Biography of Dr. Joseph W. Bartlett

DR. JOSEPH W. BARTLETT was born July 27, 1833, a son of Joseph S. and Amanda F. (Porter) Bartlett. His father was a native of Massachusetts. In early life he was a teacher, later a’ minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and for many years a missionary among the Cherokee Indians. He came to Kentucky after the war of the Rebellion, and died in Todd County in 1875, at the age of seventy-eight. The mother was a native of Virginia, and removed with her father to middle Tennessee, when a child. She was first married to Elisha Zachariah, who died September 9, 1826. March 12, 1828, she married Joseph S. Bartlett, and died September 21, 1866, aged fifty-seven years. She was a life-long member of the Baptist Church. Dr. Bartlett was born in Williamson County, Tenn., and on reaching man-hood he attended Medical College at Nashville and St. Louis. On leaving school he began the practice of his profession in Todd county, where he is still engaged. For the past three years he has had an interest in a mercantile business carried on by his son, Walter E., who has a flourishing trade. Young Bartlett is a gentleman of rare business qualifications, and bids fair to become one of the solid men of the county. The Doctor is the oldest practicing physician in the northern part of the county, with a wide-spread patronage. In his leisure, he has gathered about him the evidences of liberal culture, and dispenses the cordial hospitality of a home surrounded by the mark of thrift, business and comfort. Dr. Bartlett was married to Moody A. Sullivan of this county, June 16, 1859. Her parents are Caleb and Betty (Roper) Sullivan, natives of Tennessee. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett are parents of six children; Eusebia A., Walter E., Carrie T., Susie E., Willie L. and Joseph W. The parents and five of the children are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Eusebia A., is the wife of Dr. P. S. Anderson, of Woodburn, Warren Co., Ky. Dr. Bartlett is a member of the Masonic order.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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