1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Cabinetmakers to Cullers

Last Updated on November 9, 2012 by

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

Cabinetmakers And Upholsterers
Alien, William, 32 McGill st.
Armstrong, George, Haymarket square.
BAIRD, EDMOND, 3 Place d’Armes English and French upholstery goods always onhand, consisting of satin and other damasks, brocatelles, fringes, gimps, cords, &.c., of the latest fashions, woods and veneers of all kinds.
BEERS, J. C., 189 Notre Dame st. a choice stock of furniture of the latest style always on hand, at moderate prices.
Burrell, James, Sydenhain st. Gaw, Z. C., 16 St. Joseph st.
DRAKE, F. L., upholsterer, 1741/2 Notre Dame st. upholstery work done to order in the most fashionable style upon moderate terms.
Fortier, L., 102 Bonaventure st.
FRASER, SAMUEL, 14 St. Joseph st. keeps always on hand or makes to order all descriptions of furniture, of the best quality and at low prices.
HILTON, J. & W., 17 Great St. James st. cabinetmakers, upholsterers and importers of damasks, mooreens, fringes, laces, gimps, &c.
JOHNSON, JOHN, 4 St. Joseph st. has always for sale a stock of good furniture, which he can warrant, and which he offers low for cash.
MCMASTER, WILLIAM, 156 Notre Dame st. an excellent stock of every article in the line for sale cheap, upholstery work promptly attended to.
Mearns Charles. 5 St. Mary st.
Moore, Richard, 49 Notre Dame st.
Morice, James, 79 Craig st.
Pariseau & Brother, 10 Bonaventure st.
Pariseau & Co., 22 Chenneville st.
POULIN, PIERRE, 20 Great St. James st. offers for sale on very low terms, a good stock of furniture, warranted of the best workmanship.
Ranson, John H., 37 St. Lawrence st,
Redhead, T. M., 12 McGill st.
REED &. Meakins, 44 Great St. James st. manufacture furniture and cabinetware of all kinds in both ancient and modern style.
ROBERTSON, CHARLES, 54 McGill st. keeps on hand or makes to order furniture of the best quality, and at reasonable prices.
Robinson, Robert, & R., 42 Bleury st.
Skinner, Mrs., upholsteress, Lagauchetiere, near St. Lawrence st.
TWEEDY, JOHN, 19 Great St. James st. up stairs, a large and superior stock always for sale on moderate terms, upholstery work of all kinds and orders for furniture, promptly attended to.
Wray, Joseph, Seaton st.

Carpenters, builders, joiners, contractors, &c.
ASPINALL, ROBERT, carpenter and joiner, Sophia lane, off Craig st.
Bertrand, J., Chaboillez square.
Bowie, George, Jure st.
Bronsdon, J. R., St. Urbain st.
Brown, David, Chenneville st.
Carlisle & Warner, J. R., St St. John st.
Charles Bar Chisholm, H., St. Simeon st.
Charpentier, Joseph, Lagauchetiere, near Amherst and Bleury Sts.
Davidson, James, St. Lewis st.
Elliott, Andrew, St. Catherine, near St. Urbain st.
FRECHETTE, OLIVIER, carpenter, builder and contractor, Bonaventure st.
Goodwillie, Robert, & Son, Chenneville st.
Grenier, Joseph, St. Denis st.
Henderson, John, Gain st.
HUTCHISON &, MORRISON, carpenters, builders and contractors, 167 Craig st.
KENNEDY, WILLIAM sen., carpenter, builder and contractor, Cleveland pace, Jute st.
KENNEDY, WILLIAM, jun., carpenter, builder and contractor, 13 Bleury st.
Kilgour, Joseph, 191 Notre Dame st.
Lamothe, L. T., 25 St. Elizabeth st.
Lapointe, Louis, German st.
Maillou, P. N., Bisson st.
Martin, James, St. Peter st.
Maxwell, Edward, Hanover st.
Mcdonald, Alexander, corner of Lagauchetiere St. and Bleury st
McKenzie, R. & C., corner of St.
PATTON, LAIRD, carpenter, builder and contractor, Des Rivieres, off St. Antoine st.
Pocklington, John, Bronsdon’s lane.
Rids, Quinn, J. St. St. Joseph st.
Ross, Noah, Gabriel st.
Shaw, Noah, Gabriel st.
Simond, Joseph, Seaton st.
Simpson, James, St. Peter st.
SPIER, William & SoN, carpenters, builders and contractors, George, near Wellington st.
WHITLAW, JoHN, carpenter, builder and contractor, 19 Chenneville st.
WORRALL & KILLGALLAN, ship carpenters and house joiners, Port st. Pointe a Calliere.

