A Village situated in the Township of Stamford. County of Welland, Canada West distant from Hamilton,. 48 miles from Toronto, by land, 107 miles, by water, 50 miles. Population about 550.
In the following Directory the names which appear in CAPITALS are those of subscribers to the work.
Alphabetical List Of Professions, Trades, &C.
BROWN, (EDWARD) & SERPELL, (J.,) bakers.
CHADWICK, BENJAMIN, grocer and provision merchant.
GOODWIN, WILLIAM, Commercial hotel.
LOWELL, WILLIAM, general merchant, J. P.
MATHIESON, GEORGE, dry goods and general merchant, and Company.
MORSE, AUSTIN, cabinetmaker and upholsterer.
SHEARS, GEORGE, Clifton hotel, Niagara Falls.
WOODRUFF, JOSEPH C., general merchant.
Non Subscribers
Bender, George & John, tanners.
Bigger, Charles, cooper.
Blackwell, John H., M. D.
Brown, H., carpenter.
Chadwick, James, shoemaker.
Clark, John, tailor.
Cole. Jesse, shoemaker.
Creighton, John, innkeeper.
Culp, Isaac IL, blacksmith.
Dalton, George, carpenter.
Duffey, George, Canada house inn.
Ellis, Thomas, innkeeper.
Evans, John, Exchange hotel.
Fields, William, wagon maker.
Gray, Archibald, blacksmith.
Henly, R. H., chemist and druggist.
Inglis, Rev. C. L., Church of England.
Latshaw, John, carpenter.
Leeming, Rev. W., Church of England.
Lynch. Rev. Mr., Roman Catholic.
M`Gillie, Lanty, Railway hotel.
Mackenzie, Donald, carpenter.
Martin, John, tailor.
Misner, John, cabinetmaker.
Morse, Austin, cabinetmaker.
Newburn, Francis C., M.D.
Pew and Ross, coach makers.
Rose, William, innkeeper.
Russell, William, brewer.
Ryerson, Rev. E. M., Wesleyan.
Rysdale, George, butcher.
Scott, Thomas, National hotel.
Serpell & Brown, bakers.
Simpson, George, auctioneer and land
Skinner, Frederick, saddler.
Wait & Orr. Misses, milliners.
Weaver, John, saddler.
Wilkinson, Rev. W., Baptist.