Baker County Oregon Gold Mining History

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

Waterman & Schmitz

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by This representative enterprise dates its formation back to 1889. The premises occupied are on the corner of Front and Center streets, and are of ample dimensions for the storage of the large stock carried. Carrying a large stock of imported wines and liquors and cigars, their trade has […]

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Towns of Baker County

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by The chief towns in Baker county all tributary to Baker City commercially, financially and socially, are Sumpter, Huntington, Bourne, Haines and Bridgeport. Sumpter and Huntington the most important and populous, have not unreasonable hopes of becoming of sufficient commercial and social importance to be soon classed among the

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The Sagamore Hotel

Last Updated on August 9, 2014 by Dennis An engraving of the Sagamore is shown in this issue of the Democrat. This, one of the best hotels in Eastern Oregon, was erected by J. B. Griswold last season, and opened under the present management October 1st. The building is well arranged and very commodious, consisting

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The North Pole Mine

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Among the many mines In this county none take higher rank than the North Pole, which lies in the Cracker Creek district. It embraces two fall claims of 1500 feet each, and a fraction of 400 feet, making 3400 feet on the lode bar. The mine is opened

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Terry & Fleetwood

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Of whose place of business we present a cut, are numbered among the most flourishing business houses of our city. They carry a complete line of staple and fanny groceries, queensware, glassware, etc. They also make a specialty of landing all kinds of green vegetables and fruits and

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Stoddard Brothers Lumber

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Numbered among the enterprising mill firms of Eastern Oregon is that of the above named gentlemen. Established in McEwan about three years ago by George and Joseph Stoddard, it has been running at the full capacity of 30,000 feet per day. While other mills have been forced to

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Shockley & McMurren

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by The advantages possessed by this city for distribution of lumber and its products are recognized as of paramount importance, and have resulted in a trade which is of large proportions and constantly increasing in volume. This enterprise was founded many years ago by McMurren & Crabell, and came

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Peoples Steam Laundry

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by One of the most important industries of our thriving town is the above, it portion of the interior of which we present, in an accompanying cut. It is located on Washington street, a half block east of the Warshauer Hotel, in the most central part of the city,

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Palmer Grocery Company

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by The above named house, one of the most representative in its line, was incorporated in May, 1894, by J. W. Daly and Joseph and C. L. Palmer. Their salesroom is tastefully furnished, and contains a choice and carefully collected stock of everything in the line of staple and

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Palmer & Denham

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by A list of Baker City’s enterprising and successful business men would not he complete without mentioning Palmer & Denham, the hustling, up-to-date harness men of Main street. The partners, R. R. Palmer and H. E. Denham, are both practical mechanics and personally supervise the construction of every piece

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Mining in Baker County

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by Along in the 60’s there was some placer mining within the Baker gold district. In the year 1897 the yield of gold from 313 gold mines and claims, in all stages of development, was $3,000,000. It is estimated that not one-tenth of the mineral bearing districts has been

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M. Weil & Company

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by In journeying through life we occasionally run across some men who in business circles have fairly distanced competition, endowed with greater advantages perhaps, but still lacking some qualification possessed by themselves. This qualification may be embraced in the three words industry, integrity and business sagacity. The members of

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John’s Grocery Company

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by A review of our business houses would be incomplete without some mention of the one above. Incorporated in July, 1893, they carry complete lines in groceries, queensware, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, and open’s furnishings. In groceries they endeavor to satisfy the wants of the most

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J. H. Parker & Sons

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by A splendid representative of its special line of enterprise is that conducted by J. It. Parker & Sons, livery, board and hack stables. They lover half a block, two stories In height, with accommodations for 125 head of horses, and in fact are the largest stables in Eastern

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