Carvers, Gilders And Looking Glassmakers
CARLISLE, FREDERICK, carver, gilder and looking glass manufacturer, 166 Notre Dame st.
Guidi, John, 169 Notre Dame st.
LAWLEY, WILLIAM, carver, gilder, looking glass and picture framemaker, 167 Notre Dame st.
Lecount, J., Haymarket square.

Chemists, Druggists And Apothecaries
BIRKS, RICHARD, page chemist and druggist, 29 McGill st. successor to R. W. Rexford.
BOWMAN, W. E., 38 McGill st. importer of drugs, chemicals, dye stuffs, garden seeds, perfumery, &c.
CARTER, KERRY, & Co., 136 St. Paul st. importers of drugs, chemicals, dye stuffs, garden seeds, painters’ colors, sauces, &c.
LYMAN, WILLIAM, & Co., 194 and 196 St. Paul st. importers of drugs chemicals, dyestuffs, garden seeds, manufacturers of linseed oil, and grinders of painters’ colors.
LYMAN, S. J., & Co., Place d’Armes importers of drugs, chemicals, dye stuffs, garden seeds, &c.
PICAULT, P. E., 36 Notre Dame st. importer of French and English drugs, patent medicines, perfumery, &c.
SAVAGE, A.,& Co., 91 Notre Dame st. importers of Foreign and British drugs, perfumery and fancy articles.
URQUHART, ALEXANDER, Medical Hall, 7 Great St. James st. importer of drugs, chemicals, patent medicines, pickles, sauces, dry salteries, &c.
WORKMAN, BENJAMIN, & CO., 172 St. Paul st., and Custom House square importers of drugs, patent medicines, paints, seeds and dry salteries.
Godfrey, R., 26 St. Mary st.
Trudeau, R., 111 St. Paul st.
McKeon, ______, 16 St. Lawrence st.
Waller, S., 4 St. Mary st.
Richileau, John, M. D., 86 St. Mary st.

China and Glassware
ANDERSON, ROBERT, importer of china, glass and earthenware, 171 St. Paul st.a large stock constantly on hand, and for sale wholesale or retail at low prices.
BOURNE, ADOLPHUS, importer of china, glass and earthenware, 120 St. Paul st. a large and superior stock of every article in the line for sale wholesale or retail at very moderate prices.
HAGAR, CHARLES, & Co., importers of china, glass and earthenware, 173 St. Paul st. keep constantly on hand an extensive and well selected stock of goods, which they offer either wholesale or retail upon very favorable terms.
GLENNON & Co., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in china, glass and earthenware of every description, 14S St. Paul st.
LEVY, ALEXANDER, importer of and wholesale and retail dealer in china, glass and earthenware, corner of Notre Dame and St. Gabriel sts. a very superior stock constantly on hand.
PATTON, JAMES, & Co., manufacturers and importers of china, glass and earthenware, 42 McGill st. a large stock of every article in the line constantly on hand, and for sale wholesale or retail.
SMITH, H. B., 188 St. Paul st. importer of and wholesale and retail dealer in china, glass and earthenware, every article in the line is warranted of the best quality, and offered upon very moderate terms.
SPROSTON, JOHN, 124 St. Paul st. importer of and wholesale and retail dealer in china, glass and earthenware of every description.
WRIGHT, E., &. G., 214 St. Paul st. importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in china, glass and earthenware of every description.
Vincent, James, 61 St. Lawrence st.

Chop And Coffee Houses
ISAACSON, R. P., Dolly’s Chop House, 9 Great St. James st.
LULHAM, GEORGE, Shakspeare Inn, 12 St. Francois Xavier st. imports regularly each week, from New York, lobsters, oysters, and fish; breakfasts, dinners, luncheons, suppers, &c., furnished on the shortest notice; wines, liquors, and cigars of the best quality always on hand; English papers regularly received.
O’MEARA, JOHN, (late Compain’s,) Place d’Armes, breakfasts, dinners, suppers, &c., furnished on the shortest notice, oysters, lobsters, sardines, cigars, and wines and liquors of the best quality, constantly on hand.
Butler, John, corner of St. Joseph and Notre
Orr, William R., St. James House, 11 Great St.
Green, G. D., 173 Notre Dame st.
Williams, James, 40 Great St. James st.
Circulating Library, Cunningham, H. H., 23 Notre Dame st.

Clothiers And Furriers
Moss & BROTHERS, 182 St. Paul st. importers and manufacturers of clothing of all kinds, and furs of every description, which they sell wholesale and retail upon the most reasonable terms.
Benjamin & Lyons, 210 St. Paul st.

