Biography of George D. Morton, M.D.

Last Updated on August 6, 2012 by

George Deane Morton, the oldest medical practitioner in the County of Simcoe, was born in the County of Wicklow, Ireland, August 31, 1822, his parents being Francis and Elizabeth Anne Morton. His grandfather, James Morton, was a Captain in the British Army, with which his great-grandfather also was connected. The Mortons are an old and highly respectable Irish family. Our subject was educated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he also studied medicine, and from whence he graduated. In 1849 he came to this country, took honors &c. at Toronto University, and passed his medical examinations before the old Medical Board of Upper Canada, and located at Bradford, where he has been in constant practice for thirty years. He has been quite successful, and was long ago placed in independent circumstances. He is one of the best known men in the county, and very much respected.
Dr. Morton has been for many years surgeon of the 35th Battalion (Simcoe Foresters), and acted officially in the Fenian raid of 1866; was Reeve for the Municipality of Bradford at an early day; and now holds the same office, and has been a Coroner of the County, for the last twenty years.

Dr. Morton has taken much interest in agricultural matters, and in blooded stock; was President of the County Agricultural Society something like a dozen years and has introduced some very fine thoroughbred horses and cereals from Great Britain and the United States, having done a good deal to create a worthy spirit of emulation among agriculturists and stock raisers in this part of the Province.

The Doctor is a Conservative in his political principles; is president of the town association of his party, and is also a strong Orangeman, being master of the local lodge, and having been Master of the District Lodge for many years.

His religious connection is with the English Church, in which he has always taken a great interest and active part.

The wife of Dr. Morton is Cornelia, eldest daughter of the late Capt. Laugh ton, of Holland Landing, Ontario, married in September, 1854. They have no children.



Ontario Canada,

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