Biographical Sketch of Jo Linebaugh

JO LINEBAUGH was born January 12, 1823, in Logan County, Ky.; he is the son of Thomas and Ann (Owings) Linebaugh. The father was a native of Pennsylvania; he died in 1854, aged seventy. The mother was born in Maryland; she died in 1868, aged seventy-three. Our subject was raised on his father’s farm; he continued to follow farming until 1877, when he came to Guthrie and opened a drug store, which, after running a few years, he sold out and engaged in the grocery and liquor business, which he still continues. Mr. Linebaugh was married in 1847 to Miss … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James R. Pendleton

JAMES R. PENDLETON, Trenton, was born in Todd County, Ky., November 20, 1850, and has always retained his residence here. His father, Harvey B. Pendleton, was born in 1811 and died about 1854; he was the son of John Pendleton. Subject’s mother, Louisa M., daughter of George and Betsey Carnall, of Todd County, was born in 1831. To her and her husband, Harvey B., were born: Martha A. (deceased), James R. and Cenara (deceased). James R. in youth procured a good English education, and is a reader of good books and papers. He was married, November 10, 1874, to Miss … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Hall

JAMES H. HALL was born September 28, 1848, in Todd County, Ky., where he has always resided. His father, John E. Hall, was, born in 1824, in West Virginia, and died in Texas in 1879; and mother, Mary E., daughter of Mrs. S. A. Tandy, of Todd County, Ky., was born February 29, 1828, and died May 18, 1849. To them was born one child, our subject, who is engaged in farming, successfully cultivating corn, wheat, tobacco, and raising and dealing in stock. Subject was married, June 28, 1871, to Miss Henrietta, daughter of Maj. Levi and Martha A. (Layne) … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James D. Duncan

JAMES D. DUNCAN, tobacco merchant, was born in 1845, in Montgomery County, Tenn. His parents were D. H. and Mary L. (Brake) Duncan, natives of Tennessee. The father was a tobacco merchant, a member of the Christian Church and of the Masonic order. The mother’s death occurred in December, 1873, at the age of fifty-four years. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Duncan began business for himself at the age of twenty-five years. Previously he had been interested with his father; he has been a resident of this county since 1871; he bought 135,000 pounds of tobacco … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James C. McElwain

JAMES C. McELWAIN was born May 14, 1821, near Russellville, Ky.; removed with his parents in childhood to Todd County, where he was reared and still resides. He is the son of Alexander, a native of the city of Cork, Ireland, where he was born in 1780, and emigrated with his widowed mother to Maryland, in 1790, thence to Logan County, Ky., about 1800 (whither his mother and family followed him), and purchased 1,000 acres of land south of Shakertown, where the mother died. Alexander married Mary W. Frazier, of Logan County, Ky., and to them were born: Frances (Parrish), … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James B. Talley

JAMES B. TALLEY, farmer, was born June 18, 1846, in Todd County, Ky., where he has always resided. His father, Dr. Zachariah Talley, was a native of Sumner County, Tenn., where he was born in 1817, and grew to manhood, after which he removed to Todd County, Ky., where he died in 1849. He was the son of Zachariah, Sr., a Virginian. Subject’s mother was Mary J., daughter of James Beazley, of Told County. To her and husband were born two sons: James B., and Zachariah, Jr. James B. was married October 30, 1867, to Miss Nannie C., daughter of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James A. Utley

JAMES A. UTLEY was born in 1851, in Muhlenburg County, Ky. His parents were William J. and Caroline (Vinston) Utley, both natives of Kentucky. The father was a farmer. His death occurred in 1854, aged thirty-six. He was a member of the Baptist Church. The mother died of typhoid fever, the same disease which proved fatal to her husband, her death occurring two weeks later than that of her husband. Her age was thirty-two. She also was a member of the Baptist Church. These parents left two children-Fannie F., now the wife of George M. Bobbitt, and James A. The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. W. Luckett

J. W. LUCKETT, son of A. D. and Martha M. (Lumsden) Luckett, was born in Clarksville, Tenn., May 3, 1848; his father was born in Virginia March, 1806, and his mother in 1813. His father emigrated from Virginia in early life, and after traveling about for some time settled in Elkton, Todd County, Ky., where-he remained ten years; he then spent some twenty years of his life on a farm between Elkton and Allensville, where he died April 14, 1882. His wife ended this life January 24, 1879. In youth he learned the painter’s trade, followed mercantile pursuits, and lastly … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. L. Phillips

J. L. PHILLIPS, agent of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad, was born May 7, 1841, in Mercer County, Ky.; he is a son of John and Rowena (Parker) Phillips, both natives of Pennsylvania. At the age of sixteen our subject engaged in teaching school, and continued at that until the age of twenty-four; he then secured employment with the St. Louis & South-Eastern Railroad, remaining with them about two years. He was employed by the Louisville & Nashville Railroad in 1860, and has been engaged with this company ever since. The past five years he has held his present position, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Spillman

ISAAC SPILLMAN is a son of James and Nancy (Paul) Spillman, who are now aged residents of Hardin County, Ky. His father, James Spillman, was born in 1800 in Kentucky. His grandfather, Jacob Spillman, was born in Maryland and moved to Oldham County, Ky., where James was born and grew to manhood. James in early life learned the trade of a cabinet-maker, and went to Hardin County, Ky., where he followed his trade for many years, and where he now resides. He was there married in 1833 to Miss Nancy J. Paul. She was born in 1803, in Nelson County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry R. Rudd

