Biographical Sketch of Robert Hunter McKay

McKay, Robert Hunter; lawyer; born, Cleveland, 1885; son of Robert and Agnes Hunter McKay; educated, Adelbert College and Yale University; early schooling at South High School, and Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, April 26, 1910, Jessie K. Jones; one son, Hunter J. McKay; member law firm George R. and Robert H. McKay, sec’y and director The Information Co.; sec’y and director M. K. Patent Development Co.; director and legal advisor The Western Reserve Adjustment Co.; director and sec’y American Remedies Co.; director and sec’y Reserve Coal & Timber Co.; director Associated Investment Co.; director and pres. The Doty McKay Co.; director The Cleveland Sales Co.; director and treas. Huston Brick & Clay Co.; member Bar Ass’n and Law Library; member Alpha Tau Omega, and Theta Nu Epsilon Fraternities; Book and Gavel Society (Yale), Blue Lodge and Chapter of Masons, Knights of Pythias and Elks; member Yale Masonic Club, Three K Club, Western Reserve Kennel Club, and Cleveland French Bull Dog Club.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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