Biographical Sketch of G. E. Porter

G. E. PORTER was born in Todd County, Ky., July 17, 1861, and is a son of W. R. H. and Anna (Dowdy) Porter-the former a native of Kentucky and the latter a native of Mississippi. W. R. H. Porter was reared and educated in Todd County. He has followed farming, his principal occupation, all his life, with the exception of some seven or eight years, when he was engaged in the mercantile trade. He is now living in Elkton District engaged in farming. He has filled the office of Con-stable. He is a member of the subordinate lodge of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Franklin M. Chesnut

FRANKLIN M. CHESNUT. Among the names of the first settlers in the vicinity of Elkton, is that of John Chesnut, who came from South Carolina in 1810, and settled in 1812 in Todd County, on the farm now owned and occupied by Frank M. He had a family of eight children, including five sons, among whom was John Chesnut, the father of Franklin M. He was born July 25, 1796, in South Carolina; came to Kentucky with the family, and here in Todd County married Miss Maburn, who died after bearing him three children, viz.: Jane, Mary E., who married … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fidelio C. Sharp

Perhaps no member of the early bar of Hopkinsville became more distinguished in a certain branch of the practice than Fidelio Sharp. He came here from Logan County, the cradle of the Southern Kentucky bar, as Greece was the cradle of art and civilization. Although a man of limited education, he was one of the most profound lawyers, in his specialty, of all his contemporaries. While legal documents that emanated from his pen were scarcely models of literary execution and accuracy, yet they possessed the rare merit of saying just what was meant. His speeches were dry, but his pronunciation … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Felix G. Miles

FELIX G. MILES, druggist, Elkton, Ky., is a son of Elisha F. and Eliza J. Miles of Logan County, Ky. He was born in that county, near Russellville, August 4, 1854; was reared on his father’s farm and educated in Cottage Home College of his native county; he is the second of a family of nine children, all of whom are yet living. The parents are natives of North Carolina, from whence they came to Kentucky in 1850, and settled in Logan County, where they still reside. Mr. Miles came to Elkton, Todd County, in 1877, and formed a copartnership … Read more

Biographical Sketch of F. L. Anderson

F. L. ANDERSON was born November 5, 1856, in Todd County. He is a son of F. A. and Mary (Magill) Anderson. The former died September 12, 1884; the mother is living in Allensville. They were natives of Kentucky. Our subject now owns and occupies this farm, consisting of about 200 acres and known as the old Andrews farm. Mr. Anderson was married December 18, 1879, to Miss Lucy, daughter of Edward Anderson of Paducah, Ky.; they are devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.

Biographical Sketch of F. H. Sears

F. H. SEARS was born December 25, 1814, in Todd County, and on this farm. He is the son of William and Susan M. (Howks) Sears. The father was born on the Potomac River, Va., in 1779; he died May 28, 1852. He came to Logan County, Ky., with his parents in 1792. There he was married, and in February, 1804, came to this farm. He died May 28, 1852. The mother was born in Frederickstown, Md.; her death occurred April 19, 1867, aged seventy-one. Our subject was born and reared on this farm, which he owns, consisting of 222 … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Eugene O. Watts

EUGENE O. WATTS was born in Montgomery County, Tenn., November 11, 1848, and removed with his parents to Todd County, Ky., in infancy, where he has continued to reside. He is the son of Charles G. Watts, who was born in Todd County in 1818, where he died in 1879, and Caroline E., daughter of Dabney and Agnes (Walton) Smith, his wife, who was born in Virginia. Their children are: Alice A., Eudora A. (Sladyen), Eugene O., Thomas D., Charles II., George W., Frank W., Walter L. and Carrie E. Eugene O. was married in 1871 to Miss Emma H. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Enoch J. Cathcart

ENOCH J. CATHCART was born April 25, 1849, in Giles County, Tenn.; his parents are Allen J. and Eliza J. (Head) Cathcart, both natives of Tennessee. The father was a blacksmith and wagon-maker; his death occurred about the year 1851; he was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The mother died in November, 1875, aged forty-nine; she was also a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. These parents had seven children, five of whom are now living. Enoch J. began quite early in life for himself. Farming has chiefly been his business; he settled near Kirkmansville; he sold out … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elijah N. Jones

ELIJAH N. JONES, a prominent and enterprising citizen of Todd County, was born October 26, 1837, in Fairview District, Todd County, Ky. He is the second of thirteen children-five boys and eight girls-ten still living, born to Isaac H. and Anna (Wilkins) Jones, natives of Indiana and Todd County, Ky., respectively, the mother of Irish descent. Subject’s early advantages for an education were poor; he attended school about two years in all. He was reared on the farm and lived with his parents till his marriage on December 23, 1858, to Miss Harriet A. Lindsey, of Todd County, daughter of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elijah C. Brown

ELIJAH C. BROWN. Mention has already been made of this gentleman’s ancestors, and will be found in the chapter devoted to Elkton District. He is a son of Preston and Rosena Brown, and was born near Hadensville, Todd County, on the 30th day of October, 1845. He was reared on his father’s farm, meanwhile attending the common schools, after which he attended school in Clarksville, Tenn. In the fall of 1861 he enlisted as a soldier iii the Confederate Army, and followed the fortunes of his command to the close of the war. He was first a member of an … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edgar H. Morton

