Prominent British Allens, Past Generations

Last Updated on October 14, 2012 by

ALEXANDER ALLEN: (1814-1842); s. of John; author of “Modern Judaism”; obtained degree of Ph.D.; chiefly known for the following works: “Etymological Analysis of Latin Verbs,” “Constructive Greek Exercises” and “Eclogae Ciceronianae,” 1839.

ANTHONY: (d. 1754); Master of Chancery and alderman; educated at King’s College, Cambridge; edited a biographical account of members of Eton College.

BENNETT: miscellaneous writer; obtained degree of B.A., 1759; first work, “Poem inscribed to his Britannic Majesty,” 1761.

EDMUND: (1519?-1559); Bishop-elect of Rochester; steward of college, 1539; constituted a royal chaplain by Queen Elizabeth; acted as ambassdor; nominated to the see of Rochester; elected to bishopric under a conge’ d’elire issued 1559; author of “A Catechisme.”

GEORGE: (1832-1907); engraver and publisher; assistant at Working Man’s College, 1854; studied mezzotint; published library edition of Ruskin’s works, 1903-11; illustrated “Modern Painters”; skilled geologist, mineralogist and botanist.

GRANT: (1848-1899); man of letters and science; in 1807 was elected to postmastership at Merton College; professor of mental and moral philosophy; published “Physiological Aesthetics,” 1877. Other works: “The Woman Who Did” (1895), and “The British Barbarians” (1896).

JAMES BAYLIS: (1803-1876); line engraver; engraved plated (including “Rivers of France”); in 1824 he was employed in studio of Findens; engraved “Royal Gallery of British Art”; engraved a set of five views of the coasts of Suffolk and Kent, and plates for Bartlett’s “Ireland,” 1835; belonged to school of landscape-engravers in Birmingham.

JAMES C.: (d. 1831); line engraver, pupil of William Bernard Cooke; published and engraved, 1821, “Views of the Colosseum”; 1825, “Views in the South of France”; a Spirited plate of “Defeat of the Spanish Armada” is his work; excelled in etching; employed on illustrations for books.

JAMES MOUNTFORD: (1809-1883); architect; practiced in London; later a church architect at Crewkerne, Sonerset; studied for some time in Mr. Fowler’s office; carried on extensive practice as a church architect until his death.

JOHN: (1476-1534); Archbishop of Dublin; studied at Oxford and Cambridge; sent to Italy on ecclesiastical business for Archibishop Warham; Vicar of Chislet, 1503; rural dean of Risebergh, Buckingham, 1512; prebendary of Nottingham, 1526; Chancellor of Ireland, 1528-32; author of two treatises: “Epictola de pallic significatione activa et passiva,” written when he received his pall as archbiship, and “De consuetudinibus ac satutis in tutariis causis observandis”; compiled other valuable material regarding affairs of churches.

JOHN: (1596-1671); New England puritan colonist; left living at Opsivich to avoid persecution of Bishop Wren; went to New England with bands of puritans, 1638; pastor of church at Dedham, 1869; took part in dispute with English divines on baptism, 1662.

JOHN: (1660?-1741); physician and inventor; extra-licentiate, College of Physicians, 1692, practiced at Somerset; published “Synopsis Medicinae,” 1719, and “Specimina chnographica,” 1730, a book describing several inventions, including a new method of navigating vessels; fellow of Royal Society; 1716 communicated a paper containing a plan of a “Perpetual Log” for ships.

JOHN: (fl. 1764); nonconformist divine; minister successively of Baptist churches in Petticoat Lane (now Middlesex Street), London, and Broadstairs, New Castle; published good tracts, “A chain of Truths”; known as a “Strict Trinitarian,” and was a high Calvinist; works are in high repute with Supralapsarians.

JOHN: (d. 1831); bookseller and antiquary of Hereford; made a large collection of antiquities, books and prints relating to Herefordshire; took active parts in local affairs; “Bibliotheca Herefordienis,” a descriptive catalogue of books, pamphlets, maps and prints, relating to the county of Hereford, is one of his works.

JOHN: (1771-1839); dissenting layman; author of “Modern Judaism,” 1816; kept academy at Hackney; published an anonymous volume called “The Fathers, the Reformers and the Public Formularies of the church of England in Harmony with Calvin, and against the Bishop of Lincoln,” 1815.

JOHN M. D.: (1771-1843); political and historical writer; educated at Edinburgh; in the confidence of Jeffrey and his coadjutors on the “Edinburgh Review”; accompanied Lord Holland to Spain; warden of Dulivich College, 1811-20; published “Inquiry into Rise and Growth of Royal Prerogative in England,” 1830; known for his zeal in promoting the cause of political reform in Scotland; sympathy, etc., with the principles of the Whig party; had deep knowledge of constitutional history.

JOSEPH WILLIAM: (1803-1852); landscape printer; originally a tutor; worked as scene printer for the Olympic; took an active part in establishing Society of British Artists; drawing master in City of London School.

RALPH: (1694-1764); philanthropist; employed in Bathpast office; obtained patronage of General Wade by detecting a Jacobite plot; raised and equipped one hundred volunteers at Bath, 1745; deputy past master; gave large sums in charity.

THOMAS: (1542-1632); mathematician; educated at Trinity College, Oxford; obtained patronage of Earl of Northumberland; left historical, antiquarian, astronomical, philosophical and mathematical manuscripts.

THOMAS: (1803-1833); topographer; published guide books to London and Zoological Gardens; contributed some plates and articles to the “Gentleman’s Magazine”; projected “A Historical and Topographical Atlas of England and Wales.”

WILLIAM: (1532-1594); cardinal; graduated from Oriel College, 1550; proctor, 1556-57; lectured on theology; went on pilgrimage to Rome, 1567; arranged for foundation of an English Jesuit College; published religious writings.

WILLIAM: (1770-1843): Quaker, scientist and philanthropist; entered Bevan’s chemical establishment at Plough Court; lecturer at Guy’s Hospital, active opposer of slavery; engaged in schemes of social improvement; helped to found an agricultural colony at Lindfield, Sussex.

WILLIAM: (1793-1864); naval officer, lieutenant, 1815; commander, 1836; took part in Niger expeditions of 1832 and 1841-42; rear-admiral, 1862; published books of travel.



Seaver, Jesse Montgomery. Allen Family Records. American Historical-Genealogical Society, 1929.

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