Biographical Sketch of George W. Cawlfield

This worthy gentleman is to be numbered with the younger men of Harney county who have attained a good success in the stock business here and who bid fair to gain much better in the future, judging by their faithful and wisely bestowed labors of the past. George W. was born in Johnson county, Kansas, on October 21, 1870, being the son of David A. and Abigil (Evans) Cawlfield. The father was a native of Tennessee, and went across the plains to California in an early day and then returned via Panama, after which for some time he acted as government freighter on the frontiers and finally settled in Kansas. In 1874 the family came overland to Pueblo county, Colorado, and there the father followed stock raising. In 1888 the father, with his wife and ten children, came by covered wagons to Harney and settled on Rye Grass flat, east from Burns, and there engaged in raising stock. Our subject attended schools in various places of his residence, and in 1891 he went to Portland and acted as express messenger and baggageman to two different points on the O. R. & N. This continued for two years, and he returned to Harney county, and there, on November 24, 1897, he married Miss Hattie, daughter of Jesse O. and Emma Bunyard. To them have been born two children -Gladys R., born February 3, 1899, and Edna, born July 1, 1901. In 1898 Mr. Cawlfield located a homestead twelve miles north from the Narrows, where he lives now. This he has improved in good shape, having a good six-room house, barns, outbuildings, corralls and all necessary conveniences for a first-class stock ranch. In 1899 he formed a partnership with his father, in the stock business, and they are succeeding well. His parents live with him now. The father also owns a ranch of one-half section on Cram creek. Our subject started in with no capital and now has a large band of cattle, a good home and is prospering well. He has labored faithfully and managed his business interests with excellent wisdom and practical judgment, all of which combine to make him the competence which he now enjoys.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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