Coach And Carriage Makers
GAUTHIER, L. J., 82 St. Lawrence st. manufactures carriages of every description, in
the best style, and at low prices-repairs of all kinds promptly attended to.
GAVIN, M. & P., Craig st. near Bleury st. a good stock of vehicles of all kinds constantly
for sale, at reasonable prices-repairs promptly executed.
M’LEAN & WRIGHT, 72 Craig st.coaches, carriages, sleighs, &c., constantly on hand, railroad carriages constructed on the most approved principles.
O’MEARA, MICHAEL, coach and carriagemaker, Haymarket square. See card, page 206.
Boulet, Francis, St. Antoine Bridge.
Cusack, Michael, 177 Craig st.
Cusson, Xavier, Chaboillez square.
Delorier, E., 80 St. Antoine st.
Dusseau, Pierre, St. Maurice st.
Goyet, T., 108 St. Mary st.
Hulse, J. B., Seaton st.
Lagrave, Denis, St. Joseph st.
M’Donald, Charles, 2 Berrylane.
Labreche, Francis, Bonaventure st.
Lariviere, C., Montcalm st.
Lariviere, Abraham, 7 Wolfe st.
Meteyer, Gabriel, 57 Bonaventure st.
Meteyer, Nicholas, Chaboillez square.
Nortnandin & Roy, 110 St. Lawrence st.
O’Kane, Joseph, St. George st.
Ouimet, E., St. Antoine bridge.
Painchaud, Joseph, St. Antoine bridge.
Rochon & Haldimand, St. Lawrence st.
St. Germain & Leduc, 64 St. Antoine st.
Verner, Henry, 2 Hermine st.
Wright, John, Nazareth st.

Coffee Roasters And Spice Factors
COCHRAN, JOHN, 109 Notre Dame st. See card under head of tea warehouse, page 243.
PICKERING, JOHN, (late Thomas Swale & Co.,) city mills, corner of St. Peter and Craig
sts., executes all orders in the line upon favourable terms, and with the greatest
M’LAREN, J. R., 75 St. Charles Borromee st., attends to all orders with the utmost despatch, and upon reasonable terms.

Commission Merchants And Agents
AULD, JOHN, 191 St. Paul st., general commission merchant and agent for steam tow boats to Quebec.
BENT, GEORGE, 183 St. Paul st., general commission merchant, and agent for the British American Land Company.
BINMORE, BRODIE & Co., Calliere st. general agents and commission merchants.
BOCKUS, CHARLES, 216 St. Paul st., general commission merchant, and fire insurance agent.
CUSACK, CHARLES J., Calliere st. general commission merchant and agent.
CUSHING, Jon, general commission merchant and agent.
EASTON, PHILLIPS & CO., St. Alexis st. general commission merchants and agents.
ECKHART, J. Lt., Gillespie’s buildings, Commissioners st., general commission merchant and agent.
GILBERT, JOHN M., 61 Commissioners st., general commission merchant and agent.
GUNDLACK, ALEXANDER, 61 Commissioners st., commission merchant, and agent for Tate’s line of steamers to Quebec.
HART, THEODORE, 6 St Sacrament st., general commission merchant.
HART, BENJAMIN, 6 St. Sacrament st. general commission merchant.
HORNE, GEORGE, 1 St. Sacrament st., commission and general agent terms reasonable, and returns prompt.
KER, JOHN, canal wharf, general commission merchant and forwarder.
LUSHER, EDWARD, St. Joseph, near St Paul St., commission agent, and agent for steamer “Jenny Lind,” and steam tow boats to Quebec.
M’NAUGHT, R., general commission merchant, 9 St. Nicholas st.
M’DONALD, JOHN, & Co., 16 St. Francois Xavier st., give particular attention to the purchase or sale of goods and produce.
MACDONALD, D. JUN. & Co., 7 Lemoine st. commission and general merchants.
MACDONALD & WILLIAMSON, Common st. canal wharf, commission and general merchants.
MITCHELL, JOHN & JAMES, 2 Lemoine st. general commission merchants.
PERKINS, J. A., 212 St. Paul st., general commission merchant and agent.
RUSSELL, COLIN, 73 St. Antoine st., general and commission merchant.
SCOTT, GILBERT, 2 St. Sacrament st. agent for Dunlop’s Albany ale, George Grove,. varnish manufacturer, and G. J. Scott’s glue, sand paper, and curled hair.
SENIOR, SAMUEL, 1S St. Francois Xavier st. general commission merchant, and agent for the St. Catherine’s powder magazine.
SMITH, J. B. & Co., 201 St. Paul st. general, commission, leather merchants, grocers, &c.
TYRE, COLQUHOUN & CO., 160A St. Paul st. general commission merchants.
VENNOR, HENRY & Co., 3 St. Sacrament st., general commission merchants.
WARD, JOSEPH, general commission merchant, 3 St. Sacrament st. representative of Alexander Denistoun & Co. New York.
WHYTE, JOHN, commission and general merchant, corner of St. Nicholas and St. Sacrament sts. particular attention paid to the purchase, sale, and shipping of merchandise.

