Will of William Palmer – 1670

The petition of Joseph Palmer, Benjamin Palmer, Samuel Palmer, Obadiah Palmer and Thomas Palmer, sons of William Palmer of Westchester, and Martha Palmer, his widow, to Gov. Francis Lovelace, states “that it hath pleased God to take away our father lately, with a sudden blow of death, and without sickness, only a distemper he hath had on him many years, which wee could not conceive to be mortal. And left no will but verbally stating that having but little property he intended it to go to his wife, in respect she was stricken in years.” They request that their mother … Read more

Will of William Ludlum – 1655

WILLIAM LUDLAM, Southampton. Leaves to his son Anthony “all my housing and lands at the old ground,” and a £50 right of commonage in town of Southampton. Leaves to his son Joseph “my new dwelling-house with two acres of land adjoining, and thirty acres of land adjoining to the mill and mill pond, on the east side of the mill river; and a £50 right of commonage.” Leaves legacies to daughters Grace, Frances, and Mary, also to “eldest child of my son William,” “my son Henry’s child,” “my daughter Grace’s child,” and to “the eldest child of my danghter Frances.” … Read more

Will of William Betts – 1673

WM. BETTS, Yonkers. “The Twelfth day of the Twelfth month 1673.” “I William Betts of the Yonckers Plantation, in the Jurisdiction now of New Orange so called.” Leaves to wife Alice, “house, barn and home lot, and meadows that are lying by my house lot,” also one third of my lot in the Planting Field, during her life: Also leaves her household goods. Leaves to son Samuel Betts, after his wife’s decease, the said house, Home lot and meadows, and one third of all lands in the Yonckers Plantation. Also a Home lot next to the home lot of Goodman … Read more

Will of Walnovers Letin, – 1671/2

Inventory of estate of WALNOVERS LETIN, of Dover, Staten Island, who hath lately deceased, taken by Gideon Marlett, Constable, in presence of Peter Belew, Simeon Come, Tys Barenson, “and many others then present,” January 16, 1671/2. One lot and housing, £1,000. Whole is £2,592. LIBER 1-2, page 93

Will of Thurston Raynor – 1667

THURSTON RAYNOR, Southampton. “I, Thurston Raynor, being in perfect memory, yet stricken in age, and not knowing how long my dayes shall continue in this world, do make this my last will and testament.” Leaves to son Joseph 28 acres of land “coming to me from the Towne,” upon the last Division, which is already laid out to his own proportion in said Division. To son Jonathan one-half of all housing and lands, when he comes to the age of twenty-one. Leaves to wife, Martha, the use of the other half for life, and then to go to his son … Read more

Will of Thomas Wicks, – 1670

THOMAS WICKS, Huntington. Leaves to wife (not named) the use of one third of “accommodations I now live on,” for life, then to son John. To son Thomas the lot that was John Lewis’, and “a lot of meadow I bought of Noah Rogers,” also “Nayles to fitt up his house.” To son John “the other two thirds of accommodations where I now live.” Legacies to daughters Rebecca and Martha and their children (not named). Rest to wife and “four of my children namely: John, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah.” Makes Isaac Platt and Thomas Powell executors. July 3, 1670. Witnesses, … Read more

Will of Thomas Terry, Sr. – 1671

THOMAS TERRY, SR., Southold. “I, Thomas Terry, Sen., of Southold, being very sicke and weake.” Leaves to beloved wife (not named) fifteen bushels of corn yearly, during her life. Ten bushels to be paid by my son Daniel, and five by my son Thomas. Also household goods and four bushels of apples yearly. “And if my son Daniel marry, and they doe not like to live together, then my son Daniel shall build my wife a convenient house for her comfortable living” To daughter Elizabeth a cow when she marries or comes of age. Legacies to daughter Ruth and daughter … Read more

Will of Thomas Stevenson – 1668

Robert Coe and Daniel Denton, of Jamaica, Long Island, are appointed Administrators of the estate of THOMAS STEVENSON, and guardians of his children. July 9, 1668. Ri. Nicolls. LIBER 1-2, page 25 Robert Coe resigns his appointment as Administrator of estate of THOMAS STEVENSON July 9, 1668, and Anthony Waters, of Jamaica, is appointed in his place. August 15, 1668. LIBER 1-2, page 26

Will of Thomas Sayre – 1671

THOMAS SAYRE, Southampton. “In the Name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Sayre, of Southampton upon Long Island, being in perfect strength of memory, blessed bee ye Lord for it, but weake in Body.” Leaves to son Francis two acres of land “next unto his owne in Captains Neck, in ye Great Playne, and 2 acres more lying in ye 8 acre Lots in ye said Great Playne,” also “a Pewter flagon, a Pewter bowl and a great Pewter Platter.” To son Daniel “2 acres of land lying next ye above said 2 acres, in ye 8 acre lots, and 3 … Read more

