1851 Montreal Canada Directory, Bakers to Butter Inspectors

Last Updated on November 9, 2012 by

In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.

FITTS, CLARK, biscuit, cracker and ship bread baker, 21 St. Joseph st.
FITTS, ARBA, & Co., biscuit, cracker and ship bread bakers, College st., next William’s brewery.
MCDOUGALL, JAMES, bread, cracker and ship bread baker, Wellington St
RAMSAY, M., bread, biscuit and ship bread baker, 22 St. Joseph st.
TILTON, S. P., bread, biscuit, cracker and ship bread baker, Grey Nun near Common K. WILLOCK J., bread, cracker and ship bread baker, 181 Notre Dame st., and 2 St.Peter st.

Non Subscribers
Aubertin, F., St. Margaret st.
Pominville, L., German st.
Benny, Walter, 27 St. Joseph st.
Prevost, R., St. Charles Borromee st.
Bowie, Alexander, 10 St. Lawrence st.
Provanche Z., 110 St Lawrence st.
Brankin, J., 3 Little St. James st.
Provanche, N., St. Lawrence st.
Clarke, William, 80 St. Mary st.
Tassie. John, 87 St. Lawrence st.
Cyphiot, S., St. Mary st.
Tomkins John, 102 St. Lawrence st.
Dupuis, J., 118 St. Antoine st.
Tellemosse, S., head of German st.
Lamb, James, 104 St. Mary st.
Trudelle Baptiste, Inspector st.
Leduc, D., & Co., St. Elizabeth st.
Venne, Joseph, 30 St. Antoine st.
Henderson, William, St. Alexander st.
Watson, Robert, St. Lawrence st.
McDougall, George, Wellington st.
Watt & Smith, 76 St. Maurice st.
McDonald, Archibald, King st.
Webster, John, Lagauchetiere near St Urbain st.
Mochrie, George, 23 Notre Dame st.
Wilscam, A., 169 St. Joseph st.

Bedstead And Wooden Chairmakers
Lamouche, A., 52 McGill st
Monarque, J. Baptiste, 7 McGill st.,

Bellows Maker
Linley, Charles, 161/2 St. Joseph st.,

Berlin Wool Stores
FOOTNER, MRS. & DAUGHTERS, 159 Notre Dame st. Berlin wools of every colour, jewelery, toys, stationery, fancy goods, artists’ colours and materials, &c., constantly on hand.
WALTON, MRS., 3 Odd Fellows’ Hall, Great St. James st. a large slack of Berlin wools and patterns for all kinds of fancy work, constantly on hand.

Blacking And Ink Manufacturer
HARDISTY, H. E., 22 Bonaventure st. blacking and ink of superior quality at wholesale or retail, on very moderate terms.

Block, Pump And Mastmakers
POET, J., corner of Vitre and Cote Sts., near the Free Church and Water st. opposite Point a Calliere wharf all orders executed promptly on reasonable terms, for cash.
Clark, James, corner of Common and Prince Sts.

Boarding Houses, Private
Aussem, Mrs., 16 Bonaventure st.
Charbonneau, M., 64 Craig st.
Civalier, Mrs., Viger Square.
Connell, Mrs., 46 Craig st.
Edmonds, Mrs., 4 Craig st.
Fax, Mrs., 23 McGill st
Genand, Mrs., 1 Craig st.
Giroux, J. R., 2 St. Vincent st.
Gosselin, Mrs., 3 St. Gabriel st.
Hood, Mrs., 6 Campeau st.
Labatt, Miss, 9 Bonaventure st.
Leprohon, Mrs., 59 and 61 Craig st.
McDougall, Mrs., 36 St. Dominique st
McKenzie, Mrs., 12 St John st
Morin, Mrs., 25 St. Maurice st
Murphy, Mrs., 34 St. Maurice st.
O’Brien, Mrs., 4 and 6 St. John st.
RICHARD, L., Jacques Cartier square travellers or permanent boarders will find this tobe a comfortable house, in a central and pleasant situation, and charges moderate.
ROBERTSON, MRS., Craig st., near St. Antoine st. has excellent accommodations for boarders in a central and healthy situation, and the terms are moderate.
Roussel, J., 19 St. Vincent st.
Smith, Mrs., 8 St. Joseph st.
Thornton, James, 4 St. Denis st.
Turgeon, O., 31 St Gabriel st.
Wand, Mrs., 34 St. Charles Borromee st.

