Biography of George Street

GEORGE STREET, who settled in the eastern part of Trigg County, Ky., soon after its formation, came from Richmond, Va., where for several years he had been a prominent merchant. In Trigg County he opened an extensive farm, and spent the remainder of his life in that place, devoting himself to the pursuits of agriculture. He had a family of several children, among whom was one son-George P. Street-who became a minister of much prominence in southern Kentucky. George P. Street was born in Virginia, in March, 1814, and when of sufficient age went to Illinois and obtained a collegiate education in Jacksonville, the educational center of that State., Returning to Kentucky he completed his education in the Princeton College. Having early in life became a member of’ the Christian Church, he determined to devote him-self to the ministry, a calling for which he was eminently qualified. Being possessed of a fine education and unquestioned purity of character, he soon endeared himself to a wide circle of acquaintance. His ministerial labors extended over several counties, and he is still remembered as a man remarkable for reasoning power, maturity of thought, and for the whole-some influence of his spotless life. He was married three times, first to a Miss Waddell, of Trigg County, who soon after died; second to Miss Jane McReynolds, of Christian County (now deceased); she was the mother of two children, both of whom died in their childhood, as did the one child born to him as the issue of first marriage. His third marriage was to Miss Susan H. McReynolds, younger sister of his former wife, and is now a resident of Elkton, Todd County. Rev. George P. Street was a man of more than ordinary energy, and aside from his labor as a minister looked after the interests of his farm in Christian County, and also spent much time in teaching, establishing a private academy, where was obtained the rudimentary education of several men who have become prominent in the State. Mr. Street died on his farm in Christian County in September, 1871. By last marriage he reared three sons and one daughter: George P. Street, Jr., John 0. Street, Edwin C. Street, who died in early manhood, and Miss Fannie B. Street. George P. Street, Jr., was born in Christian County, November 15, 1848; received the advantages of his father’s school, and in 1866, began his business career as a salesman and book-keeper, in both of which he soon developed much proficiency. In 1873 he became a member of the firm of Street, McReynolds & Co., of Elkton, since which time he has prosecuted a successful business, a portion of the time in Guthrie, later in Hopkinsville, returning to Elkton in 1881. He is now a member of the firm of S. H. Perkins & Co. In the early part of 1882 he was appointed to the office of County School Commissioner, to fill an unexpired term, and in November of the same year was elected to the office. Mr. Street was married in Elkton, in 1876, to Miss Lillie, daughter of Judge Benjamin T. Perkins. She was born in Todd County, in December, 1853. They have one son-Benjamin Seymour Street. Both Mr. and Mrs. Street are members of the Christian Church, in which he holds the office of Elder. He is also a member of the A. F. & A. M. John O. Street, the second son of George P. and Susan (McReynolds) Street, was born February 22, 1851, and was reared to the age of eighteen on his father’s farm, in Christian County. In 1869 he accepted a position as clerk in the bank of Elkton, and a few months later was elected to the office of Cashier of that institution, a position which he now occupies and which he has filled with credit to himself and acceptance to all concerned. He is a highly respected gentleman and a member of the Christian Church. In November, 1877, he was married to Miss Willie Clark, a native of Todd County, and daughter of Judge James T. Clark (deceased). They have one son, Edwin Clark Street. Mrs. Street is a member of the Baptist Church of Elkton. Her father came to this county from Virginia, was for many years a merchant in Elkton, and at the time of his death, in 1869, was Judge of the County Court.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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