Palmer & Denham

A list of Baker City’s enterprising and successful business men would not he complete without mentioning Palmer & Denham, the hustling, up-to-date harness men of Main street. The partners, R. R. Palmer and H. E. Denham, are both practical mechanics and personally supervise the construction of every piece of work that is turned out of their shop. The interior cut we present will give our traders some idea of the line carried, which consists of harness, saddles, saddlery, hardware, horse furniture of every description and gloves. They have the largest stock in Eastern Oregon, keeping at large assortment on hand in order to satisfy the demands of all their customers. They make a specialty of stock saddles, at catalogue of which can be second on application. In their shop they employ five skilled workmen, and their motto is “The very best at reasonable prices.” They are also agents for the White sewing machine, which they sell for from $30 to $50.

Denham, Palmer,

Gold Rush, History, Mining,

Baker County OR,

Eastern Oregon Gold Fields.

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