Booksellers, Stationers And Binders
ARMOUR & RAMSAY, importers, and wholesale dealers in books, stationery and papers, publishers of the national school books, bookbinders and printers, 21 St. Francois Xavier st.
BARRATT, J. B., agent for George Virtue, Son & Co., of London, 107 Craig st.
BRYSON, CAMPBELL, bookseller, stationer, paper ruler, blank book manufacturer and publisher of the national and other school books, 24 St. Francois Xavier st.
BEALCHEMIN, O., bookseller, stationer and bookbinder, 81 St. Paul st. a choice stock of French books, &c., always on hand bookbinding neatly and promptly executed.
CHALMERS, R., & Co., booksellers, stationers, printsellers and dealers in fancy articles, &c., 8 Great St. James st.
Dawson, BENJAMIN, importer of English, French and American books, stationery, &c., and of English newspapers, and English and American magazines, reviews, &c., 2 Place d’Armes.
DREDGE, F. C., & A., stationers, paper rulers and bookbinders, 2291/2 St. Paul st.
paper ruling done to order in a superior manner with despatch, and upon moderate terms.
FABRE, E. R., & Co., importers of French books, stationery, engravings, &c., 3 St. Vincent st.
LAY, R. W., publisher and periodical depot, 195 Notre Dame st.
McCoy, JOHN, bookseller, stationer and printseller, and agent for the American Art Union, Insurance Company’s buildings, Great St. James st.
MCGREGOR, R., binder, 22 Great St. James st. bookbinding of every description executed in good style, and upon very reasonable terms.
MILLER, R., & A., booksellers, stationers and binders, and publishers of the national school books, 10 St. Francois Xavier st.
MILNE, JAMES, bookseller and agent for the Bible Society, the Religious Tract Society and the Sunday School union, 31 Great St. James st.
PICKUP, E., Wesleyan book depot, rear of Wesleyan church, Great St. James st., has constantly on hand Wesley’s Hymns and a variety of other religious publications, wholesale and retail.
ROLLAND, J. B., dealer in French books, stationery and fancy articles, book binder and paper ruler, 24 St. Vincent st.
SADLIER, D., & J., importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in hooks, stationery, engravings, &c., 179 Notre Dame st.
WEIR & DUNN importers, wholesale stationers and blank book manufacturers, Great St. James st., opposite the Bank of British North America.
Chapeleau, Z., 84 Notre Dame st.
McIntosh, William, binder, 13 St. Gabriel st.
Cunningham, H. H., 23 Notre Dame st.
Perrault, Louis, 7 St. Vincent st.
Flynn, James, second hand books, Alexander st.
Ruthven, James, stationer and binder, 204 St.Paul st.
Gendron, P., 29 St. Gabriel st.
Graham, Robert, stationer, 186 St. Paul st.
Tuttle, E. C., stationer, 167 St. Paul st.
Lamothe, J. M., 151 Notre Dame st.

Boot And Shoestores
BELL, JOSHUA & THOMAS, 114 Notre Dame st. a large stock of boots and shoes well adapted to the country trade, for sale at very low prices.
BRowN & CHILDS, 130 Notre Dame st. a superior stock of boots, shoes, leather, &c., constantly for sale upon favorable terms.
DANGERFIELD, WILLIAM, 111 1/2 Notre Dame st. an excellent stock of every article in the line constantly on hand, or made to order.
ELLIOTT, S., 160 Notre Dame st. boots and shoes of every description always on hand or made to order, upon moderate terms.
EVANS, S., 36 McGill st. boots and shoes of all kinds for sale wholesale or retail very low for cash.
HALDANE, JAMES, 203 Notre Dame st. a large stock constantly on hand, and for sale wholesale or retail, at low prices.
HARDING, JOHN, 111 Notre Dame st. merchants from Canada west are invited to call and examine the stock here, before making their purchases terms liberal.
HAWKINS & SLACK, 126A Notre Dame st. every article in the line for sale wholesale or retail, on the lowest possible terms.
LAIRD, A. W., 105 Notre Dame st. a well made stock of boots and shoes of every description, for sale very low.
RoNALD, ALEXANDER, 127 1/2 Notre Dame st. keeps always on hand a superior stock of every article in his line, wholesale or retail, at low prices.
SCHOLES, FRANCIS, 107A Notre Dame st. boots and shoes of the best quality for sale wholesale or retail, on very reasonable terms.
SLOAN, JOHN, 122A Notre Dame st. keeps on hand or makes to order boots and shoes of the best quality, at low prices for cash.
THOMPSON, EDWARD, 99 Notre Dame st. gentlemen’s boots from 7s. 6d. to 20s. per pair, and shoes in proportion ladies’ boots from 5s. 6d. to 9s. per pair, and shoes equally low the public are invited to call and see.
THOMPSON, HUGH., 215 St. Paul st. French and English calf skins, sole leather, lin?
ings, bindings, boots and shoes, &c., constantly on hand and for sale low.
SMYTH, WILLIAM, & Co., 46 McGill st. an excellent stock of boots and shoes of all
kinds constantly for sale wholesale or retail, upon favorable terms.