H. EDGAR MORTON was born on the place where he now resides, November 5, 1835, and has retained his residence here all his life. His father, George, was born in 1795, in Orange County, Va.; removed to Todd County, Ky., about 1832, where he died in 1882. He was the son of John, who was the son of Elijah Morton, of Scotch descent. Subject’s mother was Amanda, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Adams) Tandy, and to her and husband were born: Ann E., subject, Hulda F. (Tandy), and John G. Mr. Morton was favored with a good English education, is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. W. D. Meriwether

DR. W. D. MERIWETHER was born April 21, 1854, in Arkansas; he is a son of Dr. James H. and Lucy (McClure) Meriwether. The father was born in Todd County in 1812, and is now living with his son on this farm. The mother was born in Clarksville, Tenn., in 1830, now deceased. At the close of the war our subject came to what is known as the Meriville farm, originally consisting of 900 acres, which has since been increased to 1,300 acres. The extensive improvements of this farm, which are probably the best in the precinct, were placed there … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Robert R. Grady

DR. ROBERT R. GRADY was born September 28, 1842, in Todd County, Ky., where he still resides. His father, James T. Grady, was born in Todd County, and is still living here; he is the son of Jesse Grady, of Virginia, who came to Kentucky in an early day and died here. Dr. Grady’s mother, Nancy C. (Pendleton), whose parents came from Virginia, was born in this county and is still living. To her and her husband were born Nannie C. (Webb), Mary E. (married to Smith, afterward to Nelson), Sarah F. (Moore), subject, and Lucy P. (Tinder). The Doctor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Joseph S. Dickinson

DR. JOSEPH S. DICKINSON, Trenton, is a native of Louisa County, Va., where he was born, January 1, 1827, and in 1831 removed to Todd County, Ky., where he grew to manhood, and has since resided. His father, Roscoe O. Dickinson, was born in Louisa County, Va., in 1802, and died here in 1863. He was the son of Capt. Cole Dickinson, a gallant soldier in the war of Independence, who died in 1844, aged seventy years. Roscoe C.’s wife was Emily, daughter of Jesse and Mary (Boxley) Harris, of Louisa County, Va., and to them were born: Jesse C., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. John O. McReynolds

DR. JOHN O. McREYNOLDS, of Elkton, Todd County Ky. is one of the prominent physicians of southern Kentucky and was born in Appomattox County, Va., November 30, 1827; he descends from Scotch-Irish ancestors, who were first represented in the United States by James and John McReynolds with their widowed mother. They settled in Pennsylvania, but soon after removed to Virginia, from whence have emanated the numerous families of that name. The parents of Dr. McReynolds, James C. and Mary B. McReynolds, emigrated to Kentucky in 1833, settling in Trigg County, where they died, the mother in 1837, and the father … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. James R. Grady

DR. JAMES R. GRADY (deceased) was born in Virginia in 1809, and came to Kentucky when a boy; he had studied medicine and received a certificate at Charlottesville, Va., and graduated at Lexington, Ky., where he received his diploma, following which he practiced his profession about fifteen years, then followed farming until his death in 1870. He was thrice married: first, to a Mrs. Warfield; secondly, to Miss Eliza Allensworth, who became the mother of two children: Nannie R. and Inez I.; thirdly, in 1861, to Miss Martha F. Johnson, daughter of R. G. Johnson, of Virginia. To this last … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. James H. Wakefield

DR. JAMES H. WAKEFIELD is a native of Rockport, Ind., where he was born August 14, 1821. At the age of twelve years he removed with his parents to Spencer County, Ky., where he grew to man-hood. His father, James Wakefield, was born 1790, in Nelson County, Ky.; removed to Indiana in 1818; thence to Todd County, Ky., in 1848, where he died in 1856. He was the son of John, of Pennsylvania, who previous to 1775 immigrated to Kentucky, where he died in about 1815. Subject’s mother, Elizabeth, daughter of James Heady, of Nelson County, Ky., was born in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. George A. Harrel

DR. GEORGE A. HARREL, Trenton, was born October 24, 1841, in Todd County, Ky., where he was reared and entered service as Lieu-tenant of Cavalry in the late war, where he remained eighteen months. His father, William C. Harrel, was a native of Nelson County, Ky., where he was born in 1812; removed to Todd County, 1820, and in 1872 migrated to Missouri, where he is still living; he is the son of Isaac, of Nelson County; Isaac was the son of Moses Harrel. Subject’s mother, Caroline C., daughter of Alexander and Mary (Frazer) McElwain, of this county, was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. E. P. Russell

DR. E. P. RUSSELL. This gentleman, who is a prominent physician of Elkton, is a son of John M. Russell and Sallie (Porter) Russell, an old and respected family of Todd County, where both parents died, the father in October, 1860, and the mother a few years prior. The Doctor was born in this county September 21, 1843, and here spent most of his boyhood days. .He attended for some time the Cottage Home College of Logan County. After the breaking out of the war, in the year 1861, he entered the Confederate Army as Lieutenant of a company, which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Daniel R. Merritt

DR. DANIEL R. MERRITT (deceased) was born January 17, 1800, in Williamson County, Tenn. In about 1823 he came to Todd County and practiced medicine and engaged in farming, in both of which he was eminently successful. He erected a very fine brick residence on this farm, costing from $8,000 to $10,000, and owned at the time of his death about 600 acres of land. He died in July, 1883. The Doctor was first married in 1825 to Mrs. Fort, of Robinson County, Tenn. She died in 1829, leaving two children-William and Ann Eliza. By his second marriage he had … Read more