Will of Thomas Robinson – 1671

Whereas THOMAS ROBINSON, late of Newtown, died intestate, leaving two sons, his only children, namely, Thomas and Josyas, the care of whom for the present is committed by the officers of the town to Jacob Reade, their uncle. He is appointed administrator, September 23, 1671. LIBER 1-2, page 68

Will of Thomas Pell, – 1669

THOMAS PELL, Westchester. “It hath pleased ye all wise God many years to exercise me with much weakness of body, and having lately taken to Himself my beloved wife Lucy,” “I give my body to a comely burial, that it may be decently buried in such a comely manner, that God may not be dishonored.” Leaves all real estate to “my nephew John Pell, living in ould England, the only son of my only brother John Pell, Doctor of Divinity, he had by his first wife.” Legacies to Abigail, wife of Daniel Burr, Nathaniel French, Elizabeth White, Mary White, and … Read more

Will of Thomas Morell – 1670

THOMAS MORELL, Staten Island. Leaves to Robert Semson, of Gravesend, Long Island, “a colt, now in ye hands of Christian Woolf of Gravesend.” To Mr. Nicholas Stillwell, of Staten Island, “all other things and goods that belong to me.” Dated May 2, 1670. Witnesses, Obadiah Holmes, John Kingdom. LIBER 1-2, page 65

Will of Thomas Jones, – 1669

THOMAS JONES, Huntington, L. I. “His will is that his three youngest sons may have 20 shillings each.” Leaves same sum to “my eldest sons. To daughter Martha, £10. “To my eldest son Thomas my best cloak. To my son John my watch,” and make my wife executrix. February 16, 1669. LIBER 1-2, page 72 Witnesses, Samuel Titus, Thomas Powell. Sworn to by witnesses, February 26, 1669. Jonas Wood. Proved at Court of Sessions held at Southampton, March 2, 1669, and his wife Katharine Jones, was confirmed as executrix. Henry Pierson, Clerk. Inventory, £195. House and Lands, £35. Samuel Titus, … Read more

Will of Thomas Ireland – 1669

THOMAS IRELAND, Hempstead. Leaves to eldest daughter Jane, one Cow, and £l0 when she is 18. To son Thomas “all Housing and lands,” to youngest daughter Elizabeth £20 when 18. Makes wife (not named) executrix. Dated September 30, 1669. Witnesses, Jonah Fordham, John Smith, Sr. LIBER 1-2, page 1669

Will of Thomas Hood – 1671

THOMAS HOOD, New York. “I, Thomas Hood, lately a souldier in ye Garrison of Fort James, being since my arrivall taken sick,” makes loving friends, Richard Patum and John Bugby, executors, and leaves them “my share of Log wood in the Ketch, ‘Society,’ now riding, at anchor in the road of New York, of which Thomas Edwards is master.” “I give ye summe of 300 guilders, wampum, or ye value thereof, to be spent among my fellow-souldiers in the Garrison of Fort James.” Legacies to friends John Clarke and Richard Charlton. Dated October 7, 1671. Witnesses, Francis Yates, John Laureson. … Read more

Will of Thomas Foster – 1663

THOMAS FOSTER, Rustdorp, L. I., “being on bed of sickness.” My will is that my son Thomas shall have that mare that is at Nissaquage, and if the child, my wife now goes withal, shall live, that child shall have a share in it.” “My children are to be taught to read English well, and my son to write, when they doe come of age.” “And if my wife should marry or remaine as she is, and not teach ye children as aforesayd, then my will is that two cows more be layed out for yt end, to give ye … Read more

Will of Thomas Exton, Capt. – 1668

CAPT. THOMAS EXTON, New York. “Being sick and weak.” Appoints his loving friends Capt. Sylvester Salisbury and Mr. John Rider, Gent, executors. “I leave seven Beavers to buy wine for ye officers and Gentlemen who accompany my Corps to the Grave.” “I leave six choice Beaver skins to be paid to Capt. Thomas Breedon, of Boston, to satisfy a credit. Captain Thomas Delaval gave to Mr. Isaac Bedloe.” To Mr. Matthias Nicolls “my fine new Holland shirts which lye in my Black trunk.” To Abigail, wife of Mr. Matthias Nicolls, “my silver boat, a silver meat fork, and a silver … Read more

Will of Thomas Brush – 1675

Whereas THOMAS BRUSH, late of Huntington, upon Long Island, died intestate.” His son Thomas is made administrator, September 10, 1675. “The apprizement of the inventory amounts to £306 12s., as returned to the Court of Sessions.” LIBER 1-2, page 120

Will of Thomas Badgord – 1672

“Whereas THOMAS BADGORD, late of this city, merchant, died intestate, leaving an estate behind him,” Mr. Matthias Nicoll, Mr. John Ryder and Mr. Wm. Critchlow are appointed administrators. October 15, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 101

Will of Samuel Lane – 1675

“Whereas SAMUEL LANE, late a Souldier in this Garrison, died intestate, having no relations or kindred in these parts.” Alexander Wardrappe, “one of his fellow souldiers,” is appointed as administrator. April 26, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 113