Will of Roger Townsend – 1674

ROGER TOWNSEND, Westchester, “Being very weake and sicke,” leaves to wife Mary all goods and chattels. To my three sons Mordecai, Thomas and John Bedient £10 each. “I request Captain Wm. Lawrence and Mr. Richard Cornell to be overseers of this my will. That my wife may not in the leaset be prejudiced or injured in any of my estate.” “I also give unto my two overseers all my tract of Land which I now live upon, which belongs to my Patent, if they please to accept of it at my decease. Only they shall give unto my three sons … Read more

Will of Roger Rugg – 1675

“Whereas ROGER RUGG, merchant, of this city, dyed lately without making any formal will, yet by a nuncupative will, before sufficient testimony, some short time before his decease, bequeathed his estate to Mr. John Rider and his wife of this city, and desiring Captain Nathaniel Davenport to be assisting unto them, and having made proof of the will before the Court of Mayor and Aldermen.” The said John Rider is made administrator, August 9, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 117

Will of Robert Fecks – 1669

ROBERT FECKS, of Flushing, died intestate. His wife Sarah was appointed administratrix, June 19, 1669. LIBER 1-2, page 38

Will of Richard Townsend – 1670

RICHARD TOWNSEND, of ‘Lusum, in Oyster Bay, died intestate, and Letters of Administration were granted to wife, Elizabeth, September 23, 1670. Children are mentioned but not named. [NOTE.—” Lusum,” supposed to be a contraction of Lewisham, is now Jericho.]

Will of Richard Morris, – 1672

“Whereas Captain RICHARD MORRIS, of this city, merchant, died intestate leaving a considerable estate behind him, and whereas his brother, Colonel Lewis Morris, hath a great interest for the protection of the estate, it is judged requisite that some extraordinary care should be taken.” I have thought fit to appoint Mr. Matthias Nicoll, mayor of this city, Captain Thomas Delavall, and Captain Cornelius Steenwych of the Council to His Royal Highness’ Government, Captain John Berry and Mr. Thomas Gibbs to be administrators, this September, 1672. E. Andross.” LIBER 1-2, page 97

Will of Richard Everett – 1668

RICHARD EVERETT, of Jamaica, died intestate. Abraham Smith appointed administrator, September 4, 1668. Children mentioned but not named.

Will of Philip Johns – 1675

Whereas PHILIP JOHNS, late an inhabitant of this city, died intestate. His widow, Mary Johns, is made Adrninistratrix, April 15, 1675. LIBER 1-2, page 111

Will of Philemon Dickinson, – 1672

Letters of administration granted to Mary Dickinson, relict of PHILEMON DICKINSON, late of Southold. “She being made sole executrix in his will, which was proved at Court of Sessions in Southold in July last.” October 28, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 101

Will of Petrus Stuyvesant, – 1671/2

“Whereas Mr. PETRUS STUYVESANT, heretofore Governor of these parts, for the States Generall, of the United Provinces, and West India Company, deceased, did in his last will and testament declare and appoint Mrs. Judith Bayard, his widow and Relict to be his whole and sole executrix.” And the said will having been presented in ye Mayor’s Court, and proof made according to Law, the said Judith Bayard is confirmed, March 7, 1671/2. LIBER 1-2, page 89

Will of Peter Wright – 1675

“Whereas I am informed that PETER WRIGHT, late of Oyster Bay, upon Long Island, was casually drowned in Virginia and dyed intestate,” upon the request of his daughter Hannah, and son Gideon Wright, the said Gideon Wright is appointed administrator. April 12, 1675. E. Andross. LIBER 1-2, page 109

Will of Nicholas Tanner – 1666

DANIEL DENTON, of Rustdorpe, alias Jamaica, Long Island, and Henry Pearsall, of Hempstead, were appointed executors of the will of Nicholas Tanner, dated September 2, 1658. Having faithfully performed their duties, a Quietus was granted by Gov. Richard Nicoll, June 23, 1666. LIBER 1-2, page 6

Will of Nicholas Stillwell – 1671

NICHOLAS STILLWELL, Staten Island, “Husband-man,” “being weak and sicke,” leaves to youngest son Jeremiah an iron gray mare. Leaves to “well beloved and affectionate wife Anne” all lands, houses, and estate, and makes her executor. Dated December 22, 1671. Witnesses, Nicholas De Meyer, Richard Charlton. Letters of Administration granted to wife Anne, June 17, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 93

Will of Nicholas Davis – 1673

“Whereas NICHOLAS DAVIS, late of Rhode Island, merchant, dyed intestate, leaving an estate upon the which Sarah his relict hath refused to administer or to intermeddle therein.” Mr. Jeronymus Ebbing of this city, merchant, Dr. Henry Taylor of this city and Mr. John Bound of Flushing, creditors, are appointed administrators, February 20, 1672/3. Thomas Gibbs is appointed instead of Jeronynms Ebbing. May 13, 1673. LIBER 1-2, page 104

Will of Mary Gardiner – 1664

MARY GARDINER. “I, Mary Gardiner, of Maidstone, alias East Hampton, upon Long Island.” Widow of Lion Gardiner, “I give my Island, called Isle of Wight, alias Monchonock, to my son, David Gardiner, for life.” Then to his next male heire. If he die without male issue, then to the male heir of my daughter Mary. If she die without male issue, then to the heir male of my grandchild Elizabeth Howell, “and to be entailed to the heirs male of my deceased husband, Lion Gardiner, never to be sold, but to be a continuous inheritance forever.” Leaves to daughter Mary … Read more

Will of Laurence Turner – 1668

LAURENCE TURNER, of Westchester, died intestate. Letters of Administration granted to wife Martha, in 1668. Children mentioned but not named. LIBER 1-2, page 32

Will of Latimer Sampson – 1668

LATIMER SAMPSON, Oyster Bay. “I Latimer Sampson of Oyster Bay, being intended (God permitting) to travel to Barbadoes, and well knowing the Casualty of man’s life.” Leaves all estate to Grizzell Sylvester, eldest daughter of Nathaniel Sylvester, of Shelter Island, and makes them executors. Dated in Shelter Island the 16th day of the month called February in the year 1668. Witnesses Christopher Foster, John Youngs, Isaac Arnold. LIBER 1-2, page 105

Will of Jonathan Marsh – 1672

Whereas, JONATHAN MARSH, of Westchester, died intestate, and Captain John Plott having married his widow, upon petition the said Captain John Plott and his wife Anne are appointed administrators, May 6, 1672. LIBER 1-2, page 96

Will of Jonathan Davis – 1674

JONATHAN DAVIS, Jamaica. “Wee underwritten coming to ye house which was Jonathan Davis deceased, to make inquiry according to Law, whether he had made any will or no. Answer was made that he had made no written will, only in the hearing of Zacharias Mills and Abigail Darling bee did desire that what estate he left behinde should bee for his wife Sarah. And also in regard of his wife’s inability to manage her business herself, he desired that his brother Samuel Davis and Nehemiah Smith should be assistants to her and be her Overseers. The which two men in … Read more

Will of Jonas Bower, – 1670

JONAS BOWER, Southampton. Leaves to son Joseph seventeen acres of land at Flying Point, and three acres in the last Division to be taken at the east end next to Robert Woolley’s, one half my meadow on the beach, one half my meadow in Quaganantuck, a £50 right in the ox pasture, and a £50 right of Comnionage. To son James his portion in cattle. “I leave it to my wife’s liberty to pay to my son Jonathan his portion as she shall see meet.” Leaves to wife Hannah use of house and land till son Jonah comes of age. … Read more