Biography of John H. Wilson, M.D.

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

John Henry Wilson, who for many years has been recognized as one of the most eminent physicians and surgeons in the County of Elgin, and for eight years a member of the Ontario Parliament, was born near Ottawa, Canada, February 14, 1833. His father, Jeremiah Wilson, was from Vermont, and his father was a United Empire Loyalist, and a veteran of the American revolutionary war.

When our subject was two years old the family moved to the Township of Westminster, County of Middlesex. He supplemented a Common and Grammar School education with a liberal drill at the Normal School, Toronto, and subsequently taught public schools for four or five years.

Dr. Wilson commenced his medical studies with his elder brother, Dr. Jesse E. Wilson, of Westminster; attended a course of lectures in Toronto, a second course in New York City, where he received the degree of M.D. in 1857, and, returning to Toronto, attended a third course, receiving the degree of M. D. in 1858, and there teaching anatomy two years. He is a thorough medical scholar and a skilful practitioner.

In 1860, Dr. Wilson settled in St. Thomas, where he has been in steady practice, except during the brief episodes when attending to legislative duties. He represented the East Riding of Elgin from 1871 to 1879, and aided in local railroads and other important matters. He is Liberal in his politics, and somewhat advanced or Radical in his views. He does his own thinking, and a good deal of it, and is never at a loss to give a reason for his political or any other belief.
Though a busy man in his profession, the Doctor is doing a good deal, in a very quiet way, in the line of real estate, and making some first class improvements. He has laid off, in St. Thomas, a hundred acres into lots, and one bridge which he built across a ravine cost $5,000. He is a stirring, enterprising man; is thoroughly identified with the interests of the town, and is doing more than his share to promote its progress. He was at one period a member of the Grammar School Board, and would, no doubt, be glad to give more time, had he it to spare, to educational matters.

May 3, 1869, Amelia, daughter of Geo. Ryerson Williams, of Toledo, Ohio, became the wife of Dr. Wilson. They worship at Trinity Episcopal Church.

The Doctor is a little below the average height. In weight not more than 135 pounds. In intellect, however, he is above the medium.



Ontario Canada,

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