Non Members
Auld, Edward W., 191 St. Paul st.
M’Limont, A. & Co., 33 St. Francois Xavier st.
Barnard, James, St. John st.
M’Farlane, Archibald & Co. 190 St. Paul st.
David, H. J., St. Joseph st.
Hayes, Andrew, 123 St. Paul st.
Dempster, George, St. Eloi st.
Lindsay, Charles, 3 St. Sacrament st.
Donegani, J. M., 61 Commissioners st.
M’Lennan, Hugh, Common,st.
Fraser, Hugh, St. Sacrament st.
Radenhurst, C. B., St. Sacrament st.
Kadwell, Charles, 123 St. Paul st.
Raymond, P., 162 St. Lawrence st.
Lindsay, William, St. Joseph st.
Russell, Hector, Commercial buildings, St. Paul st.
M’Gill, Andrew, 33 St. Francois Xavier st.

ALEXANDER, CHARLES, 177A Notre Dame st. parties supplied on short notice, a choice
variety of confectionery always on hand.
BOWIE, EDWARD, 57 Notre Dame st. every kind of confectionery supplied on the shortest notice to wedding or other parties.
CRERAR, D. W., 139 Notre Dame st. all kinds of confectionery for sale, wholesale or retail, upon reasonable terms.
FLETCHER, JOHN, 175 Notre Dame st. Fletcher’s celebrated hoarhound candy for sale wholesale or retail, confectionery of all kinds constantly on hand.
M’CONKEY SAMUEL, 105 Notre Dame st. confectionery, preserves, &c., constantly on hand parties supplied on short notice.
MCDOUGALL, JAMES, 195 Notre Dame st. confectionery of the best quality constantly for sale, wholesale and retail, at low prices.
WILLIAMS, RICHARD, Place d’Armes hill oysters, sandwiches, sardines, wines, liquors and ginger beer of superior quality always on hand.
Non Members
Birche, David, 57 St. Mary st.
King, Richard, 48 McGill st.
Burns, Mrs., 36 St. Joseph st.
McBride, William, 33 McGill st.
Hupre, Joseph, 38 St. Lawrence st.
Mochrie, George, 23 Notre Dame st.
Keiller, Mrs., 127 Notre Dame st.
Wilson, Abraham, 1 St. Joseph st.

BATTLE, THOMAS, general cooperage, St. Peter st., adjoining old St. Andrew’s church.
MCGIBBON & BROWN, general cooperage, Hospital st., near the Transcript office.
Bird, William, Queen st. Griffintown.
Howley, James. Wellington st.
Ferguson, A. & D., George st., Griffintown.
Lafricain, 0., 29 Campeau st.
Filiatrault, Octave, Seaton st.
Lafricain, E., 38 St. Lewis st.
Forbes, Joseph, St. Germain st.
Lozon, Francis, 37 St. Charles Borromee st.
Gunn, William, Common st., Griffintown.
Morin, Louis, Bonaventure st.
Eli, Peter, 15 Campeau st.
Tessier, Xavier, 62 St. Denis st.
Holliday, James, King st. Griffintown.

Coppersmiths, Brass-Founders And Plumbers
GARTH, CHARLES, 50 Craig st., coppersmith, plumber, baths and gasfitter. See card.
HEARLE, JAMES, 36 Great St. James st. coppersmith, plumber, gasfitter, and manufacturer of diving apparatus.
PROWSE, GEORGE F.,38 Great St. James st.,coppersmith, plumber and gasfitter. See card.
WARMINTON, RICHARD, 230 St. Paul st., opposite Greene & Sons, plumber, tinplate worker and gasfitter.
GIen, C., St. Peter st.
Mitchell, & McArthur, St. Henry st.

Copyists And Translators
CHERRIER, G. H., French and English translator, copyist, and collector, Dorchester st. near the hospital.
Bibaud Michael, French translator and copyist,
Lovelace, Robert, translator of French, German,75 Craig st.& Dutch, and copyist, St. Charles Borromee st.

Cork Manufacturer
PEARSON, GEORGE B., 3 St. Joseph st. near McGill st. importer and manufacturer of corks of all kinds.

Barsalo & Dominique, St. Nicholas st.


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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