Shockley & McMurren

Last Updated on March 29, 2013 by

The advantages possessed by this city for distribution of lumber and its products are recognized as of paramount importance, and have resulted in a trade which is of large proportions and constantly increasing in volume. This enterprise was founded many years ago by McMurren & Crabell, and came into the hands of the present proprietors in 1893. They have a planning mill, box factory and lumberyard, also manufacture sash doors, blinds and mouldings, and carry a very large and complete line of window and plate glass. The plant is a complete one in every detail, being equipped with the most modern and best improved machinery, appliances and woodworking tools known to the industry. It is thoroughly lit by electricity, and none but skilled wood workmen are employed. The proprietors, Albert S. Shockley and A. L. McMurren, through their wide experience and exceptional business ability, have won a high place in the business world. Mr. McMurren is a native of our state, and Mr. Shockley almost so, as he has been in the State since he was three years old. In 1874 he came to Baker City and became engaged in the grocery business, in which he remained for two years. He then accepted a position as bookkeeper for McMurren & Crabill, and was with them until they sold out, and later with their successors, W. N. Thomas & Co., and the Baker City Consolidated Lumber Co. On their passing into the hands of a receiver, he accepted a position with Cato Johns, and later became secretary of the Johns Grocery Co. Selling out in 1893. He and Mr. McMurren, in October of that year, bought their present plant from the receiver of the B. C. Consolidated Lumber Co.

History, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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