M. Weil & Company

In journeying through life we occasionally run across some men who in business circles have fairly distanced competition, endowed with greater advantages perhaps, but still lacking some qualification possessed by themselves. This qualification may be embraced in the three words industry, integrity and business sagacity. The members of the above firm, M. Well and Carl Dilsheimer, are certainly endowed in this manner. In July, 1887, they succeeded Bamberger & Frank in the old White House building, which they occupied until the fire burned out that block. They then moved into a building built for them by Baer & Block, which they occupied until they moved into their own building in August, 1895. It is one of the most substantial brick buildings in town, being especially adapted to the display of the general line of merchandise they carry, which consists of dry goods, furnishings, clothing, boots and shoes, carpets and groceries. When they opened their doors it was with the distinct idea that volume meant success; they could no longer figure upon profits that existed in the past. The country was settling up, and business would be conducted more upon Eastern principles. Profits must necessarily be greatly reduced, and they expected to look to a gradual increasing business for adequate returns upon the capitol invested.
With this idea in view they have ever been alive to the proposition of selling goods at figures that would enable them to handle more merchandise, until today they are the heaviest buyers in Eastern Oregon. In dry goods their business has grown to such an extent that they are enabled to largely buy of specialty houses. The greatest care is used in the selection of the various fabrics, values and styles being always largely considered when they are made. In men’s furnishings they endeavor to carry a complete stock of men’s furnishings goods, clothing and hats so well assorted as to meet alike the requirements of the fastidious dressers of the city and miner and stockman of the country. They expect to serve the same customers year after year, and goods offered over their counters must possess genuine merit. Having a reputation at stake they do not handle any but reputable goods. Their shoes are all purchased direct from large manufacturers, and care has been exercised in selecting the different factories, so as to have shoes of large established reputations as regards both styles and wearing qualities. The stock embraces all the new lasts and toes, and covers children’s women’s and men’s heavy and fine shoes. Their line of carpets comprises fully a hundred bolts, and includes Moquettes, Roxbury’s, Brussels, Axminster. Velvets, etc. They also have the largest line of curtains, mattings, and linoleums to be found in the city. Closing, we would state here is a strictly modern “up-to date” store with ample capital to carry out the advanced ideas of the firm, which is composed of public spirited men, anxious to push Baker City to the front, and willing to devote their time, ability and money to that end.


History, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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