected citizen, though of limited wealth, and hence was unable to give his children collegiate educations. His eldest son, John Breathitt, became a prominent man, and served his State in many high and important positions. He was elected Lieutenant-Governor in 1828, and in 1832 Governor of the Commonwealth, but died before the expiration of his term. James read law, either with his brother or … Read more

Biography of Jacob B. Davis

JACOB B. DAVIS was born February 21, 1834, in Todd County, Ky. His parents were Jacob and Polly (West) Davis, both natives of North Carolina. The father settled in Todd County at an early day. His death occurred in 1865, aged seventy-five years. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Our subject, the eighth of thirteen children, began for himself at the age of twenty-one years. He had nothing in the start but his own energy and perseverance. In addition to farming he has worked some at the carpenter trade. He has been tolerably successful in business. He … Read more

Biography of J. M. Simpson

J. M. SIMPSON is a son of Peyton and Jane (Waugh) Simpson; the former was a son of William and Nancy (Hawley) Simpson, the grand-parents of our subject. William Simpson was born December 3, 1769, and died June 9, 1854. His wife Nancy was born June 19, 1785, the time of her death is not known. Both she and her husband were natives of Virginia. Peyton Simpson, the father of J. M. was born September 22, 1799, in Virginia. In youth he learned the cooper’s trade and followed it for many years. On November 23, 1828, he started over the … Read more

Biography of Hon. Robert P. Henry

The son of a Revolutionary soldier and the representative of a distinguished family was Robert P. Henry. He was born in 1788 in Scott County, Ky., where his father, Gen. William Henry, had settled among the first in that region. He graduated in Transylvania University at Lexington, and studied law with Henry Clay. In 1809 he was admitted to the bar, and the same year was appointed Commonwealth’s Attorney for the district. He served in the war of 1812 as aid to his father, with the rank of Major. In 1811 he married Miss Gabriella F. Pitts, of Georgetown, Ky., … Read more

Biography of Hon. Rezin Davidge

Among the early practitioners at the bar of Christian County, none surpassed in profound legal attainments Rezin Davidge. He was a brilliant and forcible speaker, an excellent judge of law, and a faithful and conscientious attorney. Strength of mind and purity of purpose were his leading traits. In his profession of the law, these made him a great chancery lawyer, no doubt one of the ablest the county knew in the early period of its history. In that branch of the law practice, that sometimes requires scheming and cunning diplomacy, he was neither great nor very successful, a proof that … Read more

Biography of Hon. Ninian Edwards

The eminent character of this gentleman requires more than a passing mention, in fact, a sketch of the early courts and bar of Christian County would be imperfect without an extended notice of him and his many public services. He has left a record in two States that time cannot efface. As a lawyer, jurist and statesman he was pre-eminently great. For nearly forty years he devoted his best energies to the service of his country, wielding an influence exceeded by few of his day and time. At the period when Judge Ninian Edwards lived his most active life, the surroundings … Read more

Biography of Hon. Joseph B. Crockett

The following sketch was written by Hon. James F. Buckner, of Louisville, for the Kentucky New Era. Col. Buckner was a student of Mr. Crockett, and for several years his law partner, hence no one is better qualified to write an impartial sketch of the man, and he pays a noble tribute to his old friend, partner and preceptor. He says: Joseph B. Crockett, the son of Col. Robert Crockett, was born in 1808, at Union Mills, in Jessamine County, Kentucky, and settled on a farm near Russellville. It was while Col. Crockett was pursuing the vocation of a farmer … Read more

Biography of Hon. D. B. Smith

HON. D. B. SMITH was born January 8, 1827, in Todd County, Ky.; he is a son of Spotswood Smith and Martha A. (Terry). The father was born December 14, 1800, in Louisa County, Va.; he came to Kentucky in 1816, and two years later settled in what is now Todd County, and at present living with his son. Our subject in September, 1844, went to Hadensville, and worked two years for his board in the store of Stephen and John Terry. The third year he secured a position with Ed Payne at a salary of $300 and board, a … Read more

Biography of Hon. Benjamin Shackelford

But few men of his day and time, a period when judges held office during good behavior, occupied the circuit bench longer than Judge Benjamin Shackelford. For thirty-six years-more than the average of human life-he presided over the Circuit Court of this judicial district. And during that time fewer of his decisions were reversed by the higher courts than of any judge, perhaps, in the State. Although making no parade of it, Judge Shackelford possessed in a full measure that absolute incorruptibility that insures purity in the administration of the law. His judgments were always distinctly marked with impartiality and … Read more

Biography of Hazel G. Petrie

HAZEL G. PETRIE, (some of the family spell the name Petree, others as above, which is the original and correct orthography), is a descendant of Peter Petrie, who was born in Scotland, of Scotch-Presbyterian parents. When in his seventh year, Peter attended a school taught by a Presbyterian minister, somewhat distinguished for his rigid enforcement of the rules. For some real or fancied infringement of the rules of the school, the Scotch schoolmaster chastised Peter, who fled for refuge to his mother, who, unfortunately for Peter, was of the same stern stock as the schoolmaster. She accordingly administered a second … Read more