Non Subscribers
Anderson, James, 209 St. Paul st.
Arcouette, L. C., 78 Notre Dame st.
Austin, James, 173 Notre Dame st.
Barron, W., 75 St. Lawrence st.
Beatty, Charles, 97 Notre Dame st.
Blundell, James, 177 Notre Dame st.
Bourgoin, Isidore, 157 St. Paul st.
Busseau, H., 159 St. Paul st.
Chase, T., corner of St. Catherine and German sts.
Collins, D., Place d’Armes hill.
Contant, J., 58 St. Mary st.
Cooke. Robert. agent, 120 Notre Dame st.
Douglas, William, 41 St. Joseph st.
Dugal, E., 42 Notre Dame st.
Fegan, Peter, Wellington st.
Fegan. Edward, 232 St. Paul st.
Flanagan, J., St. Maurice st.
Grant. John, 10 St. Paul st.
Harmer, D., 58 St. Lawrence st.
Harold. John, 16 St. Mary st.
Hunter, George, 121 Commissioners st.
Jackson, Thomas, 236 St. Paul st.
Johnson, William, 171 Notre Dame St.
Lang, Richard, 151 Notre Dame st.
Larue Pierre, 107 St. Paul st.
Logan, Andrew, 62 Bleury st.
Martin, Hugh, 84 St. Mary st.
McKerchar, Charles, Jacques Cartier square.
Monaghan, Alexander, 12 St. Mary st.
Paquet, S., Campeau st.
Pears, Carter, 137 Commissioners st.
Perry, John, 185l Notre Dame st.
Pomeroy, A.; St. Mary st.
Pudsey, A., St. Dominique st.
Ranson, John, Vitre st.
Robinson, Francis, 127 Notre Dame st.
Rolland & Lapierre, 80 St. Paul st.
Sheridan, John, 119 St. Paul st.
Smith, John, St. Mary st.
Thibodeau, 0., 81 St. Paul st.
Tracy & Fegan, 4 Wellington st.
Tuott, Olivier, 47 St. Paul st.
Watson, Richard, 98 St. Lawrence st.

Brewers And Distillers
Dow & Co., Brewers And Distillers, St. Joseph St., Near Chaboillez Square.
Molson, T. & W., Brewers And Distillers, St. Mary St.
Phillips, H., & Co., Brewers, 170 St. Lawrence St.
Stuart, C. D., Rectifying Distiller, 49 Notre Dame St.
Williams, Miles, Jun., Brewer, College St.
Lachapelle, A., Brewer, 117 St. Mary St.
Prentice, E., Brewer, St. Bernard T.

COLLIS, R. D., produce and general broker, 20 St. Franccois Xavier st.
DINNING, JOHN G., accountant and general broker, 13 St. Sacrament st.
EsDAILE, J. & It., produce and general brokers, Sacrament st.
GEDDES, CHARLES, produce and general broker, 201 St. Paul st., up the gateway.
HEWARD, AGUSTUS, produce and general broker, Commercial Chambers, St. Sacrament St.
SCOTT, JAMES, jun., ashes and general broker, 27 St. Francois Xavier st.
Fairbairn, John, St. Nicholas st.
Macdougall, Brothers, 32 St. Franrcois Xavier st.
Glass, John, 10 St. Sacrament st.
Taylor, Thomas M., St. John st.

Jenking, Thomas, 238 St. Paul st.
Killock & Co., corn brooms, 93 Craig st.
Kirkup, Joseph, 138 St. Paul st.
Nichol, John, corner of St. Paul and St.
Wilson, James, 57 Bleury st.

Butchers In Bonsecours Market
Stall No.
1. Augustine Lesperance
2. Joseph Corbeille
3. Hypolite Roy
4. Francis Leblanc
5. Richard Equiton
6. J. B. Delaurier
7. Gotleib Reinhart
8. Robert Stevenson
9. Gotleib Reinhart
10. Francis Riendeau
11. Xavier Delaurier
12. James Smith
13. Joseph Dajenais
14. Robert Stevenson
15. J. B. Brousseau
16. Ernest Idler
17. Walter Prendergrast
18. Daniel Sexton
19. Charles Mitchel
20. Adolphus Riendeau
21. Edward St. Jean
22. George Fullam
23. Philip Seybold
24. George Fullam
25. Edward Perrault
26. Joseph Girard
27. Louis Picard
28. Joseph Cinq’mars
29. David Reinegar
30. Joseph Beaudouin
31. Joseph Montmarquet
32. Charles Laprise
33. Louis Beaucaire
34. Moyise Lavine
35. Joseph Corveille
36. Edward Richelieu
37. Joseph Lesperance
38. Andre Monarque
39. Joseph Corrivost
40. Louis Dallaire
41. Hubert Dajenais
42. Joseph Gerard
43. Francis Richelieu
44. J. B. Picard
45. Louis Lachapelle
46. Edward Rousseau
47. Charles Boutelier
48. Thomas Moore
49. Antoine Demers
50. Andre Normandin
51. Henry Gauthier
52. Charles Normandin
53. John Mitchel
54. J. B. Lesperance
55. M Laroche
56. Hypolite Roy
57. J. B. Lesperance
58. P. Mathurin
59. Edward Monarque
60. Jacques Goyette
61. Antoine Goyette
62. Xavier Collin
63. J. B. Lecompte
64. Laurant Collin
65. J. B. Sabourin
67. Joseph Bourdon
69. Leandre Prevost
70. Leon Derome
Joseph A. Bourdon, clerk of Market.

Butter Inspector


The Canada Directory containing the names of the professional and business men of every description in the cities towns and principal villages of Canada November 1851.

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