Allen Family Records

Seaver, Jesse Montgomery. Allen Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1929.

Prominent British Allens, Past Generations

Last Updated on October 14, 2012 by ALEXANDER ALLEN: (1814-1842); s. of John; author of “Modern Judaism”; obtained degree of Ph.D.; chiefly known for the following works: “Etymological Analysis of Latin Verbs,” “Constructive Greek Exercises” and “Eclogae Ciceronianae,” 1839. ANTHONY: (d. 1754); Master of Chancery and alderman; educated at King’s College, Cambridge; edited a biographical

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Prominent American Allens Of The 1920’s

Last Updated on October 15, 2012 by Prominent American Allens Of The 1920’s ABEL LEIGHTON ALLEN: Author, lawyer. ALFRED: Playwright; b., Alfred, N. Y., 1866; s. Rev. Jonathan A., pres. Alfred Univ. Author several books, including “The Master Power.” Add.: Los Angeles. ALFRED GAITHER: Ex-Congressman. ANDREW ANIEL: Railway official. ANDREWS: Engineer; b., Madison, Wis., 1870;

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Prominent Allens Of America, Past Generations

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Prominent Allens Of America, Past Generations ALEXANDER VIETS GRISWOLD ALLEN: Author; b., Otis, Mass., 1841; professor of church history, Episcopalian Divinity School at Cambridge, 1867; author of several books, part constituting the Bohlen Lectures, 1884. ANDREW: Attorney-General, 1766; b., Phila., 1740; s. William. When the royalist army took

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Jedediah Allen Family

Last Updated on October 14, 2012 by EDWARD I, KING OF ENGLAND, father of PRINCESS ELIZABETH PLANTAGENET: m. Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hertfold, k. in 1322, and had: LADY MARGARET DE BOHUN: m. Hugh Courteney, 2nd Earl of Devon. LADY MARGARET COURTENEY: m. John, 3rd Lord Cobham. LADY JOANE COBHAM: m. Sir John de

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