Biography of Hardin J. Wood

HARDIN J. WOOD. To chronicle a complete sketch of the Wood family, including their acts and enterprises, their wholesome influence on the development of Todd and Christian Counties, would be a task too great, however pleasing, to undertake in the preparation of this local history. No proper history ever can be written without mention of this important family; leaving the details of their record to be written in letters of gold in the memories of those whose good fortune it has been to know them better than the writer. In the history of Christian County it will be seen that … Read more

Biography of Gov. John M. Palmer

John M. Palmer

John M. Palmer was born in Scott County, Kentucky, September 13, 1817, and soon after his birth his father, who had been a soldier in the war of 1812, removed to Christian County, where lands were then cheap. John M. is still remembered by many of the old citizens as a bright, intelligent boy, fond of reading, and who lost no opportunity to improve his mind. He received such education as the new and sparsely settled country afforded, and in 1831 his father removed to Illinois. Shortly after a college was opened at Alton on the “manual labor system,” and … Read more

Biography of Gov. Charles S. Morehead

As a lawyer, legislator and Governor of the Commonwealth Mr. Morehead was alike popular. He was born in Nelson County (this State) July 7, 1802. His education was begun in the schools of his county, but completed at Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky, from which he graduated with honors. Upon the completion of his education, he located in Christian County, and commenced the practice of law in Hopkinsville. He was elected to the Legislature in 1828, and re-elected in 1829. In his first election, he received the almost unanimous support of the county, although his youth rendered him scarcely eligible to … Read more

Biography of George Street

GEORGE STREET, who settled in the eastern part of Trigg County, Ky., soon after its formation, came from Richmond, Va., where for several years he had been a prominent merchant. In Trigg County he opened an extensive farm, and spent the remainder of his life in that place, devoting himself to the pursuits of agriculture. He had a family of several children, among whom was one son-George P. Street-who became a minister of much prominence in southern Kentucky. George P. Street was born in Virginia, in March, 1814, and when of sufficient age went to Illinois and obtained a collegiate … Read more

Biography of Elder William E. Mobley

ELDER WILLIAM E. MOBLEY. Few among the deserving citizens of Todd County are more worthy, genial and intelligent than the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this brief sketch. He was born in Todd County, Ky., March 2, 1824, and has always retained his residence here. His father, Claburn Mobley, was born near Columbia, S. C., in 1787; removed to middle Tennessee in childhood, thence to Todd County, Ky., about 1807, where he died in 1867. He was the son of William Mobley. Claburn’s wife, Elizabeth (Ellison), was born in Georgia, 1795, and died in 1862. Their children … Read more

Biography of Egbert Garth

EGBERT GARTH. In 1812 Elijah Garth came from Albemarle County, Va., to Kentucky, and made settlement near Trenton, in Todd County, on a farm now occupied by Webster C. Garth, and which he had but fairly begun to develop, when (in 1815) he died. He was twice married, first to Miss Fretwell, and second to Miss Elizabeth Wait, and as the result of each union, had four children. None of these are now living, but among their immediate descendants are some of the most worthy families of Todd County. Paschal L. was a son of Elijah Garth, and was born … Read more

Biography of Dr. Walter B. Jefferson

DR. WALTER B. JEFFERSON is a son of Isham R. and Sarah A. (Mansfield) Jefferson, who came separately to Todd County in 1833, from Abermarle County, Va. The father was a native of that county, and was there reared by his uncle, Thomas Jefferson, the famous author of the Declaration of Independence, and third Chief Executive of the United States, Isham’s father, Randolph Jefferson, being the youngest brother of the President. The father of our subject married first a Miss Henderson, and afterward a Miss Peyton. He located, on coming to Todd County, upon a farm in Jesup’s Grove, removing … Read more

Biography of Dr. Virgil T. Shelton

DR. VIRGIL T. SHELTON, practicing physician in Kirkmansville, Ky., was born November 7, 1836, in Todd County, Ky. His parents are Crispin and Polly B. (Dodd) Shelton. His father is a native of Kentucky and a resident of Todd County since his seventh year. He is now a farmer, of robust health, in his seventy-seventh year. Dr. Shelton’s mother is still living at the age of sixty-six years, with powers of mind and body well preserved. These parents had seven children, five of whom are now living. His brothers, W. Ira and W. Bell, are practicing, physicians. Two brothers are … Read more

Biography of Dr. S. M. Lowry

DR. S. M. LOWRY was one of a large family of children born to Squire M. and Sarah L. (Cherry) Lowry. His grandfather was of Irish origin, and was born at sea. He became a resident of North Carolina, and subsequently moved to Todd County, Ky., at a very early day, where Squire M. was born. The latter died in 1853, leaving a wife and nine children, of whom but five now survive. Mrs. Lowry was a native of North Carolina, but was reared in Tennessee. She died in 1880, at the age of seventy-six years. Dr. Lowry was reared … Read more

Biography of Dr. Joseph W. Bartlett

DR. JOSEPH W. BARTLETT was born July 27, 1833, a son of Joseph S. and Amanda F. (Porter) Bartlett. His father was a native of Massachusetts. In early life he was a teacher, later a’ minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and for many years a missionary among the Cherokee Indians. He came to Kentucky after the war of the Rebellion, and died in Todd County in 1875, at the age of seventy-eight. The mother was a native of Virginia, and removed with her father to middle Tennessee, when a child. She was first married to Elisha Zachariah, who … Read more