HENRY R. RUDD was born July 15, 1842, in Todd County; he is a son of Richard and Lavina (Francis) Rudd, who are natives of Kentucky, and now living in this precinct. Henry R. enlisted in 1861, in Company F, Twenty-fifth United States Kentucky Infantry. This regiment was afterward consolidated with the Seventeenth Infantry; he was then transferred to Company D. After serving eighteen months he was discharged on account of sickness caused by exposure and from the effects of which he has suffered more or less since, which is gradually impairing his health, and leaves him in poor hope … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harry F. Willoughby

HARRY F. WILLOUGHBY, lawyer, Attorney for Todd County, was born in 1852, in Montgomery County, Tenn. His parents were Frank and Mariah (Hackney) Willoughby, who removed to Todd County, while Harry F. was a small boy. His father was a member of the Baptist Church, by occupation a farmer, and died in this county in 1861. His widow was subsequently married to Mr. W. T. Kennedy, who died in 1877. She is still living and now a resident of the town of Elkton. Harry F. was educated in Todd County, read law in the office of S. W. Kennedy, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Watts

GEORGE W. WATTS, farmer, was born November 19, 1855, in Todd County, Ky., where he grew to manhood, and is still residing. He is the son of Charles G. and Caroline E. (Smith) Watts, of this county. In youth George W. procured a fair business education, and is a reader of books and current news. On January 24, 1883, he was married to Miss Mary E., daughter of David and Mary (Rollow) Dickerson, of an old Virginia family, now residing in Montgomery County, Tenn. Mr. Watts is a neat and tasty farmer, engaged in the successful cultivation of corn, wheat … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Jesup

GEORGE W. JESUP. The gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch is one of the active, energetic and naturally intelligent citizens of Todd County, Ky. He is a native of Fayette County, in this State, where he was born February 10, 1823, and in 1829 removed with his parents to Todd County, where he has since resided. His father, Col. Samuel B. Jesup, was born in Orange County, Va.; immigrated to Kentucky in 1793; was a gallant soldier in the war of 1812; was once a member of the House of Representatives, and eight years a member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Simons

GEORGE SIMONS was born March 28, 1841, in Todd County, Ky. His parents were George and Susan (Allison) Simons. The father died November, 1869, aged sixty-five years. The mother was born in Virginia in 1803, and is now living with her son James H. They were among the earliest settlers of the county. In 1861, George enlisted in Company D, Twenty-fifth Regiment United States Infantry, and after-ward consolidated with the Seventeenth Regiment. He served three years and three months. He took part in the battles of Shiloh, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, the Atlanta campaign and others. While in the army he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Lear

GEORGE LEAR was born in 1820, in Todd County. His father and mother were George and Nancy (Shuffle) Lear. The father died about the year 1854, aged sixty. The mother died in 1864, aged about fifty-five. George began for himself at the age of twenty-five. He rented from his father for several years before buying. He came to this farm in 1860. He first bought 212 acres good land, and has been buying and selling land since. He was in the United States Army about four months, and, while in the service he was taken with the measles and became … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George E. Garth

GEORGE E. GARTH was born December 4, 1839, at the old Garth homestead, in Todd County, Ky., where he grew to manhood. His father, William Anderson Garth,- was a native of Albemarle County, Va., where he was born in 1796. He removed to Todd County, Ky., in 1810, where he died in 1843. He was the son of Elijah Garth, of Virginia, who was born in Albemarle County in 1773, and died here in 1816. By his fearless activity he rescued many lives at the burning of the theater in Richmond, Va. His father, Thomas Garth, was of Scotch descent. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George B. Lewis

GEORGE B. LEWIS is the eighth of a family of eleven children, born to Williamson V. and Clarkie Lewis (nee Bell). These parents were each natives of Chatham County, N. C., where they grew to maturity and were married. They removed to Tennessee and settled in Robertson County in 1819. There the mother died August 4, 1831. The father died in Weakley County, Tenn., in 1874, at the age of eighty-three years. His second marriage was to Sarah P. Freeman, by whom he had eight children. George B. was born in Robertson County, Tenn., February 8, 1824. He was reared … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. W. Latham

G. W. LATHAM, a wealthy and prominent farmer of Todd County, Ky., is the eldest of six children-three living-born to John and Susan (Brock) Latham, natives of North Carolina and South Carolina, respectively, of English descent. His grandparents on his mother’s side were David and Betsey (Gibson) Brock. Subject’s early education was neglected, never having attended school in his life. He was reared on a farm; his father died when he (subject) was but fourteen years old, hence the care of the family devolved upon him. He hired out by the month and worked this way till he was married, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of G. H. Gill

G. H. GILL (deceased) was born in this county on February 2, 1841, and is a son of Coleman and Mary (Watkins) Gill. The parents were natives of Virginia, and came to this county when children. Subject was the fourth of a family of eight children, of whom three are now living. His education was received in this and Montgomery County (Tenn.). When about twenty-one he enlisted in Capt. McLaine’s Company, under Gen. Morgan, and remained in the service three years. Returning to this county, he resided on the home farm for a number of years. In 1880 he came … Read more