Biographical Sketch of Archibald McDonald

Archibald Macdonald, senior judge of the county of Wellington, is a native of this Province, being born in Cobourg, county of Northumberland, on the 7th of August 1833. His father was Captain Macdonald, who was in the war against Napoleon, serving ten years in the British army. He was educated at Victoria College, in his native town; commenced the study of law there in 1840; practiced his profession there from 1845 to 1854, when he was appointed judge of the county of Wellington, and settled at Guelph. His knowledge of law is very extensive, and when sitting on the bench he brings to bear on the decisions of cases a rich fund of common sense, and an intimate knowledge of the laws. He is a patient investigator, and very courteous to suitors and the Bar, and has had for years the reputation of being one of the best judges in Ontario.

Judge Macdonald was chairman of the board of education here for many years, and while in health took much interest in improving the character of the schools, and in trying to promote the general welfare of the town, now a city. Latterly he has been laid aside from official and all other duties, being a confirmed invalid, never leaving his room. He is very much respected in the county of Wellington, and wherever known.

In 1854 he married Jane Ann Wright, a native of Canada, and has four children.


Ontario Canada,

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