THOMAS HOOD, New York. “I, Thomas Hood, lately a souldier in ye Garrison of Fort James, being since my arrivall taken sick,” makes loving friends, Richard Patum and John Bugby, executors, and leaves them “my share of Log wood in the Ketch, ‘Society,’ now riding, at anchor in the road of New York, of which Thomas Edwards is master.” “I give ye summe of 300 guilders, wampum, or ye value thereof, to be spent among my fellow-souldiers in the Garrison of Fort James.” Legacies to friends John Clarke and Richard Charlton.
Dated October 7, 1671. Witnesses, Francis Yates, John Laureson. Above executors were confirmed October 14, 1671. States that he had “formerly been a soldier, hut had lately come from the West Indies, in the ketch, ‘Society,’ and had a share of log wood, a chest of silks, and some other things.”
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